A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I am one of 20 acute care hospital transcriptionists who have just lost our jobs to Nuance. Boy did they do a sales job on our hospital. Our hospital refused to give us severance pay using the excuse that they were giving us as "a gift" the opportunity to work with Nuance and that in itself canceled out the severance pay. Hah! Most of us have been working for this hospital for 20+ years. We lost it all -- job, health insurance, great PTO, everything. The majority of us are 50 to 65 years of age. But we are just the latest of thousands who have already gone down this path.
Nuance actually told us at one of their recruiting meetings with us that "you can make unlimited amounts of money with us." They just can't understand why none of us took the offer. Do they think we're idiots and can't multiple 4 cents a line by what we are producing now on EditScript? They even insulted us by saying "when you get in a production-based mode you will increase your lines by at least 30%" Hello -- we have been in a production-based mode for years with most of us around the 225 to 250+ lines an hour range. They even said there are all kinds of tricks in EditScript to get our lines up. Hello -- aren't you listening Nuance or didn't you did your homework before your recruiting session because we have been on EditScript for 3 years and know all the tricks.
We could make at least equal if not more money at a local fast food place or Walmart without the stress that goes along with this job at a close to minimum wage payment level. Luckily we live in a very populated area where there are plenty of jobs available in all wage ranges.