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I got out, as well, right after Covid - And I LOVE my job

Posted: Sep 27th, 2023 - 3:40 pm In Reply to: There is life after MT'ing - Let go MT

I moved into legal scoping (and I also get a lot of medicolegal work, which I LOVE). The pay is phenomenal, never a penny off, and pay always on time.

I have also posted on here, and helped others make the transition when openings came about. I was attacked nonstop for "bragging". I don't give a rat's ass. I know I am helping others reach the same financial stability I have, and I am proud and grateful to be able to do so. I still work from home, which saves a tremendous amount of gas money.

I stopped posting the companies I work for a while ago (two of them...will never put all my eggs in one basket like I did with MT work), as the owners were sick of some of the comments/contacts coming from this board by the hateful trolls with an entitlement mentality. When someone contacts me personally with a serious request in mind, along with a solid resume, I help when I can. I will not stop helping those I can.

Unfortunately, there are some on this board that cannot stand to see anyone do well; that's their problem, not mine. Some have a very snotty attitude, which I am sure comes through when they interview; again, their problem, not mine.

Everyone has their own personal reasons for taking the jobs they do, which is no one's business. No one has to explain to someone else why they chose the jobs they did, at the pay they did, unless those doing the "shaming and blaming" are paying their bills. Some of the trolls on this board think they have all the answers to everyone's situation, but can't seem to dig themselves out of the hole they dug -- seems they feel better about attacking others for their lack of resourcefulness.


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