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Regarding Incentive Versus Bonus? - Meh

Posted: Nov 08, 2013

I know there was a training video regarding what the incentive as well as bonus qualifications at Nuance, but I never understood it. Some of you seem to be complaining of Nuance using underhanded tactics to avoid rewarding any bonus or incentive, which is probably a major reason why you complain of being "mistreated." (I, on the other hand, don't feel mistreated by Nuance per se, except for the ridiculous monetary compensation). But I have never sought out the bonus nor incentive, basically because I don't understand how it works. What is the bonus and what is the incentive at Nuance in terms of how to get it (supposedly)?

The underhanded tactics are - Depressed

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being hit on blanks filled in by QC and then marked off by QA. Also, one QA docks for too many commas and then the next for not enough commas. Then, closer to the end of the quarter, you will be hit by multiple bad audits, and by the time you realize they weren't your mistakes and try to get them reversed, it is too late to get the bonus.

awww... - you poor thing...

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A couple days ago you were all rah-rah for Nuance and now the complaining starts.

FYI - Meh

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And just to let you know, I've always complained about the poor pay at Nuance (though I believe it's the same at other MT companies too), so I didn't just have an about-face and all of a sudden start complaining. But the original poster asked for feedback on whether to take a job at Nuance. My feedback was that I don't have trouble with the work or the platform but only the pay, but if the pay is the same with all other MT companies also, then it makes sense to go with Nuance, doesn't it? I said I like the EditScript platform, which has functions that make it easier to do SR editing. Have you used EditScript, by the way? Well, I happen to like it. When I trained at MTEC (which was good training but the school didn't offer a real SR editing platform), I thought editing was harder than regular transcription and I couldn't understand why one would be paid so much less for editing. But now I do understand. You can easily go through SR editing twice as fast as regular transcription with the special function keys in EditScript.

Wow! - I am impressed...

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I cannot edit twice as fast as I can type, no matter how many shortcuts I use, and I always thought it was pretty much assumed that nobody could, that being the basis for the piss-poor pay. I guess I had better study those short cuts again.
No Problem With SR Editing - Meh
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I've been at Nuance for almost a year now. When I began,I was very slow, both editing and regular transcription. But now I'm at around 200 lines/hour for editing and about 80 lines/hour for regular transcription, so it's about over twice as fast for SR editing. I only have a few expanders right now that I use, which I think is the main reason I'm not up to speed yet for regular transcription. I use expanders for major headings and ages, e.g. "pex" is for expanding to physical examination" and "rosx" is for expanding to review of systems" and "dos" is for expanding to date of service." For ages, I have "5yo" for "5-year-old." I could still expand with the expanders, but I find it's best to add gradually so it is easier to remember and get used to. The shortcut keys for editing are effective for immediately jumping to the place in the text where one needs to make a correction. Also, I use MS Word shortcuts regularly such as Ctrl + arrow, which is quicker than just using arrow withoiut the Ctrl to get from one word to another. And then there is the EditScript shortcut in which one inserts a period. There are a couple of other shortcuts in EditScript as well as MS Word that are indispensable. When I began, I couldn't imagine getting to 200 lines/hour editing,and now I can't imagine getting up to 300 lines/hour editing, but I assume it can be done eventually, since that is what my TSM said the speed is for those who have been doing it for some time.
Ah... - nm
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That explains it. Since your average is only 80 lph straight... - anon
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It's much easier to understand why you like VR so much.

Most MTs average 200-300 lph straight, so now you can see why averaging 200 lph on VR is a massive paycut for most of us. I'd have to average at least 500 to double.

There is a huge difference between a newbie of one year averaging only 80 lph straight, and an MT with 30 years of experience averaging 250, so thanks for clarifying. Now you can understand how insisting that VR does double the line count is laughable to most of us here. It only works for those who aren't as proficient on straight transcription.
I Concur - Meh
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You must use lots and lots of expanders to be able to type 200-300 lph straight. It's impossible otherwise. As for 400 lines/hour at SR editing, I think that's impossible also, even with the shortcut keys in EditScript, since you would not only have to crank up the speed all the time (some dictators you can really speed it up and some dictators you can't) but you wouldn't be able to stop at all and research at all or even get up for 5 minutes to go to the bathroom.
Yes, me too. I do over 200 LPH, which has - become standard. Expanders have been
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around for a decade now.

But, also yes, that's a bit part of why I also can't edit at twice the speed that I transcribe. (The other part is being able to hear the little inhales and gurgles that pass for enunciation and are lost with speeding up the sound too much.) I also am good at editing, have been for years, enjoy it a lot more than transcribing, but not getting an almost 50% pay cut on every report.

nothing like someone from MTEC enlightening - the rest of us. nm

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MTEC Prepared Me Well - Meh
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No complaints about the school, no complaints about this work per se. No complaints with SR editing and the fact that editing pays half the amount as regular transcription, since editing can truly be done much quicker. Only complaint for me is the ridiculously low pay across the board. Fair pay would be if editing paid 6 cents/line and regular transcription paid 12 cents/line (as opposed to 3.75 cents/line and 7.50 cents/line.)

MEH, Ask your supervisor to explain or send you graph. nm - .

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Incentive versus bonus... - SAM

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Ask your TSM to provide you with the written format of the bonus and incentive. The documentation is available.

I Was Afraid of Looking Dumb - Meh

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One doesn't want to seem dumb if one is employee especially. But I can ask for "written format of bonus and incentive."

Bonus/Incentive - SAM

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Just say you've tried to find it, but to no avail. Ask where to look specifically or if they can provide it in an email. You won't look dumb! A mark of intelligence is knowing where and when to get an answer when you don't know something.

I have it written down somewhere....sm - LoveMT

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But, I only have it written down for the one that covers people who work acute care. There are different and/or no incentive bonus for people who do just clinics and people who do just do radiology, I think. Since I only do acute care and have only ever done acute care, I only wrote that one down.

I can look for it a little later tonight and post what I have written down for you. I think that it is somewhere in the handbook too, but am not certain. I think I wrote mine down when I watched some kind of training video or something like that, and I might actually still have that link. I'll look for that too.

As far as whether or not you can attain either bonus, all I can say is good luck with that. I don't even really try for either one because I find them completely unattainable, and I have been at this a pretty long time. Never in my life have I seen QA that finds the most insignificant things be considered "errors" in a document, especially when doing VR because it's a lot easier to miss stupid things like not putting a comma in the right place or forgetting a period. Those are things that any MLS would not miss if the report were straight transcribed, in my opinion. So, when those types of things are held against you (and that's only to list a few), it's nearly impossible to be perfect enough to attain either bonus. That's just my opinion.

Anyway, I'll find what I have written down and post it to you or email it to you. I have occasionally been able to attain the incentive bonus this quarter, but it's not often enough to make a huge difference in my paycheck.
Acute Care? - Meh
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Posting it would be great. I'd like to see it.

So acute care means basically inpatient reports, right? And that includes discharge summaries and operative notes? (I stared at Nuance with basically only clinic notes and some letters, but now I think I work on a lot of acute care reports.)
Acute care for me means.....sm - LoveMT
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I do it all...HP, CS, DS, OP notes, wound care notes, sleep studies, EMGs, EEGs, whatever the hospital accounts I do send to us.

I have always done any and every work type available for me to learn. In the very beginning when I worked inhouse, I did acute care and radiology. I have done some clinic work for another MTSO years ago, but I'm partial to acute care because it's always something different and not so monotonous; that is just my opinion.

This is what I have written down that relates to what I would get in incentive IF I qualify, and I do strictly acute care.

Must have for the week:
10% or less pended to QC
99% accuracy.

7001 - 8000 = 0.0025/line
8001 - 9000 = 0.005/line
9001 - 10,000 = 0.0075/line
10,001 - 11,000 = 0.01/line
11,001 - 12,500 = 0.015/line

I have never made it past 9000 lines, but I can only do about 185 to 200 lph on a GOOD day, depending on the dictators and account I work. Most of my accounts have very heavy ESL percentages.

I hope this helps you some. :)

spark - 7thchild

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If my supervisor disappeared off of my spark list is she gone? I have been through so so so so many supervisors over the past 10+ years going from Transcend to Nuance. Pretty soon the company will be called, You Pay Us.

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