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hospital job lost to Nuance - midwestMT

Posted: May 28, 2013

We were just told last week that our hospital will be going over to Nuance and that we will have the option to go also as employees of Nuance. We are told that at least we will "still have jobs" and that we will "still be able to work on our own account/doctors from the hospital". Nuance is telling the hospital all sorts of wonderful things, and we are being told very little. Can anyone please tell me what to actually expect? Will we stay on our hospital account? I left a national company to work for the hospital, and this transition just makes me nervous. I really did not want to go back to the rat race of working for a national again. Is Nuance's health insurance typical (where you basically work just to have health insurance?) and what about PTO? I am 55 years old and wondering if it is even worth going with Nuance or maybe just "retiring". Please can anyone enlighten a soon to be displaced MT?

What to expect - barbv

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I was in same position as you over a year ago. Yes they made all these wonderful promises (bleh..). We got to work on the hospital we were at; however, from day 1 the account was overstaffed and we ran out of work almost every day (even though we were promised that wouldn't happen!). I don't want to drag this out, but they don't keep their promises (both sides), so I would recommend starting to look elsewhere now!

To answer you.... - southernbelle

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Nuance will keep the same staff on the account. If the account has had issues with meeting TAT they may train others to join the account. As far as PTO goes you'll get the standard company PTO unless your employer in their contract mandates otherwise for a certain period of time. In regards to health insurance when I look at other companies I think their pricing is competitive. It may be more or less than what you paid at the hospital.

promises - no $

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They will keep promises for a short period of time the wittle away at your money, bonuses, benefits, etc. until you are working for minimum wage and only to keep your insurance. That's the way it is. Sorry. If you can retire, then I say retire.

Is it as bad as I have read on here? - midwestMT

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I left Keystrokes to work for this hospital. I work in oncology at their cancer center. I worked strictly ortho for over 20+ years and found the oncology a nice challenge. We are having another meeting where management will be telling us what came of their meeting with Nuance. I would like to speak up and let the other MTs in the department know what is really going to happen. We all work at home but are friends through the monthly meetings we have had to attend at the hospital. I do not want to see anyone get hurt by blindly going into this based only on what management is telling them. Some of these ladies have been there 20-30 years!! Anyway, based on my employment with Keystrokes only, I was going to mention: 1) No holiday pay and having to work holidays, 2) Editing is usually .04/line, 3) if there is not work, there are no $$, 4) research, logs "extras", etc. are not paid because you are only paid to type, 5) we could not ask for vacation less than a month in advance or more than six months in advance - not sure how that works at Nuance - and were rarely granted the times we wanted, 6) QA headaches, 7) pay cuts/no raises. Can anyone think of anything else I should bring up? I want to make sure they are aware that this is not an in-house, hourly, "good old days" transcription job that they are getting into. I am the only one there that has ever worked at a national. We are located in a very rural area and opportunities here are very, very limited. Thank you for your replies!!!

as bad? - no $

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Yes, I would say that pretty much covers it. Not sure about the time off request as I have never asked for it after being denied the only time I did ask for it. Lots and lots of out of work. I would tell them all, if they can work doing something else, or if they can retire, run away from Nuance without looking back. It's HORRIBLE!

Give it time - busymt

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I would say that everybody on here has a valid complaint. I've been where you are and have been fortunate not to have an entirely negative experience. I would just give it time and see if you can accept and adjust to the changes. Go by what information is given to you in writing and write it down if it is not provided to you (as far as the pay, vacation, holidays, etc.) I have never had PTO requests rejected, but there isn't a lot of time to request off, so don't have to ask for it too much. I have also been fortunate to have supervisors that allow me to flex my time when I need to so I don't have to ask for PTO. Yes the QA is a headache, but has forced me to slow down and catch my mistakes. I don't let up if I think I have been graded incorrectly either. Yes most holidays are worked and holiday pay is not great. I think that's my personal biggest frustration. Again, give it time, make your choices based on your own personal experience, and if it doesn't work for you and you're lucky enough to retire at your age - go for it. I'm 56 and would love to be able to have that option. Hope it goes well for you.

Well said!! Great advice. :) - no message

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no message

Did your hospital job start out with transitioning to EditScript? sm - Tiny

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I was wondering if the hospital that you work for originally purchased Editscript from Nuance, claiming that they were not getting rid of MTs and there would be plenty of work and then when the in-house MTs trained the voice recognition system, they gave you all up to Nuance?

I would be going back to school to learn a new trade and working part time for them until I was finished. I have never ever read anything good about any national, at least here on these boards. I worked for 1 national and it was a horrible experience.

YES!! - midwestMT

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Yes, that is what they did. They did that on the hospital side of things, and those girls barely have anything left now. Over at the cancer center, they have just started it though. I am over at the cancer center but, unfortunately, even though we were never grouped together before, we are now being grouped in with the hospital MTs. I worked for the hospital before I worked for the cancer center so I have gotten to know all the girls on the hospital side too. Just a sad state of affairs really.

Well, that must be why they are grouping us all...sm - tiny

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together. How long did it take before you got notice that you Nuance was taking over and you were "lucky" enough to have a job with them. I cannot imagine going from my hospital benefits and pay to Nuance.

midwestMT - fm

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Girls? They hire children?

Read everything on this page, going back for months. - NoWayJose

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Just saying, if you can find another job, do so. Read for yourself, go back for a couple of months and only stop reading until your eyes bug outyohead. You will see and read the truth here, and you will know it for sure when you read the stuff the company posts to counter the truth the employees are writing.

Here's what I would do sm - tiny

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It seems to me that the hospital is laying off the entire department. To avoid unemployment claims they are offering the option of going with Nuance. Well, I don't think you should have to take that option considering the pay and benefits are less than what you are making now. I would look into either another position within the hospital, even if the pay was less, or I would let them lay me off and file for unemployment and go back to trade school to learn a new trade. It only takes 1 year to become an LPN or a medical assistant. You could go into coding? If you can get unemployment at least you'll have an income while your learning to do something new. You might even get your schooling paid for because of being a displaced worker or something like that?

tiny - Old Pro

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I think you are smart. If I were still hiring, I would hire you in a heartbeat.

LOL....thanks!!! SM - tiny

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I'll keep that in mind when I'm out of a job! :)

Thank YOU - midwestMT

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Thank you everyone!! It does seem like it may not be in my best interest to follow along with becoming a Nuance employee, however, at this point, it seems to be my only option. I see that TransTech has the ad here for oncology MTs but with 5 years experience. I don't quite have that yet so oh well... I told my husband that I will give Nuance a try. Who knows, I may luck out :) Odds do not seem in my favor, and if it does not work out, then I can be on my way. I have to get my youngest child through the rest of his college so I need to give a try until the beginning of next year. I figure that is a fair shot, and I will know soon enough if it is going to work or not. I appreciate everyone taking the time to respond to my post. This transition scares me and to be honest actually makes me quite angry, but it is out of my hands. Thanks again!!

I sent you a lengthy private email. - Did you get it?

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Ummm - possibly?? - midwestMT

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Hi!! If this is who I think it is then I did reply via private email to you :) I hope that you got that because I really did appreciate your response (more than you will ever know!!) Thank you!

midwestMT - candy

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I thought Landmark also was hiring for oncology?

midwestMT - BTDT

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If Nuance told me the sun was shining, I would walk outside and look at the sky. RUN!

Nuance takeover - miffedmt

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Nuance took over our hospital in Alaska Dec. 2011. We, too, were offered positions with Nuance on the "same account/doctors." They said we could keep that account since we were already familiar. LIES LIES LIES.....Within 3 months I was moved to another account out of Colorado and it just got worse from that point on. I lasted a little over a year and then quit with no notice. I went from making $26 an hour to 0.04 a line! I wasn't even making half of what the hospital was paying us. Most on here say they make good money, but I REFUSE to sit in a chair for 16 hours a day just to get enuf lines in to make a decent wage while they send all of the good stuff over to India! I now work for a clinic, in-house, and LOVE IT. Nuance can kiss my butt!! along with the other MTSO's. I refuse to make the same amount of pay that ppl coming straight out of school are getting. I am in the process of getting my RHIT so I can train in medical records. This industry is going straight down the tubes! RUN RUN RUN!!!!!

on the other hand...... - miffedmt

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Our hospital is the one who got rid of US to save money, so I say they get what they pay for!! Doctors are extremely angry with the poor quality of reports and all the blanks that are getting left (something that was NEVER an issue when we had an in-house dept!). Just a shame....
thank you for your reply - midwestMT
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Thank you so much for your reply. I really like hearing from someone who has been through this before and what has actually happened to them. This is what I am afraid of. All those promises are going to be just what I expect...empty promises. I appreciate you taking the time to tell me your experience!

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