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I was dinged for dividing a run-on sentence! - Daisy

Posted: Apr 04, 2014

There was a long run-on sentence, so I made it 2 sentences. I got 25 points taken off because, and I quote, *it almost changes the meaning.* So, now you watch - I will get dinged for leaving run-on sentences! Can't win!

Run on sentence - TJ

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It is ludicrous. No one can be at 99.7 above all the time. They are doing it because that is all they have to do.

And I got an email saying that the quality percentage was going to go up even more! NM - Daisy

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formats - 16TRANSCRIBER

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I am just appalled at all of this ridiculous "dinging" going on by these companies. Although my time in transcription is coming to an end at the end of the year due to outsourcing to M*Modal, I have worked for a fairly large community hospital for 16 years. We have NEVER had any formal formatting standards, and punctuation is our discretion as long as correct. If the doctor says something stupid, which they do every report, we fix it. We don't go by book of style. We just go by what is correct and use common sense. I feel for all you transcriptionists out there who are held to this ridiculous unattainable standard. All 9 transcriptionists have a different but basic way of transcribing. No one tells us we must do it a certain way. This is one huge reason that when Sept. comes and I get laid off I am saying....adios amigos!

email - NEMT

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You're kidding me?!! How much higher can it go??!!! I haven't gotten an email yet but i imagine Iwill
still 99.6 in my world - no email about it
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Must not have changed for cornerstone
Shaw had sent the email mid 2013 about ramping up scores - dnr
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The email had stated 99.6% was going into effect in 1 month from that email, and 99.7% would be in effect at the end of the first quarter in 2014.

Greater than 99.7? Who sent you that email. - nm

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Performance coach said in the future quality metrics would continue to rise. NM - Daisy
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If that is the case, - MMemp
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then they better make the dictation easier to hear, too much static, soft voices, etc. If they would not give us a crappy program to work with, maybe we would do better. Also the computers some of us use given by MModal are slow and really outdated.
Standards - Anon
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I'm beginning to think they're merely sadistic and enjoy seeing us squirm.
It will likely go up to 100% when they're getting - ready to lay off all remaining MTs.
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They're getting ready to close up shop in the medical transcription business, and transition to full coding. That's where the money currently is, and this company is all about following the money.
Then it will go up to 101% - Whereby MTs will
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have to review their audit feedback and report anything that was missed by the auditor.
OMG that got a HUGE laugh out of me!! - totally hilarious
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I swear, I did not expect that at ALL ... thanks for the belly laugh!!!

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