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My Letter to President O'Bama - Fingers

Posted: Oct 13, 2009

Dear President Obama:

How's the new job?  Keeping busy?  Financial security?  I'll bet.  Are the American people keeping the mortgage on the White House up to date?  Great.  Kids have everything they need?  Wonderful.  The American dream.

Me?  I lost another job to offshoring - AGAIN!  

It's funny, I can't seem to find any concrete figures on just how many U.S. jobs are offshored.  There are only estimations by different agencies and economists. The Population Reference Bureau stated in October 2008 that it was nearly impossible to get an accurate scale and scope on this, but they estimated about 30 million U.S. jobs are offshored and increasing as I write this.  Nothing about the tax implications.  Does the government know?  See what you can find out.  I imagine definite figures are a difficult task since the companies do not seem to want to fess up about just what percentage they are offshoring.  You stated you were going to eliminate big tax cuts on these companies doing the offshoring.  When did you say that was going to happen?  Mr. President, I don't think they care.  Just this last quarter they have increased the offshoring significantly due to that very fact.  Is there a Plan B, because jobs are leaving the U.S. faster than you can create them.  Did you take that into account in your stimulus package?

Now about we the people and that stimulus package.  I read that these big banks who received stimulus payments of about $150 million actually requested 20,000 new visas for foreign workers (up one-third).  That is not going to happen, is it?  With our own money? See what you can find out.  We the people have always stimulated the economy, worked hard, and paid taxes.  You know, the American dream.  Now our jobs are being given to foreign workers who do none of those things.  What gives?  What impact does the loss of tax dollars and funding toward social security and unemployment have on this country?  No one seems to know.  See what you can find out about that too.  I believe the number of jobs lost to offshoring is more or less the equivalent of the population in 3 entire states!  These figures must be astonishing.  If that is not a drain on the system, then the people in line for unemployment income certainly is.  The stimulus money is not going to trickle down to us.  You see what they are doing with it.  The best stimulus package you could give we the people is to save our jobs NOW so we can return to stimulating the economy.  We can not spend what we do not have, right?  Wouldn't this go a long way toward economic recovery?    See what you can find out.

While you are checking on these astonishing figures, let me give you mine.  The pretty simple fact is that my unemployment income is only going to be 50% of what I was making and only for a period of about 6 months.  Now you know companies are not hiring, right?  That would mean that in approximately 3 months something in my budget is going to have to be cut; food, health insurance, heat, the mortgage.  Which would you choose?  

We the people look forward to hearing from you on how we can just simply get back to work.  No bonuses thank you, just our jobs.  You know, the American dream.  


Jobless in the U.S.A.

This is succint, to the point, yet says it all. sm - MT and worn out

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This letter is great. Maybe you should mail it off to him and see what reply you get. If you do, you should post it here and let us know.

Again, a very well put together letter.

great post. - cj

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That is a great letter. You should also post this on the political board. I hope you do send it to the white house and see what you get back and keep us all informed.

letter to Obama - spitfire

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Wonderful letter, please, please send. If you need supporters of same, please let me know.....
I should clarify this now. - Fingers
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I was laid off in the spring and I wrote this letter in March/April. I posted it then but thought it deserved mentioning again the important points it contained on this board. I have a better job now and I am doing fine, but many people are not. So I did send the letter to a few major newspapers, magazines, talk shows, and to the White House. Sadly - Not one response.

Again, sadly, how does one respond to this? The people mentioned above do not have the answers to the questions posed because offshoring has gotten so big and out of control that it would be hard to find a person who could come up with answers or even be willing to do the research to address it. I feel confident that since the government said "It is impossible to know the scope of this," the offshore job number for all occupations is probably more like 70 million jobs or more. I can't calculate that amount of tax money and what it could do here in the USA.
Obama letter - DMZ
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That letter is awesome! Do you mind if I copy it and submit it to our local newspaper (I'm in WNY) - I get alot of responses to articles I put in regarding all the benefits provided to illegal aliens in this country, when the average middle-class working American can't get jack s**t...:) If Obama would stop all aid to those people also, there would not be a recession ever again, there would probably be a surplus in the coffers. Anyway, great, great post. Send it to Loud Dobbs at CNN - he is all over the government about American jobs being lost....
DMZ - Knock yourself out! I already sent it everywhere I could think of. - Fingers
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I even sent it to my Congressman. All that got me was put on his mailing list for junk I do not want!

If you do get a response, please let us know, okay?
It will never end... big corporations run the USA - Linda
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I read your first very articulate letter and then this one. I think you should send it to Obama every single day. He says he reads mail from "the people" albeit, just a few every day. You obviously are very well informed and see thru all the BS these politicians try to feed us.

This all started when Clinton was in office with NAFTA. Though I liked him as president, this is where all of the greed really started. All the corporations in this country have slave wages paid to the people all over the world and just getting more rich by the minute. These are not compassionate people. I am such a news junkie myself but am so SICK of the propaganda they feed us.

Here I am at age 61, now working for less than I was 20 years ago. Now that is a sad fact, with all my skills as an MT for 20 years, and like so many of you. I would love to yell out the window "I just cannot take it anymore."

Your Letter to President Obama - Songstress
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I took the time to read your letter twice. I did this to make certain I didn't misinterpret your message.

I completely understand your frustration with being unemployed and losing jobs left and right per outsourcing.

I also commend you on your bravery in sending the letter to various media outlets. Most people do not put forth the action needed to gain attention to a cause.

However, I feel your letter was more sarcastic than helpful, here is why...You open the letter asking him how are things going for him. How does he like this, how does he like that, you get my point. While those questions do grab my attention, they set up the tone of the letter as being negative.

Why would you expect someone to help you or listen to you when you immediately attack them? I would be defensive if someone sent this letter to me and I would be discouraged from reading any further.

You did bring up a few good statistics however, you didn't cite or reference all of the statistics. You gain much more credibility when you can "back up" your statements.

I hope you understand my intentions. I would hope you don't take offense and if so, I sincerely apologize. I am merely trying to help.

I wish you well.
Songstress, there are no reliable statistics, that's the point. - nm
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I think the letter is asking up to see what HE can find out about the statistics, as what available - nm
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Sorry, too fast.... - see message
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I think the point of the letter was to request that HE find out what the statistics are, as what is available is only an estimation and no one seems to know. Not negative at all. Very informing and creates interest.


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I just sent this letter to everyone I know. :) - SAK

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:) :)

Well SAK, let us know if you hear anything. - Outrageous

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Someone needs to research this and put a stop to it. Unfortunately, I am not sure there are any government personnel smart enough to do that. Who did you send it to?
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I sent it everyone personally I know AND then I forwarded it to the above. This is a serious topic that needs addressed. I have lost more accounts than I can count due to outsourcing. Cheap labor does not always equal excellent quality. There is a saying - you get what you paid for.

What interesting reading and scary! - skippy

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Makes me want to do a little research of my own.

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