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do they calculate your LPH before dividing your speech or no? sm - confused

Posted: Dec 04, 2014

Just wondering- Do they take your lines and half the speech lines and THEN divide that by your hours and get your LPH OR do they take your total speech and typed lines first and get your LPH , then divide the speech lines in half? That makes a difference. Does anyone know?????

I still cannot see a huge impact. I have calculated 2 past weeks of pay using the new way and also an older scorecard. One was the same, one was 10$ less for that week and one was about 15$ more for the week. BUT I also am not sure how they get your LPH. That wouldn't make a significant difference anyhow in my calculations.

lph - anon

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LPH is the same way it has always been if you want to figure your hrly pay. I do it every day at the end. Say you make 8 cpl typed and 4 cpl edited. That is the same thing as saying 500 lines typed = 1000 edited since edited lines pay half. All that has changed is that now Nuance figures that for you. So if you type 100 lines and edit 900, you actually will get paid the same as if you typed 550 lines. That is the 100 lines you typed plus 450 (half of what you edited).

no i'm talking about....sm - confused

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your hourly LPH. What you do per hour. They always calculate it at the end of the week. They would add up all lines total, speech and regular, and divide that by how many hours you worked. Getting your LPH for the week. But now they are taking speech lines and dividing them in half. Before if I typed 1000 regular lines and 1000 speech and worked 10 hours. They'd take my 2000 lines total and divide by my 10 hours giving me an LPH of 200. NOW my 1000 would stay the same but they half the speech lines so it would be 1000 regular, 1000 speech converted to 500 regular. Making my line count 1500 now, converted. Do they then take the 1500 and divide by my 10 hours. Making my LPH 150??? OR do they do that before converting speech lines? That's what I want to know b/c as you can see from the example above, if they do it after converting speech lines, it brings your LPH down. Therefore, making your check lower and screwing us.

You got it right, your C-LPH would be 150 - AnotherAnon

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and your pay is based on C-LPH.

Forget about LPH it is does not exist any more, not in Nuance's new pay structure at least.

I wouldn't waste one more minute trying to - figure this mess out. It is - SM

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the COMPANY'S responsibility to make sure we understand all this garbage. And if we don't, then it's their responsibility to make it so that we DO.

Of course, we all know why this has become such a convoluted mess. It's because they DON'T WANT us to understand. That way, it's so much easier for them to cheat us!

I also think that whole mess of a pay format should be shown to an attorney, because I think what they're doing constitutes PAYROLL FRAUD.

LPH - anon

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8000 edited lines plus 1000 typed lines for the week = 5000 converted lines divided by 40 hours for the week = 125 LPH. That's how it's always been.

No, it hasn't "always been that way." - "Converting" the lines cheats the MT.

[ In Reply To ..]

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