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Any Transcenders out there not making their minimum lines? - mt

Posted: Jun 14, 2011

I'm just wondering.  I've been with Transcend going on three years now and have never made my minimum lines for part-time.  I've always just worked my shift.  It was never an issue of me hitting my $450 or not.  Now all of a sudden my job is in jeopardy because I'm not hitting it.  I work evenings so I can have help with my kids, but now I'm having to flex days as well to try to meet these lines (horrible ESL and losing a lot of my blank lines have given me quite the paycut).  I'm wondering if there are others out there not meeting their lines and whether or not you are being hassled and/or threatened termination for it?  I know that it states we are supposed to be at least making $450 per pay period, but I never did out of the more than 2 years I worked there, and now all of a sudden it's a problem.  Am I alone in this?

I always meet my minimum, but it takes a lot of time to do it. What I really - no

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want is that job of the person who apparently has nothing better to do than post links on facebook all day for "reading", like we have time to do our job and read everything he/she thinks is wonderful. What a waste. The salary there is probably a lot higher than we get for slaving over that horrible VR program and slow BeyondTxt program

I know exactly what you mean - mt

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I meet the minimum sometimes, but with the kids home now for summer, I am having a harder time making it. I really don't want to hear from people telling me I should put my kids in daycare, because with the slave wages we make, I couldn't afford it. I don't even think my paycheck would cover it. However, I see on the MlS site that they are always looking for QA and TLs, and it says "must be making the $450 minumum," which leads me to believe there must be others not hitting it, otherwise there would be no reason to throw that out there. I'm just wondering if I am being constructively terminated. If I have to make it, so does everyone else. I used to love this job when I was left alone. Now I dread it.

Sounds like you want a job that lets you work only if you feel like it. Well, this is - granny crabapple

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one time I definitely agree with Transcend. These not-even part-timers that come in and take the work during the times when we are low, or only work if there is a bonus, only work if the dictators are good, etc., need to be put off payroll. Those of us who depend on this for paying our mortgage/rent, buying groceries, and just surviving, etc, get very unhappy when you "occasionals" pop in and take our work. I make almost double the minimum every single pay period and it does not take that long to do it. I think kids are just an excuse and you need to teach them that you have responsibilities, too, and set a good example for them by working when you said you would and making the lines you said you would make.
Granny Crabapple good for you, making double. Don't speak for the majority. - anon
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Don't go saying things that are not true either. You sit there and judge that all these who cannot get their lines are part time and young who don't want to work. I have slaved for years. Maybe you get the cream of the crop too, Granny Smith. Maybe get doube too because of your cherry picking. We all work for EVERYTHING to live also. Not just grannies. Don't ruin the good image.
I don't like having to flex or take jobs from others - mt
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I was perfectly happy making what I was making working evenings. They were fine with it too for two years. Then all of a sudden it was not okay anymore and I was told to flex. As for my kids, two of them are under two, so trying to explain to them that I am working isn't going to happen. I always work my scheduled shift, and now I have to work even more than that. And I do only do this part-time, but that doesn't mean I don't need money either. If they kick me of the payroll, they will definitely have a need for night shift as me and one other person are the ones covering the shift. Have at it, granny.
Transend quota and difficult work - MT 30+ years and CMT too
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Hey Granny from me too, I also don't see how you get a good line count. My accounts are awful to the point that I said I would quit if I couldn't change and did. They are a little better now, but I keep getting all the short jobs or rotten dictators with problems and where are all those nice 10+ minute H&Ps, etc? I could get a nice line count if I could get my share of the good stuff. It takes me my whole shift to get half the quota compared to making top dollar at the local hospital with incentive pay. So, I am not stupid or lazy either. I have worked at home for 11 years and make less money now than I did then due to the changes in work benefits, pay levels, and type of work I can get. I do acute care/clinic/all types and my accounts just don't cut it for me. Well, you did call yourself crabapple. Me too!

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