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Has anybody refused to use Landesk? I don't want to - installe it on my personal equipment.

Posted: May 24, 2013

The email I got said something about it being company policy to allow them maintain my computer but I've never seen that. I don't want them being able to access my computer whenever they want and install/remove stuff.  I used to have one computer just for work but it died so I've been having to use my personal one until I can save up enough (on these meager wages) to buy a new one.

I just wondered if anybody refused to install it and if so, how well that went over.

Cannot install - MT

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I have tried, but I have a company supplied computer back from the Spheris days, it is very slow sometimes. I have tried but keep getting an error message. Have not yet called help desk. If it was a personal computer I would not have the software on there.

I haven't refused but I haven't installed it either - anon

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I have received 2 emails telling me I have to do it, which I have ignored. If they push it, I will request a company supplied computer because I refuse to put it on my personal computer.

To the dislike person, why should I put spyware on - my personal computer?

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If the company supplies the computer, they can do anything they want to it. This is my personal computer that I paid for, they supplied me a foot pedal and nothing more and have no right to put useless software on my computer that will interfere with it's performance.

I have a feeling the only "person" who would dislike my post stating I refuse to install this would be MModal spy. Clearly they do watch these boards.

Landesk - I don't want either - cr

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They put pressure on me from time to time to install it, but so far I haven't. I don't want it on my computer either. I know there'll eventually be a showdown about it, in which case, if need be, I'll let them fire me. I requested a company computer be sent to me with it already installed, but haven't received any answer regarding that.

My spyware program will not let it install - me

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I also use my own computer and when I tried to install it, it was identified as spyware and rejected. I'm not going to disable my antivirus/spyware program to install it.

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