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Sit in a supervisors job for just one day - Baffled

Posted: Dec 30th, 2016 - 9:11 pm In Reply to: Wow, I love threats from Synernet on - SMT

and you would NOT be cutting any of them down. They are told what to do, so if you want to complain, take it up with someone who has actually made this happen. You are ridiculous for blaming this poor supervisor for trying to get the huge back log out because that is part of her job and she has to make it happen or it will be her fault! This was created by N. she is actually the nicest one there, so this had to be put upon her to get the work out and remind people of production. Do you think that she is just mean and did it in spite? If you have ever talked to her, you would know. Since she is first shift most likely a lot of 2nd and 3rd MTs do not know her, and by the way,AB sent out the nasty grams ..about low line counts, and you don't blame her for this? Wake up and if you do t like it, the door is wide open. No one has you chained to your desk! There are nothing but complainers on here. Ecause you can hide behind an alias..Good for you!


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