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I didn't get my incentive bonus and our new health insurance blows - sm

Posted: Oct 15, 2012

Not really going to try to maintain % to QC.  Guess they will be filling in a lot of blanks for me.  Looks like Nuance shot themselves in the foot.

Yepper!! I don't bust my butt for % either. s/m - me

[ In Reply To ..]
I've been a MT for 25+ years. I have never had a problem with QA until now. So......I will clock in, work, clock out. No more, no less. I will not drive myself insane with the inconsistent QA rule change. I'd rather produce enough to pay my bills then worry about getting a bonus. Have fun filling in MY blanks.

That is what I did when I lost my quarterly bonus - anon

[ In Reply To ..]
I sent 30% or more to QC every stinking day for 3 months.

Guess what, got my bonus back this quarter. They audited less than 10 jobs for me the whole quarter and stopped when I hit 99%. I didn't get a single audit in September.

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