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Company Board

Basically... - SYNNOMORE

Posted: Dec 25th, 2016 - 12:56 pm In Reply to: I'd love to know what it said. Can you tell us some of it? - nm

She said basically in a nutshell, that we need to be reminded that just because we are hourly we still have to keep up with your production. She is still monitoring this and if we don't, she will be sending the information to Nuance, and they will see who is "abusing" the hourly thing. and we need to keep the customers happy. The thing is, I work part-time for a hospital as well as synernet, and the hospital pays hourly. The reason no one abuses this is because they are treating the employees nicely. Raises every year, even a cost of living wage along with the yearly raise. You also get little "bucks" not real money, but a bank of "bucks" just from the hospital that can be used from anything for flexing some time in case you need to be late, or for extra PTO days, little things from their gift shop and things like that. You accumulate those for certain things. It is like night and day. There is NO reason in the world these MTSOs cannot do the same for their MTs. This is how things should be done and it ensures the employees are happy. These companies feel like they have us all by the "balls" and we are all desperate, but earlier in the year I knew something was up so I started applying to different hospitals and was hired. (thank the Lord). When I read that email it made my skin crawl and made my blood boil. I don't respond well to threats.


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