A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Fair Pay, Collective Action - Robin

Posted: Aug 14, 2011

MedQuist has steadily decreased its pay for speech recognition to a level that forces experienced medical transcriptionists into poverty.  Currently, speech recognition at 300 lines per hour pays less than that earned by a nursing assistant with only 2 weeks of training.

We are calling for a universal action beginning 1 September 2011, with a demand that MedQuist increase the speech recognition rate to at least 85% of what we earn with straight transcription.  EFFECTIVE September 1, 2011, USE F11 FOR ALL VOICE RECOGNITION WORK UNLESS YOU CAN EARN 85% OF WHAT YOU WOULD EARN DOING STRAIGHT TRANSCRIPTION.

Why this collective action will work:  MTSOs have increased competition for turn-around-times and depend on a large workforce.  Although the companies are competing with each other, it is the same transcriptionists done the work, as we move from company to company.  MedQuist and other companies will be unable to meet their TAT targets if they terminate everyone who uses F11 whenever we are not paid a fair wage.  If they do terminate everyone, the work demands remain the same and we will be asborbed by another company where we will perform the same collective action.

IT IS TIME TO PUT OUR FOOT DOWN ON MORE THAN A FOOT PEDAL!  We deserve compensation equivalent to RN's with Associate's Degrees, not poverty wages lower than nursing assistants.  EVERYONE WILL BE USING F11 at MedQuist beginning September 1 ***UNLESS*** MedQuist senior management agrees to increase wages based on evidence-based data.  Specifically, it is IMPOSSIBLE for speech recognition to produce documents at more than 2 times the speed of an MT, precisely because the quality is, at best, only 85% to 90% accurate.

This is NOT a strike.  We expect you to continue working.  However, we expect you to participate in earning fair pay for your work.  If speech recognition is going to substantially lower your pay to poverty levels, you have the option to use F11.  When you complete your paperwork, simply note that you can transcribe the report faster without speech recognition than with it. 

If you do not participate in this collective action, you deserve to earn poverty wages.  Quit complaining or participate in doing something about the UNREALISTICALLY LOW pay for speech recognition.

This action is being led by a Master's Level Social Worker under the collective action name of TAKING BACK OUR VOICE!  As highly skilled professionals, we need to TAKE BACK OUR VOICE and stop the people making $50,000 to $500,000+ per year on the sweat of our labor from exploiting us.  STOP THE EXPLOITATION NOW!  SPEAK UP.  TAKE BACK OUR VOICE!

IMPORTANT. MUST READ!!!!!! - I am for it! MQ has to be stopped!!

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Had enough!! Just because I am grandfathered in does not mean I am to make as much as a newbie. After all, I thought 25 years of experience counts more than less than a year of experience. :)

Especially if they want that 99-100% accuracy, they - need to pay higher for experience.

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The original post was excellent. It's a good way for MTs to begin making their voices heard on a very unfair labor practice done by all MTSOs, and yet still continue working, by doing only the straight transcription. I'm all for this!


I'm In - Fed Up

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I'm in!!!!!


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I totally agree with this. They expect to use this new merger, too, to go forward with more SR, it appears. Have they ever looked at the results these SR programs produce - it is TOTALLY RIDCULOUS, and takes more work to do them than to type them out.

Also, what about the drastic pay cuts recently? Mine was about 13% --- I could possibly see a pay freeze on future raises for a while, like many businesses do, but to cut it that much is TOTALLY RIDICULOUS.

how do we carry out this?

UNTIL THEY DISABLE THE F11 FEATURE - did ya think of that

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Gotta come up with something better than this, Im afraid.

sorry... Im out - balloon

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I bet just reading about this they will disable the F11 ability.

If they fire all of us, where would ALL of us get new jobs? There are barely any out there as it is.

Also, you are only reaching a small number of MQ employees on this forum. How are you going to inform the rest of them?

Count me out also - JMHO

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I agree with you about them disabling F11 and that this action will not have any impact to change anything (except more of the work I count on to pay my bills will go offshore)because only a small fraction of MTs read this board plus the fact that there are plenty in line waiting to take the jobs of those who may be fired for this, off-shore and here in the US, and good luck finding another job being fired over something like this.

Anyway, I am making more than minimum wage with ASR. I need my job. I have worked for some of the other larger companies and they are all about the same in wages and, if not, will be because they will not be able to compete and stay in business. It seems MQ will be owning them soon enough anyway the way things are going. I like my CCM, accounts, and schedule, and do not wish to start over with another company as, like I said, they are all pretty much the same from my experience. As long as the work can be done cheaper off-shore, our wages, no matter where you work, are never going to go up and not just in our profession, it is happening in many other jobs as well.
how just not train the ASR anymore - North MT
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Ever since they had us disable the speech tags I never enabled them back. I just highlight and type over or delete or whatever I need to do to get through the report as quick as possible. We all know it doesn't learn so why bother to teach it. Ever since I gave up making sure I hit Ctrl-s my line count has doubled and I still make decent money.
how do you disable it? - wondering
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I have no clue how to disable it. Please help.
tools options speech recogntion - North MT
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I just made sure none of the boxes are clicked under the tags section- that way none show up on the screen. The clients on my account were complaining that the tags were showing up on the final report anyway because people weren't spacing correctly so how about just not have any at all? Problem solved.

I know people are going to flame away but I have to do what is best for me, what will allow me to get through these reports the fastest and make the most money. I hate the yellow ball thing and not worrying about the ctrl-s feature do I backspace or hit delete to get it to show up, did I highlight enough text, etc. was really slowing me down. Quantity, quantity, quantity- isn't that what they preach?
We had an account with ASR, hospital - REFUSED and back to typing.
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A certain account was happy with our work. One day, MQ decided to switch the account to ASR and no typing. About a month later, a doctor looked at his report and saw a bunch of gibberish. It was background noise that ASR picked up and the MT forgot to take the paragraph out of report. Doctor could not figure out what the heck was going on. He decided to look into it and found out MQ switched to ASR on them. The hospital threw a fit. For months, our ASR work was picked at with a fine tooth comb. A couple of MT's were taken off the account. The hospital picked and picked and MT's made NO MONEY because we had to make sure each and every report was beyond perfect including doctor name's, fax numbers, cc., commas, periods, etc. (which you should do of course), but you cannot when you have an ASR account, right?? Just like you said, you get through the report as quickly as possible, BUT WE COULD NOT WITH THIS ACCOUNT. The stress of all this was so unbearable that I aged and started having panic attacks. IT WAS BEYOND HORRIBLE. I heard there was going to a be a lawsuit. Anyway, the hospital won and we are back to typing and months later, the hospital is once again happy with our work.
MTs can do the same. F11 or not, they can refuse to - type ASR. If they end up with - sm
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NJA, then just keep sitting at PC, log the time, and file for partial UE.

I always F11 - sm

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I refuse to do ASR. It is people like you who are afraid to stand up for yourself that is allowing companies to do these things to us. What suggestions to you have, or is it just easier to come on here and whine than to try something to let them know you are not going to take it. I F11 any and all ASR. I have been threatened and told them they need to do what they need to do and I need to do what I need to do. I have done this for a very long time and still have my job. If I get fired, oh well. I refuse to be treated like S##T by these people. Learn to stand up for yourself and be willing to take a risk. Personally, I can do better at McDonald's than working the ASR and if that is what I must do then that is what I will do. I have noticed people come on here and whine and when someone comes up with something the whiners make excuses not to try it. Come on people! Either take back your job or quit whining!

whatever - sure ya do

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Dont believe this for a minute.

"If I get fired, oh well."

Some of us NEED a job. Sorry.
Whatever, yeah I do - sm
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It's called I have principles and refuse to be treated like crap. If they ask you to work for free will ya? I value myself too much to let them treat me like crap. You go right ahead though.
re: sm - dn
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Don't you have to "account" for all your F11? or do you refuse to also do that? I was told via e-mail that for every single F11 I had to submit a Q-care ticket and justify why I did so. I have, but it's so tedious that I've almost stopped using F11 all together... Guess that was their plan. So, do you report them or not?

Solution - Fed Up

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It looks like there are always going to be those MTs that are willing to work for the low wages for the sake of just having a job. Those of us that are fed up should either go back to school and learn another trade (use MQ to our advantage) until we finish OR just quit right now and do something else, e.g., fast food, package handler, clerical, etc. I do not believe that unskilled labor (minimum wage earners and newbies) can accurately do our jobs. If you KNOW you are a good transcriptionist and don't have to take this, GET OUT NOW!!!

Collective Action - StPat

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I hope you folks get all the support you need! As a former MQ employee, I cannot overstate this--IT'S ABOUT TIME!
If MQ employees succeed, this may become a landmark for our profession!


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Also, if you correspond with other MTs outside of this forum, like on social networks, spread the word! F11F11F11 September 1!!!

Is this only at MQ, or are you planning on taking No-F11 - industry-wide? or later perhaps?

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what if everyone in the industry started throwing back VR work? i already do, to a certain point. i F11 the VR account in my pool that pays the least (different amts. for diff. accts.) it wouldn't be much of a stretch to take it further, and stop typing VR altogether.

ANSWERS regarding: Fair Pay, Collective Action - Robin

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Q: Why wouldn't MedQuist just fire everyone who stops doing SR on 09/01/2011?
A: MedQuist is offering a recruiting bonus of $500 to hire MTs for a reason. Turnover is extremely high, and training costs are high. I am leading this because I am a Master's prepared social worker and an MT with over 3 decades of experience. I've seen how MTSOs are destroying our profession with SR. Enough is enough. I do not object to SR per se, any more than I would complain about word expanders or shortcuts. The problem is the totally unrealistic expectation that an MT can produce twice as much with speech recognition as we can with straight transcription. THAT is the issue. It is a blatant attempt by MTSOs to cut their employee costs. Someone suggested they would just offshore the work. No, they will not. I used to QA work done by MTs in India, many of whom were physicians, and the work was absolutely HORRIBLE. The other major factor that people miss is this: The same MTs do the work for hospitals and clinics, no matter which MTSO they go to. Since the same amount of work has to be done, it does not matter if MedQuist (as Spheris and others have) go bye-bye. We will still have jobs. COLLECTIVELY, we can shape the way MTSOs are behaving by refusing to do work that would force us to earn unfair wages. Hence, F11--and do not fill out the tickets. They may send you an email warning. Ignore it. Because they have 5000 employees and must maintain TAT to keep their contracts, they could not afford to terminate even a small fraction of us. TAKE BACK YOUR VOICE! Again, IF doing speech recognition is fair and you can earn about what you would with straight typing, use SR. The purpose of SR is to increase productivity, not decrease it. MedQuist and MTSOs like them are NOT using SR to increase producitivity. (Don't we all know that yet?) They are using it to cut our pay. What are they going to do, hire people off the street to do medical transcription? Good luck with that! Anyone who has seen the work done in India (even after 5 trips around the QA circuit) knows they will never be serious competition. MARK YOUR CALENDARS. THE PRESS RELEASE WILL GO OUT INFORMING THE MEDIA OF A COLLECTIVE ACTION AGAINST MEDQUIST. WE START SEPTEMBER 1. If they disable F11, we delete the speech recognition, transcribe it, and report discrepancies to the labor board. FINALLY, if you NEED a job paying minimum wage, become a nursing assistant and make twice that with only 2 weeks of training. It doesn't require all MedQuist employees to make this work. It only requires a small percentage of their 5000 employees. I have OUTSTANDING transcription skills. I can go anywhere, and any other MTSO that is hiring would be THRILLED to have us. They quite simply cannot find enough QUALIFIED MTs! New MTSOs are starting all the time. Don't be misled. We have strength in numbers.
Don't Forget - Fed Up
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Don't forget to tell 60 Minutes about all the stuff they have us do for free like look up patient demographic, add CC's, insert date of service, etc. (all the stuff you have to go back to the demo screen to fill in). I talked to a friend of mine that works for the Workforce Commission and she said to me, "How are they getting away with that?"
F11 disabling; a non-trivial thing - derp
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Disabling the F11 feature would not be something that could be done with just a "flip of a switch". It would require a change tp DQS, and a new version built, tested, and released.

I'm just saying...

MedQuist is just the beginning.... - Robin

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We are beginning with MedQuist because they were forced to settle a class action suit for miscounting lines. We have credible evidence that they are intentionally misleading prospective employees about their "First Time Right" QA policies. We have traction. The media (e.g., "60 Minutes) already has expressed an interest in reporting on the collective action and informing the public how MTSOs are turning our profession into a huge sweatshop. Few benefits, no paid holidays, skimpy PTO. ****WE START SEPTEMBER 1*** THE F11 MOVEMENT BEGINS.
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I AM IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN!!!!
60 minutes - mtmqemp
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You have expressed that 60 Minutes has expressed an interest in reporting regarding our situation.

Can you elaborate on that please? Who has responded to your contact with them, and what did they say?

The reason is that I am also in the process of contacting the media, and want to make sure we are in unison on the contact.

phishing and trolling - chikadee
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That email by mtmqemp sounds a little "phishy" to me. It sounds like, "...oh, uh, could you give me all the information you have and who you're talking to and what you're saying to them? ...um, I doing the same thing and I want to make sure...blah,blah,blah." Really?! Sounds like they want information so they can contact and counteract before it becomes a story. Here's a suggestion. How about if mtmqemp were to divulge to Robin all his/her information on who is being contacted and what is being said and let Robin handle it? MQ really believes we are stupid.
Actually, I'd be glad to give you my personal information - mtmqemp
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You are right in that I did seem to be fishing, and I was really trying to find a subtle way of questioning the authenticity of Robin's comments. The thing is I've been reading Robin's comments and some things are no adding up. For instance, if Robin had been with our company for any length of time, she would know that we change/push out management as often as the seasons change. In addition, I was concerned with her analysis of the financial status of our company. MedQuist is in fact, NOT failing, but the consolidation of facilities is only proof that in a virtual business, less (facilities) is more (profits). Furthermore, that Robin said that 60 Minutes was interested made me question that either she has some very close ties (an inside person w/ 60M) or that she may be expanding on perhaps something that hasn't happened yet. With her comment that she has received hundreds already to F11 on 9/1 also leaves me with questions that in fact that is true.

Interestingly I have emailed Robin and this person has not responded. Posters have that right, of course, not to respond. Hopefully Robin will gladly prove me wrong, and I hope I am, so that we can work together instead of seemingly be suspect of each other.

I am not afraid to divulge my information to you either, because I have nothing to hide. In fact, if you look at the article that was listed in the MQ for which so much of our ire was documented on this board, you will see that I plainly gave my name at the end of the article in the first comment.

However, if it will ease your mind about me, I will email my personal information to Robin and to you. That way, perhaps we can begin working together instead of being suspicious of each other.

I truly do understand, though, your thoughts and suspicions. We really do have to be careful.

Hope this helps you...
Working Together - Robin
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Thank you for emailing me. I am, in fact, a real person who began doing medical transcription since the 1970s, back before the PC and long before the Internet. We can work together by focusing on our issues, separating people issues from the problem. I applaud anyone for questioning me, my motives, and my integrity, and those of the literally hundreds of other MTs who have posted here and elsewhere about their concerns regarding MedQuist.

As a social worker, I know that we have choices and acting collectively will accomplish things that we, as individuals, cannot. MedQuist needs to hear from us collectively, and we have allies. I have been on national media about important issues. All you need to do to substantiate that is google (or Yahoo) my name. As a social worker and activist, I choose my battles carefully, and have a reputation for taking on the "giants" who are alleged to engage in discrimination and/or oppression. I get involved from the ground up and offer to help. It is YOUR voices I want to help organize and help represent. We all deserve fair pay for our work, and MedQuist deserves an opportunity to respond to our legitimate, well-founded concerns. The role of media is to report what is occurring (only). Investigative journalists I know are interested in the story because it represents the tension between corporations and employees, especially the former who continue to make profits even as the latter see decreases in earnings.

MedQuist and other MTSOs are operating on the assumption that by keeping us at home, alone, rarely providing us each other's email or contact information, they can maximize profits by continuing to decrease wages. As a social worker, I have been trained to organize, and we have the tools. We all know individuals with whom we have made acquaintances and friends at other organizations, as we move from company to company. All we need to do is let each other know through our friendship and work networks. I am assuming responsibility for staying in contact with media and using some social networking sites.

What is our goal? Fair pay for highly skilled work.

How will we know when we have accomplished our goal? MTSOs will provide an evidence-based metric that fairly compensates MTs for speech recognition work. This way, we are being paid fairly and the MTSOs can continue to compete over the quality of their SR programs. Some are, after all, better than others. We will know that we are being compensated fairly when we earn the same for SR work as we do for straight transcription.

What is the power of our voice? Consider how long it has taken you to be able to do your work competently. Replacing you as an individual is no big deal. Replacing a collective is impossible. No MTSO could afford to lose a sizable portion of its laborers because it would compromise their ability to meet TAT, and that would cost them dearly. TOGETHER, we have a VOICE. We do not need a union or an organization per se. We need some good, old fashioned American determination to stand up for ourselves--and if you can transcribe (or edit) an ESL physician dictating an operative report while burping, having side conversations, saying, "As I said before" when s/he never said it, etc., you certainly have the determination to stand with others and be counted, to be paid what you are worth. STAND UP! TAKE BACK YOUR VOICE! F11 to MedQuist begins September 1. When MedQuist agrees to provide an evidence-based metric (verifiable, of course) and pays us fairly for SR, the F11 movement will stop. It is THEIR choice how long the F11 movement continues. Is it not fair that we earn the same amount for SR as we do for straight transcription?
Has anyone ever thought about... - chikadee
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...starting a "closed" group in Facebook or somewhere else? That way the membership can be monitored--only friends of friends. No hidden MTSO execs masquerading as an innocent MT and trying to get information or start rumors. Being a member of MTStars wouldn't qualify you to join the closed group. You could only join if someone actually knows you or has an affiliation with you outside the MTStars environment. Just a thought. This forum on MTStars is open to the public and is anonymous, and it's very difficult to know who you can trust and who you shouldn't trust.

P.S. I don't know how to start a closed group in facebook, but I'm a member of a couple of them, so I know they exist.
oh great, - i cant join because
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I am an MQ MT for 15 years, but I dont know another soul who does MT and no one actually knows me or has an affiliation with me. JUST MY LUCK.

Thats a way to get everyone together!
I was just asking... - chikadee
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No one here knows me either. It was just a thought. Nevermind. I was trying to come up with a way that didn't tip off the MTSO trolls every time we wanted to do something. How much you wanna bet the F11 function will be disabled in DocQ before 9/11 (unless MQ wants to fire everyone who uses it)? But like I said....nevermind. It was just a thought.

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Fair Charge Per Line In GA
Jan 01, 2010

I'm thinking about trying to go out and get my own doctor's office and have a question about what is a fair rate per line in the state of Georgia. I've been doing some research but there seems to be a huge range. Can anyone tell me if $0.18/line seems fair? Thank you for any help or information!!!! ...

Fair Line Rate For SC
Jan 04, 2010

I am starting up my own MT Business and want to make sure I am not over/under charging.  I was thinking 12 cents a line.  Is this too much/too little? I am currently working for a MT business and I am making 8 cents a line but that company is located in Virginia so I cannot really use them as  comparison of what to charge the doctor's offices.  Please advise! ...

Fair Standards Act/getting Together On This Stuff
Jan 04, 2010

Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place, but it seems like with all the screwing over that some of these companies do to us (and I know it's no accident that they don't encourage us to communicate amongst ourselves), few people here are suggesting some way of getting together to "encourage" the companies we work for to screw us over less, or at least less painfully. I know there's a Fair Standards act, for example, that supposedly covers even us (working on production). Whi ...

Whats A Fair Price
Jan 20, 2010

Hi all, Quick question. I live in washington state and I just graduated from my MT course and had a doc call me to let me know that he wanted me to do transcription for him and my question is what is a fair price to be charging, all I ever hear is what is unfair. Thanks, Dude Mom ...

Fair Warning About WordzXpressed
Jul 15, 2010

I took their test for a QA position.  ELEVEN reports to type plus their written. I typed the reports, 2 reports had 1 blank, otherwise they were clean.  I get an email saying I didn't score high enough. I went back over each and every report, relistened and there were no errors.  So, just in case, I had someone else go over those reports and listen and she agreed with me, no errors with the exception of the 2 reports that had 1 blank.  That was a passing test.  This ...

It's Not Fair To Get Paid 1 Cpl For !@#$ Who Can't Talk
Oct 03, 2010

:(((((( ...