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Production email - SynMT

Posted: Dec 25th, 2016 - 8:11 pm In Reply to: Obviously, I can't spell when I'm upset - Judy

Does it occur to any of you that supervisors have bosses too? Is it possible that it's our new employers asking for these reports to be run, that maybe it's Nuance that wants to know if anyone is taking advantage of the hourly pay? That maybe NO ONE is glad this happened, including everyone from V down to the newest MT, that EVERYONE hates it, including supervisors? I didn't particularly like the email either but I don't take it personally, just like I didn't take the emails we used to get from JT/QA about pending too many reports personally, because I wasn't guilty of doing it anyway, and I didn't take the fact that I got an email that went to all MTs as a personal accusation. I don't think it's so much a case of threatening to run the numbers and report it to Nuance as a case of Nuance ordering it to be done and us being informed about it. As far as risky for business, our little workforce is maybe 150 people, we are less than a drop in their bucket and I don't think anything any of us, or all of us, do or say is any kind of threat to their business.


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