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JLT Holdings - Curious

Posted: Sep 9th, 2019 - 12:45 am In Reply to: From the horse's mouth: - Batmaaaan

Does anyone know what JLT Holdings is? I know that it's a separate company that is owned by LT and it has the exact same Yorkville address as the KS office, but I am totally confused as to what the purpose of this company is. I worked for KS for quite a few years and had never even heard of it until very recently. This is probably totally irrelevant, but it just occurred to me that JLT are the initials of her and her husband. Could she have been trying to hide assets? I'm just curious as to what purpose JLT Holdings serves and what sort of business it is. I Googled it, but found absolutely nothing on JLT Holdings, aside from the bankruptcy documents. That email basically says that she owns both companies and that one of her companies (KS) rents an office building from her other company (JLT), which doesn't make a lick of sense. This whole thing keeps getting more and more confusing by the day!


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