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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: TTC TTCI.. (Views: 44)

Thanks for the thoughts. - Tired

Posted: Sep 6th, 2015 - 1:40 am In Reply to: Some Thoughts - Big Girl Shoes

Briefly, I tried to contest it but it was denied. The company is N. It was not a verbatim account. It was postop and I absent-mindedly heard it and typed postoperative.

One's paycheck has been getting docked for errors since last December when they brought in a "grid" that enables you to make maybe a penny more if everything's 100%.

I therefore believe that their system is "rigged" to reduce pay, especially in light of the fact that they say all this auditing is for "patient safety." I do not feel that typing "postoperatively" for "postop" changed the meaning or had any bearing on patient safety. The fact that it was denied tells me there is something other than those two items going on and I have come to that conclusion, that is, it's rigged to lower pay.

There have been other instances of the very same thing happening that I would say fall into the category of "nitpicking." Again, I think they are told that by management to find ANY little thing at all that will contribute to reducing pay, especially since they will deny it if you try to contest it.

And at the risk of sounding like I am paranoid, I also think that they have some kind of algorithm that picks out the reports you are likely to make a mistake on. Somebody who should know once told me that they "don't know" how the reports are selected for audit.

As far as the account specs, they don't address this type of thing specifically.


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