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Religious reasons for not changing your hours, can you get UE? - nan

Posted: Jan 29, 2013

It may be state to state also but let's say you had a religious reason for not working saturdays or sundays and they said to you "if you work sundays and saturdays you will have work" but you were not hired to work these dates as you stated when you were hired it was because of religious reasons, can you get unemployment? They are changing your schedule that you didn't sign up for, for a reason, religious objection. Just wondering.

UE - sm

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If you have a contract for this company stating this, it is worth a try.

I, however, just would not work those days and see if you get fired. Then if you have your contract apply to UE and you should have no problem.

If they start not giving you work also because you refuse to work Sat or Sun or very little work, then go to UE and apply for partial UE.

However, if you quit for this reason you might not get UE.

and some people wonder.... - anon

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why this profession is in the state it is in or why they are making such low wages. It is because they have to overhire to cover MTs as the OP as well as pay for a QA babysitter to go over their work they do not feel like proofing....I am sorry, but healthcare is 24/7. If after you try this, do not be surprised if you are sitting around with NJA.

And no I do not expect my transcriptionists to work during church hours, etc., but the most I ask for is help with 1 report on the weekend, which is OK to come in Monday morning my time, afternoon her time.

Employee status means being a team player, assisting on the weekends as well to keep the accounts in TAT, so you have a job during the week.

Are you a small MTSO? I guess you are not - familiar with the games SM

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played by the big 2. Not only to they offshore most of the work, they overhire just in case. They have no allegiance to anyone or anything except profit. Now with EPIC and other EHRs coming on board, it is going to be even more difficult to get enough work. The right and moral thing to do would be to address the issues of this industry honestly and lay off MTs so they can collect UE until they can find another job. People can be played with only so much and then they break. The big 2 hope you break so you will quit and they will be off the hook for UE. Everything you wrote used to be true, I would bet that most of the MTs on this board used to work for someone who treated them fairly, paid equitably, etc., and the MTs went out of their way to pitch in and do their part to make the company great, working extra, working weekends, etc., whatever was needed. How long to do expect MTs to keep doing their part when the company no longer cares whether they become homeless or can't feed their children.

Just curious where you draw the line. - sm

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If you hire an employee for set hours/set days, let's say here M-F/9-5, and you have them sign paperwork stating such upon hire, just how much do you expect you can get away with using the "healthcare is 24/7" excuse? Can you suddenly change them to Sunday - Thursday? How about changing them to four 10-hour shifts? Is it okay to change them to 2nd or 3rd shift to fit your needs?

Now try this situation... if you hire an employee M-F/9-5, have them sign paperwork stating such upon hire, and that employee doesn't show up on time to work the agreed upon schedule, is that acceptable? I mean, healthcare is 24/7, so it will be there at 10:00 or 11:00, right?

Shifting the blame to the MT for the company changing the terms agreed upon when hired, IMO, is unacceptable, and using the "healthcare is 24/7" line is insulting. Even more insulting is expecting the employee to not only accept the violation of the hiring agreement without question and work hours that they were not hired to work, but then expect them to sit there with no work once the change is made.

I hope the OP (and anyone else in the same situation) contacts the DOL or an attorney to find out what their rights are. Whether the employee cannot work because of religious reasons, childcare reasons, or because of their own healthcare needs is not the issue here... it's the company that's violating the terms of hire. If the company needs someone to work weekends, let them hire someone to work the weekends.

I think people should contact department of labor - and the unemployment office

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It is not what I wanted to hear, but I was told by unemployment that if you are offered work and refuse, that you will not collect unemployment.

Please note, I do not work for unemployment, I am not a suit, I am not angry or bitter, I am just stating what I was told.

Call the unemployment office and ask but - when I was hired (sm)

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the letter specifically stated they have every right to change your schedule based on client's needs. So you either accept the change or move on in your career to a place either closed on Sundays or whatever religious needs you have or will not require you work those days.

You might want to consider something in a small clinic or physician's office that's closed on weekends. Good luck!

Why the dislike on this post? - me

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I think it's a legitimate question. For example, if you are Jewish you are not permitted to work on the Sabbath which is from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Also Catholics are taught that Sunday is a day of rest and is a violation of the 3rd commandment to work on Sunday. So I really do not understand the dislike on here. Atheist maybe?

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