A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Reasons for discontent with Nuance - nn

Posted: Jul 31, 2013

I know Nuance management watches this board carefully and know they are aware of issues we have, but wanted once again to put it in black and white.  Main issues are, in my humble opinion:

1.  Horrible health insurance.  Basically just major medical.  Makes me look forward to whatever Obamacare might offer.
2.  Fiesa and QA/QC that make mountains out of molehills and seem to be intent on making us feel we are only worth the pittance we receive.
3. The bonuses and difficulties you throw in our path to keep from paying them out anymore than you have to. 
4. The pay, of course is a biggie.  We do more and more correcting/transcribing etc. for less and less.  The speech recognition program is a joke.  For one day I wish we could (without causing harm to patients) just let all SR jobs go through as they are.  See how the clients like what they are paying for. 

These are just a few of the main complaints I have.  I know others might want to add to this. 

I know it won't do any good, management is NEVER going to pay attention to us little peons, but I feel better for putting it out there.


They do not troll this post to learn - but to intimidate

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I have known TL's to go after employees who use this site and tell them to knock it off. They do not care what we think. If they did it would get better, not worse and worse. Just look out for yourself and your friends and find a way out ASAP.

How do - they find out? nm

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They find out if you post enough info - to identify yourself

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Or they'll reply to you via e-mail, and then, if you actually e-mail them back, then they find out who you are.

Since I don't work there anymore, I don't care anymore.

Still cranky, still on the beach (figure it out)
I use a fake email address. :) nm - mt2
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P.S. I never check it so never reply to any emails. - mt2
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Forgot that part.

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