A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Must read article - Me

Posted: Apr 10, 2014

I had to share this with each and every transcriptionist out there.  It is always darkest before the dawn. 





No link. Can you post it? Thanks. - SayItGirl

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I edited it, should be there now - nm

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Thank you! It was worth waiting for. - nm

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This looks like an MLM scam - nm

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Not a scam, just an article I read - OP

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Really not a scam or anything crazy, just wanted to share some encouraging words I read in this article for all of us who are pulling our hair out every day.

What's MLM? Thanks for the article - Val

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This is the Ugly Truth. I laughed that a commenter labeled it "negative thoughts and generic platitudes." Isn't most writing about jobs and so forth "generic platitudes": Be a team player, give 110%, yadda yadda. Again, thanks for the article link. Val
^ You're right. The negative comments from all - those Mgmt. types confirmed his message. nm
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how on earth did you get MLM scam out of tihs? - curious your interpretation. NM

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I liked it. - Thanks

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I shared it with my friends on FB, they liked it too.

Thanks for posting this! (sm) - SayItGirl

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Although he said nothing new, what he did say was well-said. It's by no means a "how-to" manual on how to survive the coming years, but it does reaffirm many truths that I think all of us have deep in our gut, but have been programmed to suppress.

I think what he says about the middle class is largely true. We've always been the worker bees - and we're now suffering from hive collapse.

I was laid off last year, and had it been from a good-paying job I'd probably be panicking right about now. But it was from a crappy MT job that paid less than minimum wage, and if nothing else, that experience made me REAL GOOD at living on next to nothing. It's also made me real good at bringing in cash by doing a variety of things, not just one thing.

I've been starting to believe that THAT will be the secret to surviving the 21st Century. The 20th Century was all about getting a good education, a good job, and sticking with it 'til retirement, then getting a good pension. That's over. In the early 80's, an MT was still very much a "medical secretary". We knew how to do a LOT of things in a medical office besides transcribe. But as the 80's became the 90's, more and more we were forced (aka "pigeonholed") into specializing at only one thing: transcription. So now here we all are with a whole lotta skill in one particular area, but unfortunately it's an area no one wants or cares about anymore.

So now, as I collect my unemployment each week, and get online every day to job-hunt, I'm becoming more and more convinced that the former notion of a "job", where you sell large chunks of your time (and your life) to some corporation in exchange for a too-small paycheck, and a chain around your neck (as the author mentioned), isn't really a very good deal. We have been held slaves to our dependable-amount paychecks, and held hostage by our health insurance needs.

There just has to be a better way, and one of the ways to be successful, or even to just survive, in the future, will be to DIVERSIFY. Rather than put all the eggs in one job-basket, it's probably much wiser to have 2 or 3 smaller jobs. Or one part-time job and a great cash sideline. Or several small cash sidelines. The latter appeals the most to me, because I have lots of different talents (none of which I've ever put much time or effort into), and an ADD-like short attention span, so I don't like doing just one thing.

As I've perused the job ads, found absolutely NOTHING that even slightly interests me, (and few I even qualify for anymore), that old gut-feeling Truth is speaking to me louder than ever before, saying "DON'T sell your soul to another company." The corporate world can't crush a middle class it can't control, and the best way to avoid that control is not to work for them.

Thanks again, OP, for an article that made me stop a while, take a look inside myself, and start taking my gut feelings seriously again. What that might mean for each and every one of us will be completely different, in terms of how deep within ourselves we look, what we see, and what we end up doing about it. But in the end, I think we are each our own Truth.

Excellent explanation - OP

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You hit the nail on the head with everything you said. In explaining your situation, I think you could have been describing at least half of us in MT. The article was in no way meant to give any answers, just to make you open up your mind and maybe think outside the box a little! :)

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