I do both and recently I had two responses from my - post above. One never Posted: Oct 14th, 2023 - 10:20 am In Reply to: Hope scoping is better than actually having to type - a transcript,
followed through, and the second called me directly, and we had a very, very good productive conversation. The second one is well on her way to getting a job as a legal scopist and/or straight legal transcript typing for depositions.
To answer your question more specifically, I make a very, very healthy income and have not encountered the problems you have. We do get some of the CR notes as you described; however, I have been doing this long enough that many times I do not even use them or need them. When we do the audio files based on the the AI system, we have very, very little corrections required. You can shoot through a 300, 400, 500 page transcript in short order. Just to give you an average, depending on the system I am using, I average between $ 35.00 to $ 60.00 an hour. Legal is similar to MT in that you can have crappy audio at times, but we are NOT held to their slop -- it goes back to the attorneys/clients and they have to figure out their own slop. We give them as clean of a record as we can based on the quality of what they submitted to us.
I love my job, and as I stated before, I have helped many others get into this field. Most recently, I had two from this board email me directly (about 2 weeks ago); one did not follow through with the phone contact and the second one did. We had a great conversation; and I am now helping her get established in the legal field. From speaking with her directly, I think she will do very, very well.
I am not sure who you work for, and I suppose I really don't need to know that, but if there is any way I can help you, I would be more than happy/willing to do so.
Good luck! You sound like you are on a good path, and I wish you all the best.
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- There is life after MT'ing - Let go MT (Views: 1824, 2023-09-25, 6:35 am)
- Me Too - see msg (Views: 863, 2023-09-25, 8:19 am)
- Same - LT/MT (Views: 801, 2023-09-26, 6:58 am)
- Agree 100% - LinK (Views: 708, 2023-09-26, 11:18 am)
- same - oasis (Views: 612, 2023-09-27, 1:48 pm)
- Same here - Got out (Views: 849, 2023-09-26, 7:05 pm)