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Pennies a line. Literally. - sleepymt

Posted: Nov 15th, 2023 - 9:22 pm In Reply to: Life after MT - Laurie

The work is constant where I am but the pay is very little. Other companies are the same. No benefits or anything. They took straight transcription pay away at the beginning of the year. Now if I get a straight transcription job because the speech rec didn't pick it up, I still get the standard low rate. Basically, you're nothing and the companies, docs, nurses don't care either.

I would like to get out because I don't have any money. I can't leave where I'm at because I can't afford rent or living expenses. I've been looking for different jobs everywhere for years but severely limited due to lack of skills, knowledge, unable to carry certain amounts required. I can't go back to school. I'm not able to be in front of people so that's off the table. Same old, same old.

But, it's better to have pennies than nothing.

I'm glad you got out and it worked well for you.


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