There is life after MT'ing - Let go MT Posted: Sep 25th, 2023 - 6:35 am
I was let go last October from Aquity Solutions after 27 years of working at home as an MT and just watching my wages dwindle down to barely 13 to 14 dollars an hour after making 22 dollars an hour back in the 80s. I hung on because it was all I knew and I loved working at home. Got the phone call, thanks, but we do not need you anymore, not anything you did, blah, blah, blah. No thank you for your 27 years of service, no severence package, and just locked out of the system within 5 minutes. I looked into working in the medical field again, but decided to look at other possibilities. I finally landed in a little privately owned boutique store in a local town working 3 days a week (which is all I was working at home at that point because of being dropped to part-time during Covid anyway), was started at 16.00 dollars an hour and just received a raise and am making 18.00 dollars an hour. It has just blown my mind to be appreciated for my hard work and dedication to a job again. I should mention I have also been gifted gift cards and concert tickets already from the owner. My point here is, find a job if you can by a private owner who will appreciate you for the hard working person you are, especially if you come from my generation of showing up to work, not calling in sick, and volunteering to fill in when needed. I love this job and can't believe my luck of finding this little piece of heaven. I am working weekends, but such is life right now. My children are grown and gone and my husband understands. So, to any of my fellow ex-Aquity Solution MT's out there. I hope that you too have found something out there and realized that there are employeers who actually treat their employees right.
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There is life after MT'ing - Let go MT (Views: 1764, 2023-09-25, 6:35 am)
- Me Too - see msg (Views: 858, 2023-09-25, 8:19 am)
- Same - LT/MT (Views: 791, 2023-09-26, 6:58 am)
- Agree 100% - LinK (Views: 698, 2023-09-26, 11:18 am)
- same - oasis (Views: 602, 2023-09-27, 1:48 pm)
- Same here - Got out (Views: 838, 2023-09-26, 7:05 pm)