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GMR Transcription - WornOutMT

Posted: May 5th, 2024 - 4:34 pm

Fellow transcriptionists, PLEASE STAY FAR, FAR AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY!  They are false advertising their job posts, and the pay is NOT what the ad states at all.  They want you to spend a tremendous amount of money to go to school to become more of a "legal" transcriptionist, and they want to put you on a waiting list just for insurance transcription.  You send them a resume more than once, along with taking their "typing test," but they can't seem to find that info anywhere????  Undecided  Don't waste your precious time!  Unless God shows me a  transcription company that is legit and trustworthy, I'm pretty much done with this career!  It has been dead in the water for quite a few years now.  Many blessings to you all on here in your endeavors!  


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