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Duh, you missed the whole point. - SMT

Posted: Dec 25th, 2016 - 10:09 pm In Reply to: Production email - SynMT

The point is.....this email on Christmas Eve day showed me that this was just the start of the threats to come in the coming year. This will be the new norm. It woke me up to the fact that I can't work for people like this. That talk this way to their employees and treat them like naughty little children. I don't care what happens to their business. They said if we are not on "on deck" with "fingers flying" their customers will not be happy. All I heard was "we need..... we need...... we need. Well, I need respect from the people I work for, need respect for my profession and need respect for the fact that this has come as a shock to most of us and we are still a little shell-shocked and not exactly "on board" yet with all of this. They now want loyalty and hard work for people who will run sneaky reports on us to make sure we're not cheating on them. That is not a good working relationship to me. It just clarified the whole thing for me in one instant. Showed me who I would be working for. I'm not blaming any one person, just the whole situation and how it's being handled.


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