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Question for Transcenders & MDIers re the 8-hour weekend day - Unsure MDIer

Posted: Nov 30, 2009

Does anyone know if the 8-hour per weekend day requirement stated in the "handbook" online applies to part-time people?  Did anyone ask about this in the conference call?  Do they really expect people to work every single weekend and never have one off unless they schedule it off?  Most places I know even full-time people work say one weekend a month or every other weekend.  I don't know any place that requires someone to commit to one weekend day every single weekend.  How strict are they on this?  I'm assuming that I have to agree to it if I sign the paper work, but that's an impossible commitment for me to make.

Well, I guess I better read the handbook sm - MDI as well

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to get up to speed on all the changes that will be taking place. I am not surprised by this nor anything else that will change in the coming months. It is what it is, and I need to work. Judging from what I have read here, it is difficult to find a job in this business.

8-hour work day on the weekends - MDIgranny

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I work FT for a hospital, plus I have a co-worker who used to work for Trascend part-time. She told me that she was required to work an 8-hour day on the weekends and had a schedule to follow throughout the week. She was PT. She was flexing the hospital schedule like mad. She just could not do it anymore so quit. I have already told C that I cannot do that and will be working out my December schedule and that would be it. This is my second job and there are others out there that need to work for the service more than me. This is their only job. My husband actually said, "you are not working a full 8-hour day on the weekends". Whew, that was the deal breaker.

I don't think so - sm

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Per the conference calls, we were told nothing would change at least for now. If what we were doing now as a team worked, that those regs would not apply to us in the merger. However, I do expect at some point that will change. That is really about the industry standard anymore.

It's not the standard. There are better companies. - nm

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Weekends - NorCalMT

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I worked EVERY Saturday for MDI for 19 months before the merge; I traded days once in a while for personal days off but that was my schedule upon hire, Tues-Sat. Gotta do whatcha gotta do sometimes. I sucks for sure.

There are plenty of companies who haven't - sm

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been taken over by the corporate mentality who still hire full-timers for Mon-Fri and part-timers for evenings and weekends. There are plenty of part-timers and those looking for 2nd jobs who are happy to take those shifts for extra income. Transcend is being ridiculous.

Isn't coverage of off-hours and crappy shifts their excuse for - OFFSHORING your jobs?

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Most places just hire PT MTs for that. - nm

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Only the crappy ones offshore anyway.
Which was my point entirely - this company claims - AnonyBoo
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that they offshore to cover the late nights and crap shifts that nobody else wants. If that is so, why aren't they using those Indian MTs to cover these weekend hours?

I would ask about this - MDIer also concerned

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My accounts are private office so I am not too concerned about this finding in the handbook, but I am going to be PT, though I do not do acute care. Maybe it is best that I don't. Anyway, I would ask C or someone at Transcend directly about this. I really feel that this handbook is just a "general outline" as they have so many different companies that have merged recently. For specifics we need to ask and then keep a copy of that answer, in our email folder somewhere. That is the best thing to do when these different questions arise.

Looks like Transcend is catering more to MDI than I have ever seen. - Good Luck!

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Weekends - BTDT

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You can kiss your weekends goodbye. I know from past experience.

Most large companies require it . . . - Hiya

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From my experience and looking at job posts, A LOT of companies, especially the larger MTSOs, advertise for work weeks that include a weekend day - now whether you decide to work at night so you have the day free is another thing. That is what I've done in the past is work a split shift or work in the evening so I'd have day off with my kids. Worked Saturday night into Sunday until 1 or 2 a.m., then switched to Sunday night to Monday 1 to 2 a.m. You have to do what the job requires if you're an employee. If you're an IC, no matter what people on these boards say about IC choosing their own schedule, that is a fallacy and we all know it. Legally, yes, but in theory, no. You do have the right to refuse to accept the work and move on, but if you decide to work for them, more than likely, you will work as close to the time they need you. Just my 2.

Weekend day - Transcend MT

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That is a committment in stone for both full and part time people. It will be interesting if you MDIers are able to get out of it if the rest of the Transcend employees can't. I'm beginning to think you MDIers think way too much of yourselves. Just because you were paid a penny or 2 more per line than other companies doesn't automatically make you better transcriptionists than the rest of us. Get over yourselves, take the job and live with the rules or don't. Don't keep trying to get something the rest of us employees can't get.

Your post reeks of jealousy - sm

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As an MDIer, I certainly don't think of myself as better than another MT based on an employer alone. We're only going by what we were told by Transcend, which is that as long as it was working, our schedules would not be changed.

Your post comes across as being a little jealous at the fact that we were obviously promised things that are contrary to what you are receiving. We can't help that. You negotiated your own deal. Perhaps if you're not happy with what you're getting, you should move on.

Thanks for the laugh! Nothing to be jealous about... - been there

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You all are just going down the same road we have already gone down. We are just reading about all of the expectations you have until the bumps come. I will admit they are really promising you all more than any other merger I have seen them do, but then again you will have more to lose later.
Hate to burst your bubble of laughter but - sm
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I have nothing to lose. I've already interviewed for another position (waiting to hear back) and have 2 more interviews coming up outside of the MT world. Better pay and state bennies. Of course, I don't need the bennies since my husband already carries state bennies, but double retirement would be nice!

Keep your attitude; I'm sure it will take you far in life.
I think she was referring to the people staying on, not you - or people jumping ship!
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Nice of you to get your bragging rights out though. It's nice you don't have to go for the ride. I think a lot of us are looking for better jobs, not just you.
and I really do hope you find - sm
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something better. My initial post was in response to Transcend MT where she states that MDIers think they're better than everyone else and that we don't deserve what we've been promised. She had a lot of nerve posting that and I don't feel my bragging rights were out of line.
Deserving - Transcend MDI
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Why do you feel I had a lot of nerve? You people are coming to a company already in existence and feel the rules that every other employee of Transcend have to follow shouldn't pertain to you. You are the "newbies" at this company no matter how many years you have at MDI. MDI will no longer exist as of Jan 1, 2010. So what makes you special? I am an MT from Transcend's first merger...things stayed the same for about 4-6 months and then started changing...I give this merger the same amount of time. I just think you MTs who are coming over should consider yourselves the same as the rest of us and follow the same rules and stop whining about things not being the same.
And yet we were told that MDI will continue to exist - Hard to tell
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and that MDI is a "wholly owned subsidiary of Transcend," but we were told we will still receive our paychecks from MDI. But then that our last check from MDI will be in February and then we'll start being paid by Transcend. Confusing.
I'd be willing to bet - sm
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that not everyone at Transcend is following the same rules as you. There isn't a company out there that treats all employees equally. Secondly, MDI is a wholly owned subsidiary of Transcend. It will remain in existence. Our years served with MDI will remain with Transcend as well. It says so right in our contract. We do not become employees status until February 1, 2010.

This isn't my first merger and I expect things to appear peachy for the first few months (the honeymoon phase) and then slowly begin to change. We have a right to voice our opinion about the changes and if we can negotiate a change for the better for ourselves, then we do deserve it...because we fought for it. It sounds like you went through something very similar and lost your battle. Sorry about your luck, but why take it out on us?

I really see and agree with what you are saying... sm - tj
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The company I worked for was bought out last December and we had like a week to adjust. I would like to have an e-mail buddy with someone that came over then, but I also understand that somehow contacting each other is a big no-no. I think the MDIers just had more time and more fight in them than we did, so we just went along more easily, but I am starting to think that a lot of us from the last December merger have already left.

I agree, but unfortunately I think they are being lied to... - was hopeful too

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and will eventually get no more than the rest of us at Transcend do. It is sad since a lot of them are looking so forward to making more than most of us and are also not thinking they can only keep their benefits as long as they make that 950 every pay period, which is hard on 4 cents a line for VR and is also hard working on BeyondTXT. Right now they are in the spoiled honeymooner stage. Later on next year it will probably be the lost my benefits/can't make a decent living phase. I tried the keeping my head up and hoping for the best and believing the wonderful talk. Unfortunately I really need the job until I find something else that pays me more than 250 a week.

The one good thing about working one weekend day is... - tj

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being able to schedule appointments and run errands on that one weekday off while other people are at work, not as crowded for shopping. The bad thing is when they schedule one of their mandatory conference calls on your day off and you have to scramble getting things done and make sure you get back home in time.

I agree. Completely. - CrankyOldBroadOnTheBeach

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My shift is Tuesday-Saturday, and if something comes up that I need to do on a Saturday morning, I can flex my time. Usually I just front-load the week ahead of time.

When people expressed surprise that I had to work on Thanksgiving, I just said, "Hospitals are open 24/7/365. Somebody has to work."

The same goes for weekends. I suppose if one had a family they could only spend time with on weekends, that could be an issue. I don't, so it doesn't bother me, and I do like having Monday available for errands, banking, doing the bills, etc.

I think the Hospital Medical Records Department was closed - on Thanksgiving though nm

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Same here - MDIMT

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Having been an employee of MedQuist, I don't consider this any worse than what happened there, and I've never considered myself above any other MT. What is happening here with the merger is happening all over, and this is the wave of the future. You will always have someone who hates or loves the company they work for, but we are all MTs,and should be helping one another, not belittling each other. So what if this is the "honeymoon" phase..is it so wrong to want something better, or hope that it is better. We all know what offshoring has done to our profession, but it as hinted at a year ago, when I was hired by MDI, that this might happen in the future, and it has. We want to get along with our fellow MTs at Transcend, and I am sorry for the MTs there that feel they are being slighted by this merger with MDI. We will see what the future holds, and I wish the best to everyone.

Diskriter requires one weekend day. - mtmtmt

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That's why I quit.

MDI changed this a long time ago. - also w/MDI

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I was hired with MDI back in the first part of the year and I was told I HAD to do at least 1 weekend day in my shift, every weekend when I was hired.

It sounds like things will pretty much stay the same with Transcend as far as the schedule. Once I got used to it, I really don't mind it. Plus, when you think about it, we have 24 hours to complete our commitment. If you have something planned on the weekend, you can still do it. I just adjust my work time around my plans. If you want a particular weekend off, you can just request it off.

Another thing I've found is that when the work load is light, I can make my lines so much easier on the weekend because no one wants Saturdays. I'm usually done in less than 5 hours and make well over 1000 lines. If I start at 7, I'm usually done before noon and I have my whole day anyway. I expect this will change though since now they require 7 hour days for full time and it sounds like they're going to start requiring 1 weekend day for everyone.

Webmedx makes you commit to a weekend day - never get a "real weekend"

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When I hired on I was told it was required. Even though there's often not 8 hours worth of work on Saturday, I'm forced to be there, and my supe won't change it - my schedule must include either Saturday or Sunday. And many times I'm forced to work BOTH, due to lack of work on Saturday I have to try to make the time up Sunday (our weeks run Mon-Sun).

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