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Obviously, I can't spell when I'm upset - Judy

Posted: Dec 25th, 2016 - 8:53 am In Reply to: I'm very upset to her that - Judy

On my previous post, i meant to write "hear" not "her", but I'm just not very speedy or accurate when upset.

Regarding T's email of 12/24, I agree that it was a very bad move, but like others here, it opened my eyes quite a bit. I don't think I'm alone to say that my speed is more dependent on the accounts/dictators that I transcribe. To accuse us all (after all, it was a group email, not pointing at any individuals) of trying to take advantage of an hourly pay rate, with threat of "running the numbers" and reporting to Nuance, is really risky for business, as a direct result of offending the workforce due to being extremely offensive, and in itself will be detrimental to production, not helpful. This is the first year that I can remember in my entire MT career where work has been backlogged on a holiday. Nuance/Synernet should know better than to try to shift the blame for this onto the MTs.

I'm now keeping a record of any reports that I transcribe that are especially difficult or have other features that slow me down.


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