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Sigh...typical Synernet - SM

Posted: Dec 26th, 2016 - 12:55 pm In Reply to: Wow, I love threats from Synernet on - SMT

I'm so, so sorry that this is happening to you all. What a really crappy thing to do, especially during the holidays of all times! I used to work for Synernet. I was even a lead there at one point, but quit a few years ago. They were the absolute worst company that I have ever worked for in my entire life. The arrogance, the sheer incompetence, and the childish behavior and backstabbing of management got to be way too much for me and I finally quit and never looked back. After reading about what is going on there now, I'm REALLY glad that I left when I did! It was seriously disgusting how they treated people. They always seemed to think that leading by intimidation was the way to get employees to do what they wanted. Most of the people there had ZERO management skills whatsoever. I wish everyone who is still there the best of luck and I hope you all find much better jobs very soon! This sure is a horrible situation.


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