A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Can we make a list of 100 things that we ...sm - Tiny

Posted: Apr 13, 2011

love about being an MT? I have been feeling overwhelmed and I'm trying to find the good in it all, so I'll start....

I'm home when my kids get home from school.

anyone else?


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100 reasons - mt1347

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1) No donations to wedding gifts, baby showers, etc., for people I don't like but feel pressured to donate because the boss' secretary is bring the envelope around.
2) No pot lucks.
3) No body worrying about how much coffee I drink and whether I should donate more to the coffee fund.
4) No stinky food in the refrigerator from lunches left there for 3 weeks.
5) DOn't have to listen to someone else's phone calls.
6) Don't have to put with people bringing their boyfriends and unruly children to work.
7) My word books don't get stolen.
8) No one else uses my head set.
9) No one is getting arrested in front of me while I try to work.
10) No one left the empty coffee pot on and almost burned the place down.
11) Don't have to listen to music I hate.

No Office Politics!!!!!!! - nm - greenie

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no shoes - bare feet/nm

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sweats and jammies (talk about) . . . - casual Fridays, and . . .

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it makes me appreciate "dressing" up a little bit more. Gotta love it!!!

the occasional burp or toot as loud as you want - its the onions....

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:) laughter is the best medicine

and - icedT

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Don't forget the Kleenex stuffed halfway in the nose when allergies come around! No time to blow my nose when there's editing to be done!

We are all soooo glamorous! ROFL

friends - icedT

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I would miss my 4-legged furry friends if I had to leave every morning and drive to work!

To Tiny (OP): Agree with being here for the kids.

Think of what you're saving on fuel! - and wear and tear on your car n/m

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Absolutely! Best lunch buddies - anon

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are my rabbit, the cat that recently adopted us, and the feral I feed outside, plus all the birdies, squirrels, deer, turkeys and whatever that hang out here.

that sounds lovely - ...nm

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Me too - sm

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I have a Bassett Hound, cat and parrot as my coworkers. The cat lays in the chair beside me, the dog watches out my window for intruders, the parrot keeps the dog in line by telling him to be quiet when he barks, says hello when the phone rings and tells my son to bring his dirty clothes downstairs. I have about 30 deer that hang out in my back yard and come up and try to steal a bit of seed out of the bird feeder while their watching me like I can't see them, a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers that come in for a treat at the suet feeder and the squirrels tussel in the backyard. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Like! - Fellow critter watcher
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I wear my Breathe Right nose strip - anon

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all day.

Optional to shower or not...hey I'm just being honest!! - ahhhh

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Pups (or kitties) can sleep at your feet... - piglet

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and there is nothing sweeter than the sound of a dog softly snoring as I work. (:

When my kid was a middle-schooler - and a rotten one at that...

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... and I had to spend time in the dean's office, RPCs, being a P.I./Cop/Enforcer/General All Around Bad Guy, etc. I could do it during the day without having to deal with bosses, coworkers, leaving work, etc. Deal with kid crap during the day and work at night.

It didn't matter if I worked until 4 am and got two hours of sleep and looked and felt like something the cat puked up. As long as the work was done on time, it didn't matter when or what I looked like when I did it.

That was back then, though. Now the best part is still no boss/coworkers and the freedom of managing my own time every single day.

I can diagnose my own ailments - and self-treat when possible

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I call it being Dr. Me.

I don't have to deal with live people, just - recordings of them. - MTWordz

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Yeah - sm

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and I can tell the doctors how stupid they are on the microphone that is built on my headphones and pretend they can hear me. LOL

stay at home out of bad weather and freezing temperatures - sweetgirlsmom

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I have a nice view out my window and in the office I designed for myself - and good air to breathe.

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I have nice, clean, uncontaminated air to breathe. I actually have a very pretty view out my window. The atmosphere I work in is up to me. YES!!! I love working at home.

my reasons - sm

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get to change my schedule when husband rotates (every 4 months) so can keep infant son out of daycare. Also get to go to in-laws for summer so they can spend time with grandson (babysit) and still work!!

work away from home - MommaTyper

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My fav ~ I get to spend more time with my out-of-state family. Just take my laptop, work while my grandbabies are in school and play the evening away.

100 things... - Freebie

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This is probably my favorite post of all time!

EXCELLENT!!!!!!! SM - Tiny

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I knew there was a reason we were all still here! Thank you everyone!!!!

My husband brings me breakfast in my office every morning, - Bad Rabbit

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My secretary is a poodle. Lunch is a walk by the lake. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I can just walk in to my office and work. I get the opportunity to learn something every single day of the week. If I need to work on my office equipment or learn a new program I can do it by the pool. Every day I go in to work with a smile on my face anticipating a wonderful, challenging day and am rewarded with the same.

My Internet bill is paid for by my company :-) nm - soulshine

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Good things about MT - Old Pro

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No suit, no commute!

I hate people - 1 = 100

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There are all my 100 reasons right there.

best response ever/nm - icedT

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OMG where do I start? LOL.....s/m - SassyPants

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It takes 5 minutes to get ready for work. Turn PC on, log in, ready!
I can wear sweats, jammies, jeans, shorts, or nothing (sorry for the visual, just kidding).
I can be miserable during "aunt flow" and live in my fat pants and have my heating pad on all day.
I can stop for food, coffee, pee breaks whenever I want.
I can text or sit on FB during NJA (freely admit I do this).
I'm home for any expected packages, repair guys, etc.
I can get laundry and house cleaning done before work or on my lunch break.
I have time to prep dinner or throw it in the slow cooker.
I've baked on my lunch break and had dessert for after work!
I can be early or late or take off or work extra when I want (within reason).
No opening or closing hours. No one waiting at the door for you to open or coming in at the last minute.
3:00 Dr. Phil (sorry, this is my weird thing I do)
I don't ever have to wear socks or shoes (in fact I can't use my foot pedal with shoes, it's either slippers or socks or bare feet).
I'm warm in my house with my snuggie during the winter and never have to go outside if I don't want to.
I can read my mail or email at my desk.
No one hovering over you, aka micromanagement!
I can eat at my desk, what I want!
No driving in winter!
No crabby people on the phone.
No gas, lunches, makeup, misc expenses of driving to an office job.
Privacy to swear, fart, burp, etc.
"Nooners" with the hubby, in my office!
Having a pet in the room to keep you company.
Online access to everything (look up recipes for dinner, print out pictures, etc.)
I'm 10 feet from the bathroom.
I can turn off my phone and PC and not answer anyone for any reason and be "sick" if I need to be. No boss to tell if you're lying or not.
No bra or makeup (good one to the poster who said that!)
No alarm clock. No butt crack of dawn waking up(at least not for me)
I can work out before work. and shower. and run errands. or NOT.
I can save the good clothes and perfume for my days off.
I don't have to straigten my hair everyday.
I do not have to shower or brush my teeth or be "presentable" if I don't feel like it.
My car rarely moves (less mileage on the car could lower your car insurance rates because it's hardly driven).
No traffic, parking, trains, slow people, semis, school buses, etc.
No trying to find a place to park or paying for parking.
No drive-thru lines at lunchtime.
No sharing the microwave or fridge or the table.
I can visit MTStars!

In my office, on the porch, in the garden, in the car, - at our little fishing shack on the water. NM

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Can do laundry while I work. - sweetgirlsmom

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More time on days off for fun.

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