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The more things change the more they stay the same - TiredMT

Posted: Mar 04, 2014

Gets so frustrating every day to constantly get the bad dictators over and over.  Hundreds of different dictators on this account, yet I get same bad dictators, 3-4 reports at least in a row of each bad dictator lined up, and they aren't due back for quite some time, compared to the many other better dictators that were dictated long before the ones I am getting.  And they wonder why no one wants to work OT...what's the point.  If things aren't fair during my shift and can't make a decent pay because of it, why bother.  They certainly are not caring about me or my family.

you are so right - tiredtoo

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When Nuance took over Transcend and I took a massive pay cut, I went to my ROM (then turned into TSM) and COM. I told them I could not afford the pay cut, that I'd lose my home. Their answer: You should learn to live within your means. If we cut your pay, learn to live without things like cable and you'll be fine....

hope you told them to shove it. nm - mt2

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Sure did - tiredtoo

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Working for a company now that is completely different, no set hours, bosses are as nice as they can be, great accounts. Turns out the grass really is greener on the other side....

I think we're on the same account - anon

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They wonder why they can't get anybody to stay, or hire newbies and they freak out and quit, all the while hounding the rest of us to work overtime. TSM could stop the cherrypicking, but does nothing. I would think the cherrypickers make good line counts and the rest of us don't. Maybe we're just too slow, not enough expansions, or some other excuse. Couldn't possibly be because we shovel the crap while others take the best reports. That would be too simple to understand, right?

Same account - hear ya

[ In Reply To ..]
Me too and amen to that! You can tell we get the left over garbage. Fed up with it too to tell ya the truth.

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