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Article - EHR notes and cut and paste - documentation problem

Posted: Jun 16, 2010


Free-text narrative will often be superior to point-and-click boilerplate in accurately capturing a patient’s history and making assessments, and notes should be designed to include discussion of uncertainties.” (italics DMCB).



EHR - nan

[ In Reply To ..]
Maybe there is hope for us afterall. Wow, look at all the money they have spent on garbage when we told them it wouldn't work and we told them for nothing. LOL

It always works that way. Time sorts things out - The experts are always wrong

[ In Reply To ..]
It always works that way. The experts always say what is going to happen. They are always wrong, but that doesn't keep them from coming up with another theory next week and the week after that. Nobody knows exactly what things will look like 10 years from now and if they say they do, they are either hallucinating or being untruthful.

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mn ...

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