A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I did my best and still lost the job - JW

Posted: Mar 21, 2012

I trained for 5 days and was called today and told I was terminated. No explanation but their instructions on page breaks sucked and I had off and on problems with them. They sent a video to watch and and would not play on my computer and I told them about it. All they did was send it to me again and still didn't work. These companies are all about greed and do not want to take time to really train someone who really wants to learn their job.

I'm sorry you lost your job. - mt2

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I wish I'd lose mine. I hate this more and more each day. Earlier, I could have thrown this computer across the room. For what they pay now, it's not worth my sanity. I have 30 years experience. I can do my job very well but I will not sit here any longer barely making over minimum wage for all the strees and headaches MT has become. Go ahead and send ALL of it overseas. I could care less. I have to find a job away from this or I'll have a stroke soon. I used to love being a MT. I went above and beyond the call of duty. One year, they were short on weekend coverage so I took it. Worked 12 days straight, 2 days off. Eventually, all our benefits were taken away. Then all the nastiness of the supervisors and higher ups came out. I was let go after 14 years for not doing ENOUGH difficult dictators. How can YOU can what is difficult for ME? I was on unemployment for 2 months and took the first MT job offered to me. Well, I wish I'd stayed on UE and rode it out. This job is not any better if not worse. I wish they'd fire me so I could take a break for awhile.

Sorry for you both!! - kathy

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I am sorry for you both. I am working at a MT job I hate, too. Just lately, there has been a buyout, our regions changed overnight and so did my dictators. They have given me the worst ones they can find and added them to the other difficult reports (ESLs and mumblers), that I have been doing all along. They took away my ER reports which were the only ones that gave me any descent line count at all and helped me keep my sanity which I have now officially lost. I really wish we could all go on strike and teach these MTSOs a thing or two. They are nothing without us and I am tired of the abuse. We (the lowly MLS) outnumber them by thousands but yet the few greedy at the top get their way.

On May 1st, there is going to be a national strike - against corporate greed. (OWS) - sm

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Middle Class America wants the 1% to get a taste of what it would be like without us. The call is going out for everyone: Worker, student, teacher, or anyone who cares what the future of this country holds, to STAY AT HOME for just ONE DAY. MAY 1, 2012. No work. No school. No buying. No nuthin' !!

The naysayers will imply that it "won't make a dent". Yes, it WILL make a dent. It won't bring the country to its knees, but it'll sure affect a few bottom lines, and open a few eyes. It's an easy thing to do. For one day, just don't turn on your PC. Call in sick if you must, but I personally won't even bother to use the electricity to make the call. Singly, we can't do much. But if we all start to reach out and connect, we can accomplish anything.
did you ever stop to think - sm
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where the 99% would be without the investments and jobs created by the so-called 1%? This country was founded by people to sought to make their own opportunities and built a system wherein we all have the same chance to do so. Somehow you occupiers think they are entitled to what others have earned and that the richer owe them something. Sitting on your duffs -- May 1st or whenever -- what OCW does best.
this country was founded on slavery... - wheres_my_job
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there's no group of people on the planet who ever felt more entitled to take what others have earned than the "founding fathers" of the United States of America.

Seems like corporate America really yearns for the "good old days," or as in the movie Wall Street "churn 'em and burn 'em." And we're supposed to feel bad that we aren't liking being churned and burned.

Tip of the day: Read some history books.
OMG - you think the 1% currently "create" jobs? - Also, we dont need jobs "created",
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we need them kept in the US. And not whittled down into sweatshop labor/pay.

The rich are the ones sitting on their over-stuffed duffs.
May 1st (OWS) - kathy
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Thanks for the info on May 1st. To the above poster. I donât want what the rich are supposedly entitled to have, I just want fair pay for the work I am doing for these âentitled wealthyâ, who by the way surely got there by taking advantage of people like us. There is so much complacency in our country and industry today. Everyone complains but they donât have the courage to at least TRY to voice their discontent. That is how the BULLIES KEEP THEIR POWER.
I hope you all do that and get fired. More work for the rest of us, less headaches for MTSOs. - HAHAHAHAHA
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I am sick and tired of watching so many complain. You think you have it rough? Try living somewhere else, in another country. Try working at Walmart, like so many mention. You'll be answering to 20 year olds who will treat you like dirt. After what I see here, you deserve. Quit giving our industry a bad name and leave. We will be better off without you.

You think you'll hurt the big companies? Think again. They don't need you when they have really good employees.
...'cause being treated like dirt - wheres_my_job
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...by an MTSO is better? I would hope that Walmart workers would get a clue, and walk out en mass on May 1st too.
You people are nuts! - justmedlc
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Haven't really been treated well either but, with so many people wanting/needing jobs, I'm not about to walk out on ANY day, much less without notifying anyone!!!
that's exactly what drives wages down - wheres_my_job
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John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath explains all.
That tired old response is the type of thinking - that keeps us barefoot & preggers.
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You are either new at this or management. - mt4ever
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Maybe we bitch because we are sick of how we have been degraded over the last 10 years. First it was the internet. Then it was VR. Like any other company, the idea is to save money anyway you can in order to make MORE money for the company and CEO's pockets. And yes, there are days where Wal-Mart looks pretty damn good. I have no problem following orders. I have three 20-somethings myself and relate to them pretty good. Give yourself a few more years when VR will be paying 1 to 2 cpl and then come tell me how much you like it.
Thank you Kathy, I'm all for May 1st! - wheres_my_job
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that's all we want, FAIR PAY. Is it so much to ask? News flash: No it isn't.
Me, too! I hope the weather's nice, cuz I'm - gonna be spending the day outdoors!
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I already have a big sign with my MTSO on it - wheres_my_job
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I'll send 'em a frickin postcard beforehand - hi, MTSO! Hope you like the publicity!
You should bill them for the publicity! - And your art supplies! ;D
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LOL! Maybe I'll try it... - wheres_my_job
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..just for fun.
May 1st is my day off. Where does that put me? - L&L
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There are other things to not-do besides work. - Not shop. Not drive (no gas used).
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May 1st is a COMMUNIST holiday. - HowAppropros
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May 1st is a communist holiday.

Since George Soros, Obama, and their buddies are secretly funding and supporting the OWS "movement," this is really appropos.
R U serious? What you be smokin? - Pathological paranoia symptoms.
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JW - I am so sorry acute care didn't work out for you. - Better luck next time! nm

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Not really sorry I lost it. - JW

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I don't think it was the acute care, I felt good about my work. I even had reports with no red marks on them. It was formating issues. If you don't get it in five days, you are out. There was a little problem with page breaks. They even sent out a video about them but my video player on my computer would not play it and I told them. Must have been a problem for others or there would be no need for the video. All it would have taken would have been for someone to take the time to really show me. Instead they gave me several very hard ESLs which I accepted and did pretty well with them. They could have given me a few less difficult dictators until I got used to the format. These companies do not deserve us. They will get paid back some day for all the grief they have caused us. I like being an MT especially when given a chance to learn new areas of it but the greed is more important to these companies than taking time to give us proper training. Too bad. I'm glad I'm no longer with them and I would have been a good employee to them if they had given me half a chance.

they're just a-wholes... - wheres_my_job

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sorry, hard to be polite sometimes. Their loss. Hope you find something better, more ENJOYABLE. You deserve it, we all do. A little enjoyment in our workday, is that so much to ask? No, I don't think so. I don't ask for total enjoyment, or even some. Just a LITTLE.
I just want to earn a living. And for them to leave - me alone and let me work. s/m
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That's all I ask. Even if it's not that enjoyable, if they would just let me do the frigging work! But no, their software plays merry H__ with my computer. Their formatting issues have them losing clients all the time, and who gets blamed? Those "dumb MTs" - it's always OUR fault.

Bummer! Looks like your expectations about work did not match theirs. - Something you might want to think about

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There were page break problems. It was your respomsibility to find out what to do and do it, not do what you felt like doing and say they made you do it by not helping you enough.

It was not their responsibility to give you easy work so you could get used to the formatting. You took a job doing acute care when you knew you were not qualified for it. In those circumstances, the expectation would be that you would exceed requirements and expectations in order to succeed.

If you are thinking about coding, I would think the coders here would advise against it. The attitude you describe here would be ok in some jobs but would not work well for coding, where there is an even greater need to take responsibility.
nah, I don't think so - wheres_my_job
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...so tired of the "blame the MT" game.
This board is full of MTs who don't take responsibility for their own failures - nm
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I know lots of really talented MTs who are doing great, some better than others. I know other MTs who constantly fail, but it's never their fault. Someone made them take a course that wasn't very good. Someone else made them accept a job that had unfair requirements, like showing up for work when you are scheduled, doing the work the way the boss wants it done, having the tools and equipment you agreed to have when you took the job, meeting deadlines, etc. It's all unfair.
nm are you - JW
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one of those who never takes responsibility? Do you realize you are pointing your index finger at someone else and there a three other fingers pointing back at you? Judge not that ye be judged.
nah, I don't think so... - wheres_my_job
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this WORLD is full of corporations that don't take responsibility. Go post on their message boards, about "responsibility."
I'm with you! - kathy
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I get sick and tired of the MTs who think they are superior to everyone else. They expect us to beleive they have the perfect job, work for the perfect company etc., lolololol.
Some of them actually are superior MTs and have better attitudes - see message
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It isn't always about having the perfect job or working for the perfect company, because there are no perfect jobs or companies. It's about having better skills, good work ethics, and appropriate attitudes. You can look around at the immature comments and tell the difference.
Exactly, See Message. When this work went home, it - attracted a lot of low functioners who
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come here unwilling or unable to believe what setting a higher standard accomplishes for oneself. Too many are also unable to care about what doing a good job would accomplish for the patients. Truly, I wouldn't trust some of the people here to feed my cat while I was on vacation, yet they're allowed in patient files.
That's a ludicrous statement. At-home MT is - MUCH harder then on-site is.
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Multiple acute care accounts. Not just one, like the good ol days when you worked on site, but many. 2, 5, 15, it doesn't matter.

Since everyone is remote, the incompatibility of their software to the clients' - and YOURS, is another difficulty we never had working on site.

You can't ask your next-door cubicle-neighbor to listen to a word for you, either.

Last but not least, your superiors never have to look you in the eye. They can do anything they want to you and still sleep at night, because you're nothing but a number to them.
You might re-read. I agree with you, but it's nothing to do with my message. - This field has attracted many people who
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just do not want to work. Ever. At anything. For anything. No enthusiasm. No pride in doing well. No plans for climbing out of poverty. No dreams for the future that would require working toward a goal.

They're sad, and I wish them well in some other job--except for those bad apples who spew bile and resentment for their problems and insist that their shabby attitudes and work are really just as good as anyone else's. That attitude'll do for tidying clothes racks at Walmart, until it's time to find yet another job, but it's very much not okay here.
With too many of these companies, it doesn't - matter how good your skills or - sm
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ethics are. Especially if they're gradually transitioning over to all-offshore transcription. They'll find a way to make even the best MT look like a slacker, and then dump them. It's happening all over the country every day.

So sit there and "be a good girl" all you want, but unless the direction that business & government in America is taking is changed, even your oh-so-perfect self is in jeopardy.
The bottom line - JW
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is greed.
No, this board is full of management - eavesdroppers with not enough work.
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So if you're as good as you say you are, you - should be making $50K/year.
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And please, spare us the tall tale that you ARE making $50K a year. Because there just aren't enough hours in the day, or days in the week, to do that on an MT's pay. Not even the supernaturally gifted MTs, as you seem to think you might possibly be.

You don't want to work for a company like THAT...n/m - Kiki

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I'm so sorry you lost your job! You're right, - these companies ARE all about - s/m

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GREED, especially when they can't even take the time to PROPERLY TRAIN a new employee. It's beyond ridiculous, it's criminal. Well, don't feel bad. And if it's any consolation, I'm a heartbeat away from getting canned myself, and I've been at my company for almost 8 years. My company's so-called "training" is so bad, it would be funny, if it didn't affect all their employees' incomes!

Again, don't feel bad - it wasn't your fault! This is just a sleazy, sucky field to be working in these days.

I gave it my best for the time I had to do it. - JW

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For the poster who said it was my responsibility to learn the page breaks, well I was trying to get it right the whole five days. Yes, I believe they could have let me concentrate on the platform and formating first and then given me the harder dictators. The dictators did not bother me as much as worrying about getting the other things right at first but when all you have is IM and email, it's pretty difficult to get good communication going with a trainer. A real person would be a lot better to walk you through it. I don't blame myself and I know that someday all these companies are going to get what is coming to them for all the innocent people they have hurt and put down. They are losing it now, it's called karma. Thanks for all the suppportive posts I really appreciate it.

How's that approach working for ya? NM - Dr. Phil

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Blaming others might make you feel better, but it isn't going to put food on the table.

Those people whom you perceive as "supportive" because they validate you are not doing you any favors. They are not helping you see the underlying problem or what to do better next time.

You never mentioned any of those issues when you posted asking for advice. If you had, I think we could have helped you with them.

Everyone ends up sleeping in the bed they made. You appear to be short-sheeting your own bed.
Get off my back!!!! - JW
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You listen up, I know in my gut I did my best on this job trial and I now call it a trial, they called it a new hire but it was not. BTW the company was Probity so if you ever hear from them and they tell you that you did well on their test and they want you to join "their team" look at as they are only screening you and you are not joining their team.
Dr. Phil - JW
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If you are getting advice from Dr. Phil, I don't take it seriously as he is a lame brain.
LOL, you're right - wheres_my_job
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I think Dr. Phil is a BULLY. - Meerkat
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PS: I mean the ORIGINAL. Of course, - if the shoe fits...........=^..^=
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That's how all employers are. They hire you and fire you if you don't meet their expectati - nm
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nm I hardly think - JW
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that 5 days is enough time to know everything about the job. Not every employer does this. The conscientious ones are really looking for someone with the potential to give them what they need and will offer support to that person so they get what they need. Unfortunately MTing has gone to the dogs, poor dogs, with most if not all these companies and the bottom line is greed.
JW, when I started my job I trained on the system 1/2 day, did reports - on my new account 1/2 day, then went to work. SM
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That means, on day 2 of hire I was released from training and was working full time--with no need for QA or anybody else to help me get it right. I had taken notes during the training on the system, shortcuts, etc., so what I didn't remember I just looked up on my notes. (Kudos also to the company for moving us along properly.)

Hard reality today is that there're are a plenty of fully skilled MT/MEs ready to take each decent job, who have no need for someone to personally help them along (at great additional cost to the employer and aggravation to those who have to take time from the rest of their work to babysit). This is the standard you have to shoot for over time so this sort of thing won't happen. Competence means seldom having to ask questions and almost never asking for actual help. Being able to work well independently.

Keep working at it. You'll have a new job soon. This time I'd suggest planning right from the beginning to be a low maintenance employee: Print out all your references and keep them handy so you can refer to them each time you have a question.

Get all the client specs correct right from the beginning by looking them up as needed on each report until you have them all memorized.
Only e-mail questions when there's no spec for your situation or it's genuinely confusing as written (something almost always is). Then write down the answer, source of answer, and date for future reference (both for your own use and in case QA comes back and says it's wrong).

And, of course, while in training take very complete, organized notes with the intention of referring to them (not your supervisor) as you finish breaking yourself into your new job.

Try to save actual phone calls to your supervisor for building a good relationship, to help him/her identify you as one of the dependable can-do ones, a problem-solver not problem-maker, etc. Save procedural questions for brief e-mails that can hopefully be as briefly answered (and forgotten).

Good luck.

Just the corporate line... - wheres_my_job
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...there's a great book I recommend, it's about mice and cheese, can't remember the name of it. It's what they give employees they are laying off. The amazon.com reviews of it are hilarious, and explain everything wrong in corporate America. I guess you can search for cheese mice and corporations and find it.
You wish. I'm an MT, like many, many others whose competence - you apparently find hard to believe. NM
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I wish I had such a high opinion of myself. But - then, someone would likely slap me.
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Sorry for you, but that has a lot to do with why you are unhappy - Work on that to improve your life NM
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It's really strange - wheres_my_job
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Why are posters always accusing each other of being "really unhappy" "you must be miserable" - we're disagreeing about the state of the MT field, but then it devolves into personal attacks on the other person's perceived level of happiness...if you don't go along with the MTSOs preferred version of reality (it's the MTs fault, they're just not trying hard enough, that's why they're not making any money, it's not the corporate decision-making that's at fault)...that means overall in your life, you're miserable and unhappy? Well, when it comes to not making a decent wage, WHO'S supposed to be happy about that? It's just laughable. And we're supposed to be happy about having to job hunt in a miserable (hmm) economy?

Amazingly enough, it's possible to be miserable about your economic situation, but take joy and pleasure in a whole lot of other things. People are complicated...and MTs believe it or not, are people too...we're not just computer peripherals, like keyboard and mouse.

MTs are people too.
The company's not putting food on her table either - wheres_my_job
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She's doing fine, and we're doing fine.
What a tool. - Holy, holy, holy.
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Has Anyone From Webmedx Followed The Lost Accounts
Sep 14, 2010

Just curious as to if anyone that was let go from WMX applied to Medquist. ...

Sep 17, 2010

Regarding the English slang for Management being termed as a "SUIT." On a forum/bbs/chat board it is not uncommon to find shortened variations of words in slang terminology being used.  There seems to be 2 classifications of work force/individuals on this forum and one would NOT need a certification in education to realize them to be Production and Management classifications.   The general consensus of "Production Workers" seems to have been approp ...

S/l Lost Compliance In Breast?
Oct 01, 2010

She has some s/l lost compliance to the breast due to radiation but no discrete mass or nodule.  Has mild radiation changes to the skin. ...

Transcend Lost A Big Account
Oct 20, 2010

There is rumor that Transcend has lost a huge account and I see someone further down on the board figures this to be true since she now has work in this account, only she is working for a different MTSO.  Anyone care to elaborate?  I say this is only the beginning for them, the way they push and shove until TAT is down to about 3 minutes.  You only get what you pay for in this industry.  Plus you also get what you have coming, after the way Transcend treats their MTs.  ...