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Job Seekers Board

JOIN OUR NOWtranscription TEAM - NOWtrx

Posted: May 22nd, 2024 - 1:19 pm

♦️♦️♦️We are looking for a few gems to add to our NOWtranscription team
Primary Workflow: Orthopedic Surgery / Pain Management / Oral Maxillofacial Surgery / Radiology.
Requirements: 2+ years of experience in medical transcription, your own computer setup, including foot pedal, compatible with the InfraWare platform.
Applications Accepted 5/22/2024 through 6/30/2024. Email your resume in PDF or Word format as an attachment to: admin@nowtranscription.com. In order to expedite getting to know you and your needs, include in your email (1) date of availability (2) Days of Week and Hourly preference (3) Productivity goals - daily lines 600-1199 or 1200+ (4) Preference of Radiology or Other (5) IC or employee status preference.
Compensation is based on productivity and employee/contract status. We do require an evaluation phase during the hiring process, which includes transcribing 2-3 voice files.
NOWtranscription has been in operation since 2009 and was begun and continues to be operated by Transcriptionists who understand the needs of both the employees and contractors. These accounts are straight transcription, no back-end editing.



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