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Seriously....has anyone received incentive bonus within the last 3 months? - mt2

Posted: Apr 16, 2012

I have been with Nuance for 4-1/2 months.  This is my first experience with VR but I have 25+ years experience as a MT.  I have always had QAs 98% and up.  Whatever that QT thing is, my scores are horrible.  Yes, now and then I have a report that blows.  The majority of my work I have no problem with dictators, etc.  WTH is going on?  Someone please explain this to me plus who here really gets incentive bonus?

. - .

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C'mon people a penalty of no incentive for long periods of time when the majority of the time you may meet their requirements. In simple line rate production incentive pay equates to it is what it is and cannot be controlled by them. If an MT goes below 98% which has been the industry standard for ever then there are consequences. Maybe tack on a small bonus for 99% or higher and re-structure the line rate portion. But no way, I guess they want to control all of it unlike other mtso's.

It looks to me like nuance has come along buying others out thinking they are going to re-invent the wheel and cut our pay at the same time temporarily bringing others on with these glorified ADS they produce. They might try paying a decent wage and forget the incentive all together which they control at their discretion. This might make employees to stay with them longer.

I believe I have never seen one company that has been so *anti MT* as Nuance.

Thank you answering my question. - mt2

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Like I said, I'm not new at this and I do my job. I would rather have a decent salary rather than worry about making some inflated, out of reach bonus. I have been trying to keep a good attitude about this job but OMG my patience is wearing thin. I'm moving within a year and will be looking for a job outside the house, more for my santify than anything. Things need to change in this field. MTSOs are pushing out the hard-working GOOD MTs. Not that they give a you-know-what. I just wanted to know who here really makes incentive pay. and someone please explain that QC crap to me! How can it be 98, 95, 99, 76 and 15% ???????

Seriously - anon

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Yes, every pay period.

FIESA - trying to leave

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I am confused and of course my manager is non-existent. Are our incentives now being based on the weekly FIESA review? Or the same 3 month review. Lord, I cannot wait to leave this place......

That's what I'm trying to figure out ! - mt2

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My FEISA reports are A's. I'm off pending reports. Then why are my QC scores low? Someone please explain this! God, I can't wait to get out of this field.

Good for you. How? - justwondering

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What's the secret? I don't hurry so my reports are good. I make sure to check the acct specs on each report. I research words. What are you really averaging per hour on lines? please explain this to us.

. - .

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How.... - anon

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Well, first of all, I have been on my current account since day one for me and day one for my account. I have spent nearly 4 years on the account, so needless to say I am very, very familiar. Maybe I'm good at what I do or maybe just lucky, but I don't have any problem meeting the requirements. I think its all about being familiar with all of the dictators on the account. I don't think Nuance is trying to be deceitful in any way and I know you all can do it, just be patient. Please don't bomblast me with anything like me being a suit or anything else. I am just a hard worker and proud of what I do. It can be done!
I appreciate your honesty. - mt2
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I've only been doing VR for 4-1/2 months, but I've been a MT for 25+. It just irritates me when I bust my butt here doing the best I can to see such a lousy paycheck and the constant low QC scores WHICH I DO NOT UNDERSTAND when my FIESA crap scores are A's. Maybe I will get better on here, maybe not. I do know I get so sick of this.
How.... - anon
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All I can say is hang in there. Since Nuance has gotten so darn big I don't know what your TL is like but don't hesitate to question anything you might feel is counted against you incorrectly. Mine has always been great about making sure everything is fair.
. - .
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as a Transcender, soon to be Nuancer - sm
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what is this loss per quarter -- ?? Is it incentive not given, is is punative for errors, what do you mean?

Yes, I have gotten a bonus since becoming a - NTS MT

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Nuance employee after the Webmedx buyout. I have gotten a bonus each pay period since the transition.

This all sounds like a "hit and miss" situation. - Varies from person to person..either way

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it doesn't sound good. The base pay is less than attractive and the incentive program keeps me guessing. No thanks, I'll pass.

I don't know what to tell you. I liked WMX's bonus system - NTS-MT

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better, but I haven't had a problem meeting the requirements for NTS. I work the same accounts that I worked for 8 years though, so I imagine that factors in since I know the dictators. Also, my accounts have recently transition to the Escription speech engine and the difference in the draft quality is amazing compared to what we were dealing with before. That also factors in.

All I know is NTS has been quite good to me up to this point.

Hit and miss - anon

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With all due respect, it is not "hit or miss", its based on what you do and how well you it and does not vary from person to person.
. - .
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Based on the replies and from what I have heard - it comes across as a "hit and miss situation".
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Unless you are saying that the MTs who dont have luck with incentive are not producing enough or doing well.

Again, it seems to vary from what I can tell.
Based... - anon
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There is no "luck" with the incentive. Yes, perhaps they are not producing enough or doing well, thus no incentive. It does not vary. No one is hand picked to get the incentive and no one is excluded if they perform their job properly.
Last I heard, we were all entitled to opinions and - that is mine and I stand by it.
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having worked for a place where EVERYONE got incentive regardless as long as they met productivity and passed audits every 3 months -

I still say this method sounds like a "hit and miss" and I still say it sounds like it varies with each person.

I have to wonder why you are taking this so personal?
I would guess because she actually works there - Whereas you do not
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You're basing your opinion on posts on a forum.

That poster actually apparently works at Nuance and has first-hand, factual information.

Now, guess who's opinion is more valid?

See, it's not rocket science. Sour grapes by those who aren't getting an incentive versus the posts of an apparently successful MT who actually works for the company.

You're most assuredly entitled to your opinion; however, you might want to consider the ulterior motives of posters who have reason for bias.
I'm not biased. I make good money where I work - and if I ever lost my job, I would
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go back to full time nursing. I still make good, thats why I'm still around. But trust and believe, I keep my license active by working every other weekend just in case I have to go full time again.

No reason for me to try to make Nuance look bad, how would that benefit me? and what would the ulterior motive be?
. - .
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