A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Just lost our jobs - Jen

Posted: May 20, 2013

Well it was bound to happen. Our doctors have gone with VR 360 and we have about a month to "get out" basically. Yep us five ladies have been evicted. Some have been there 20+ years. It was only a matter of time I guess. Get this..the department head started the meeting with a prayer (probably praying we wouldn't kick his butt) and then at the end they handed us employee assistance brochures for counseling services. HA!  I guess I should be happy they gave a notice but it was like "well, we're starting this in June and we don't know if it will be 30 days or four months and we MIGHT need SOME of you for editing forever and we might never need any of you again". WTH?? So we don't know what to do. If we quit now we don't get our 8-16 week severence, depending on length of service, but if we stay til the end we get it. Problem is, I would get eight weeks...can I find another job in eight weeks? HECK NO! It took six months to get THAT job! I'm so frustrated I don't know what to do. I'm a single mom of a tiny baby and others in our department have three grade school age children..it's terrible. Sorry for the venting but I had to blow!

Jen - Anna

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This is just me (I am a head of household and can relate) but I would stay on, get my eight weeks, and then go on unemployment while I looked for another job. I am really sorry for your situation, truly I am. I wish I had a job to give you. I wish you and the others all the best. As to all their "mights," I would be thinking, "Well, I MIGHT get a brand spanking new job and if you need me, too darned bad."

Anna - Jen

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Thank you for your kind thoughts. I know we are lucky to get a heads up from them and that they didn't just walk in and say "LEAVE NOW!" but it is so scary. I live in a place where the best I can hope for is $9 an hour and no benefits. I loved my job as my hours kept me from having to get daycare (I worked Fri, Sat and Sun), had benefits and it paid pretty decent..at least enough to survive without any frills. And I drove an hour each way to that job but it was worth it. And my coworkers had become my best friends. I love those ladies and I'm going to miss them so much. I've been telling them since I started there two years ago that VR would happen to us eventually(or the dreaded "M") and they laughed at me and said "not us!". They said they would help us find other hospital jobs there but unless we were RN's we would never be able to make even half of what we make. I'm worried they will fight unemployment but everyone says I can fight them and get it.

Jen - MT

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Couple of things. They are laying you off. That means they can't fight the unemployment. You will get it, but it will be based on your income and you will only receive basically a portion of that income with unemployment, but it's better than nothing. I'd stick it out because what if you are one they decide to keep around. You would kick yourself in the butt if you quit ahead of time and find out later you would have been the one to stay. Also, working at home with an 8-month-old is possible. All jobs working at home are not a strict schedule. I have worked from home for 12 years and have never worked a schedule. I find jobs that have turnaround times and/or required amount of lines per day. Then, you can work early in the morning before baby gets up, you can work during naptime, and you can work when they go to bed. It's doable and I know it is because I'm still doing it. I work with 5 different companies right now...not one schedule. I do not type ESLs and all my doctors are easily understood. I refuse to work any jobs that I cannot understand the doctor. Everyone is going to tell you those jobs don't exist, but they do if you keep an open mind about what you are applying for...part-time, on-call, etc. Don't just focus on "full-time" because most of the full-time jobs have no work. Good luck!

Jen - Old Pro

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For what it's worth (and I have owned more than one business in my long life), I can see no reason you can't get unemployment. Let them fight you. They will never win! Go for it. I am really sorry this happened to you.

I can definitely sympathize...... - Mom22dogs

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Makes me sad everytime I read of this happening. I really HATE what has become of the medical transcription industry!

Mom22dogs - Jen

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Me too. It's so depressing. This used to be a good job. I've been fortunate in having some great transcription jobs. Perhaps if I lived alone I could try out one of the dreaded MTSOs. I could type for my current doctors from home with a crying baby because they are so easy and I'm used to them, but there's no way I could try to understand the gibberish of new and ESL docs with an 8-month-old. His dad has absolutely no interest or responsibility in helping with him. Seems a new ski boat and a new girlfriend were a lot more important. Sorry..it's just not a good day. I'm a little PMS-y right now. LOL

Just Lost Our Jobs - Vera

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OMG Almost the same thing happened to about 20 of years 4 years ago. We also had to work until takeover to get what PTO time and sick time we had accumulated. We were also offered a job with outsource company. We were called into a mandatory meeting not 100% suspecting to be hit with this, but we knew something was not right. Then the hospital had to gall to tell us we still had to keep up with our daily required line count until the end. Can you image how we felt the next day? It was awful and that was 4 years ago never have recovered financially. I went from about $38,000 a year to now about $12,000 per year. I decided to file early retirement but I still work 25 to 30 hours a week just to meet ends meet, still is not enough sometimes. I am not going to sugarcoat it. It has been horrible and very depressing. At least I walked away with about $6000 in PTO and Sick Time. Some of the girls walked away with nothing and my hospital offered no severance packages to us. Good luck.

Oh Vera! - Jen

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They didn't give us any news about a company but they said 360 is by Nuance. There was no offer of a job with Nuance. When our regular medical rec dept was outsourced to M almost a year ago, the employees were offered jobs with M and if they didn't take it, they were just without a job. I think 2-3 took it and maybe only one is still with it but said it's CRAP. They acted like they may still permanently need some of us to still do editing but maybe not. I feel like they won't. I've read the horror stories on here for a couple years now, more and more every day, and now I've got one of those stories myself. So depressing.

Jen - Been there

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I am very sorry. When did it become okay to pray in the workplace? I've been through this myself in September and everything worked out okay for me. My suggestion would be not to bail until the very end and get your severance. If you are lucky (like I was) they may find another job for you to do within your company. Hang in there; again, I am very sorry.

Jen - Marg

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I never thought this would happen either Jen, but it did. A computer took our jobs. What was told to me was, they would need transcriptionists forever, but they need us to clean up the computer crap. And, that computer puts out a lot of crap. You have to use a shovel to clean it up and they want it done right. QA wants us to correct the commas, abbreviations, etc. It was sorta fun at first but then they threw in a new "style guide". All I could think of was "train the damn computer to go by the style guide". I was fortunate, I rode it for over 40 years and I enjoyed it. Maybe you all will enjoy the editing. I hope you do. I wish you luck.

Obviously they are going to need some of - you for editing. As an SM

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editor working for Nuance, there is no way they can stand alone without edit. Have they told you what the pay will be if you stay on as an editor? I would stay on at least for the severance and see what happens. Good luck to you . I know how hard it is.

unemployment is a good way to go, along with - scoutMT

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checking into TAA (Trade Adjustment Assistance) but well you know, got to hand it to congress; they have cut the funding for that now also.


hang on till the end, take the unemployment, and sign up for workforce development (or whatever your state calls it) - where there is funding to retrain you in another career. with extensions, you would have 1 year of unemp, and once actually enrolled in school, you are waived from needing to look for work. I am in a coding course right now (but wish I would have taken something in HIT/HIM but that was not on their list at the time). this, of course, you have to basically fight for and 'work' for, almost like a full-time job; it is not necessarily the easy way out.

also, there are TONS of free courses online Γ’€“ anything from HI to playing guitar Γ’€“ and most give you a certificate upon completion. they are great to add to a resume.

I am sorry to have to say, but what kind of people are in charge, who champion sending our work overseas because they can't stand paying people a decent wage which allows them to have any benefits, (it always seems like resentment to me) and then once they send the work over, see to it those left behind have little to no help and are just thrown into the street (for all they know or care). AND this has hit mostly women in their 40s, 50s and 60s. this society is becoming so hateful and intolerable of weaker people. like animals Γ’€“ leave the weak and old ones out to die. it disgusts me, because we are all of us probably mothers/moms, who have nurtured and cared for others most all our lives, and this is what we get in return. heartless, thoughtless people do these kinds of things, who are worrying about their own selves. that is NOT what healthcare started as. hospitals were basically started in France, for the poor and elderly...just disgraceful what has happened.

we are supposed to think that we do not matter, we don't count Γ’€“ we are not supposed to have health insurance or sick days, or even a fair wage. who really thinks like that and believes that, and how did that mindset get spread so fast. It is almost comical Γ’€“ like this is a joke and it is opposite day. Take music, for example. we have a little group that plays, but over the last so many years, the mindset has turned around 180 degrees to, not only we should play for NOTHING, because we are small scale and not a 'corporate' band, but we should PAY to play. If you go to an open mic even, you no longer get a free drink or have free food during happy hour, you now have to PAY someone 5 bucks (for the host band). when did we lose our love for ourselves.

this board can be great Γ’€“ but it has also contributed to the undermining of our profession. whatever gets posted, remember, each of us is a worthwhile person who matters Γ’€“ and we should be standing together to not only pick each other up when we fall, but also celebrate when we do well.

stay at your job (if you can get unemp, my opinion) Γ’€“ and hold your chin up till the end Γ’€“ do a good job, and then Γ’€œprayΓ’€ for those people, because they are the ones who will need it Γ’€“ they will have to answer for their deeds some day - these people who hate or care not for their fellow man (or woman). that is, if anything, the law of nature -

this seems like just greed with these hospitals and companies...just greed covered with propaganda of how they don't make any money. Yeah, right, and I am Queen Elizabeth.
Coding IS health information management - RHIA, CCS
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I just want to point out that coding IS health information management. What you are learning now is part of what you would be learning in HIT/HIM.

Coding is a very good way to get into HIM.

Your coursework may transfer into an HIM program. If not, you can use it to test out of courses.

You made a good decision. Don't second-guess yourself.
ty - scoutMT
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I appreciate the encouragement...
That - article
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is from 2011.

I emailed you. Been there, so I know how you feel. - nm

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My heart and my prayers go out to you! .... - kshel

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I am so sorry to hear it. I know how devastating this is as I am in the same situation.

What really angers me this morning is that with tornados, death, babies dying in the storm, one of the 10 stories trending on the internet is "Wife douses husband with beer"..? What am I missing? What have we come to that this kind of story is on the top 10 of things that "should" interest us on the internet?!!!! Unreal!

Unless the docs - Do all their own editing...

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I'm guessing they're going to need all of you. Many places of business don't realize what a mess the VR is and that the docs likely don't want to do their own editing. They are trying to read charts, etc., so how can they possibly do that plus edit their own work?

I would stick it out. They're dreaming if they think that they can do VR and not need you guys.

Unless - Been there

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You can hope that your place realizes what a mess VR is and comes to their senses, but don't put your eggs all in one basket. Chances are you will all be gone before they find out that they might have made a mistake, but they will still be saving a lot of money. Call it arrogance or whatever you want, but the MTs in my department also had the attitude that they couldn't do without us and were proven wrong. We have a handful of providers who still dictate but that work is sent offshore. The other providers use VR and do their own editing. And yes, VR can be trained if the IT department is doing their job. We have quality issues with the outsource company, but it only takes a couple of people to deal with that. That is my reality, I hope yours is different. It is good advice to stick it out, but there may be something other than MT in your future.

That's what I keep thinking - Jen

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BUT, these guys already use the VR on their other accounts and must like it and it must work well for them. I just don't see how it does though because they are so bad about things like "go back up there and change what I said" or mumbling and we have one doctor who can barely speak any English at times. I don't see how they WON'T need editors. The boss told us IF they keep editors, our pay rate won't change. Ha. I'm not so sure about that. But maybe dreams come true, right? Til then, I'm a'searchin....

I have been so called outsourced 2 different - times from hospital based jobs

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The first time shock beyond belief, 12-13 years at that place but the second time not the shock but worked at 2nd place over 10 years. The second place went to VR first, then sent home to work and finally outsourced to a company. We were offered inhouse jobs if we wanted, just not MTing. Let me say this, VR never (working on same 2nd hospital account to this very date) got good enough to let all go. It really never learns and I have now had at least 6 years same acct, same VR platform and VR absolutely cannot put out a decent enough report thus far to not have the MTs around. I think I worried at first that I would be replaced but has not happened and from I see day after day no time soon. I think the higher ups in your place "think" VR is the 1 stop shop and they are going to be sorely mistakened.

Try Clear Choice Transcription. Very nice QA and on-time payers.. sm - helpful

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They have a lot of turnover just because some MTs have trouble learning their platform and way of doing things, but if you hang in there....they are nice to work for. I read negative things on the board about them....I worked for them for a while and I quit NOT because of them...I just changed what I was doing and it didn't work for me anymore, but I had a very good experience with them.

Question about Clear Choice - Rita

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What's their pay like for experienced MTs?

I would stay on, lay low and do the job. - anonymous

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My hospital went with one of the biggies nearly 4 years ago. When that happened, we were told we would our jobs within the month. I'm still working for the hospital. I stayed on as an IC through two buyouts with a pay cut on the second buyout. There were many technical problems getting the account onto VR and I did back-up straight typing. The 2nd company wanted to hire me but with another paycut. I refused. The work got behind and the hospital offered me a per diem position, at a very high rate, to help catch up. There is still enough work that I could easily work 24/7. The doctors are not happy with VR nor the MTSO and there have been meetings about severing ties. I'm so glad I didn't quit or complain. I recognize that this could end at any minute and have been studying other things and saving what I can, but had I given in to my emotions,I would have been out of a job.

Encouraging - Jen

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I'm glad to see some instances where people are kept on and the powers-that-be realize VR is not all it's cracked up to be. It gives me hope. You all are awesome when you pull together to lift someone up like this. Sometimes it gets pretty catty on here but there's also a lot of "heart" on this board. Thanks guys!

Jen - Old Pro

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I have never done VR; I refused. However, I have a friend who does it and says she loves it, so maybe it is not as bad as people say......Good luck to you.

Another job in the Hospital - sm

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I am surprised no one mentioned getting another job at the hospital.

I said above was offered another job at the - hospital when I was outsourced

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but did not take, glad now I didn't because of my aging, moving further away, etc. Having posted above, I think the best thing she could do is hold off a while longer and see where her job goes. The higherups might be tremendously surprised to see voice is not a be all, end all type of solution.

Just Lost Our Jobs - Millie

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Wow! Feel very lucky you got
notice! Our department was
called into a meeting in the
early afternoon, handed
our final paychecks and told
goodbye! Then we were escorted
out of the building like some
common criminals. It was very
humiliating and upsetting. That
was nearly 1 year ago and I am
still unemployed. I am nearing
60 years old, should be looking
down the road to retirement....
instead I am trying to find a new
career and good luck with that.
I don't know what to do. After a
26-year career, I am now
"unemployable". What a kick in the pants!

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