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Query about those who have lost the - production bonus

Posted: Jan 06, 2014

It is quite a shock the first pay check? I have always made it - lost the QA one but that one always seemed to be half tax anyway, so did not mind so much, but now that will be $100 (typically was my production bonus) less for me a week and also no incentive whatsoever to type more per line OR any more at all.

I am certainly NOT going to spend 3 months trying desperately to get "back on top" and get the production bonus again. It just seems so arbitrary, and the errors have been ramped up, both in value of errors and amount of reports being picked at, IMHO.

The times when I am super careful I still seem to miss things and my line count goes down so much I don't even qualify PLUS it bores the heck out of me to go really slow.

I could not bear trying so hard only to have them snatch it away from me again with their last push to get us at the end of the quarter (I imagine a big pep talk where the QA/QCs are encouraged to get special bonuses by knocking us MTs out of contention - I know, just my imagination, or is it?).

I am considering picking up another part time job and going down to progressive part time since I actually do NOT want to do any more lines than I have to since I won't be getting the bonus on them.

I am not naturally a spiteful or manipulative person, but Nuance are nasty and I do not want to give them one extra line of my work that is without bonus due to their diabolical machinations, OR one minute of my time extra until I can find something better, and I will be spending said time looking for something better. 

So if anyone else has found themselves in the newly without bonus category and had similar issues, how have you found the best way to cope is?

Is the PTO accumulation on PPT okay? Just wondering if I might do as well or almost as well on the PPT so would appreciate any input from those of you on it, especially if you, like me, have been demoted in this fashion.

I cope at this place by ....... - mt2

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Never working OT.
Not spending "extra" time to find names, addresses, etc.
If 3 blanks are allowed, and I seriously can't find it, I leave a blank.
I NEVER look at FIESA.

I have a glass of wine at the end of my shift.

I've been here 2 years. I'm up to $10-$12/hour which works for me.

I work for my paycheck. They can stick their fake bonuses.

And that's how I stay sane at this place.

Thanks! - Good advice

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But do you ever get in trouble for not looking at FIESA? I tried that for awhile but when you get the Major Error or whatever it's called, you know the catastrophic end of the world one where you miss one middle digit in the platelet count so you singlehandedly killed a patient one, they always say I must sign off on it and emails abound until I do.

So do you not get them or just ignore them and it works? Because if it works I might just try that too.

The same for me - sufferinginsilence

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I do the best I can, do my 8 hours (go for the lines), and I'm out, never do any OT. To keep my blood pressure down and my migraines at bay, I don't bother to look at Fiesa - it is a FLAWED system in so many ways especially when every QC person does something different on the same error - there is no WAY in HELL you can get their "Bonus" which in reality, is the amount they cut from your paycheck (or more) in the first place!

I never, ever look at Fiesa - Sm

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I never initial important errors on fiesta. I can't get the new IM system to work and I ignore my lead's instructions to contact tech about it. I've been at Nuance 3+years. I figure they can fire me if they don't like it and I can collect UE. I'm completely dependable, conscious and I do my best.
Contacting tech is another pain - with the unpaid time aspect
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It can take hours at time to "fix" something and then sometimes it is still not fixed. I avoid calling them too, rather just put up with things. They get compensated for their time, but another instance where we do not.
I am the OP that I never look at Fiesa - sm
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Funny how they never seem to audit a hospital I do that has dozens of #s in each line, reports 4 to 11 min long, that I always get right. It's just the hospitals with horrible ESLs on bad phone lines that they tear me apart.

I have not heard 1 word from anyone about NOT looking at FIESA. - mt2

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When I get one of those emails, I look at it, and then delete it. But I never look at FIESA.

Wow. Thanks. - This feels incredibly better
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Like a weight off my back. I am typing this morning realizing I know this account like the back of my hand and the dictators and that is what I love about the work, so the fact some stupid QA scheme has deprived me of money is not going to get me down, I will just focus and do my lines, as you say, and never ever do extra. And get a second job of course.

I was told once the doctors on my account have praised my transcription (must have been an unguarded moment - God forbid we get the idea we are good at what we do and the doctors appreciate us).

I wonder if they asked the doctors to choose their preferred transcriptionists, would it coincide with the ones Nuance is rewarding? I have to think not. Wish the doctors could decide who gets a bonus or not, instead of FIESA.

I just picked up a second job - train this week nm

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production bonus - stillsuffering

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I have been under Nuance for over a year now. I have never made a bonus. I have never been given access to FIESA so have no idea what I am being QA/QC for Nuance. I am held under a completely different QA/QC through Accentus even though they are a part of Nuance. I have asked for access to FIESA but it has been ignored. I have asked to have the bonus QC explained to me, but I still don't understand how it works, where they get their information or how it is scored. Apparently from this other post every QC person scores differently so we are pretty much at their mercy which means I will never qualify. I am like you I stopped trying, had to give up quality for quantity just to make enough to live off of. I have never regained my lost pay from the take over in December 2012. Nuance is not a good company to work for unless you don't need to make a living and just need "extra money". If you are trying to make a living from it you can't. I am told my PTO rate is $12/hr but if you actually look at what I make an hour it is barely minimum wage and sometimes less. Now it has been over 2 weeks with little to no work. I will be lucky to bring home $100 for 2 weeks of work due to OOW on my account on a daily basis. I am told no secondary because they are short on work too. The real wonderful thing is that no on at Nuance cares that there is no work on their accounts. Apparently the work is being done by someone somewhere as Nuance is still being paid, but I am not. Yeah I'm a production worker with no work to produce but yet they want to claim I am an hourly employee. Wish the legal system would get involved and put some guidelines into place so this sort of business practice could be stopped. Another wonderful day at work!

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