SoftScript - EasyriderMT Posted: Apr 30th, 2024 - 10:58 am
What is going on with this company? I was just hired, started last Thursday, and the software sucks. The Alt- and Ctrl- shortcut buttons don't work on either application. I'm constantly having to move between keyboard and mouse. Next, my text expander stopped working with their applications. I've tried two of them. During the interview, I was asked if I use a text expander and what kind. I wonder now if they did something to make it stop working because they don't want MTs to get fast enough to make the production bonus. So I emailed the manager about my problems, and now I'm out of work after 2 hours this morning. Isn't that convenient. I better start looking again. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
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- SoftScript - EasyriderMT (Views: 1025, 2024-04-30, 10:58 am)
- SoftScript - Quit NOW (Views: 584, 2024-04-30, 1:20 pm)