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Curious about what type of Fiesa scores people are getting - HanginInThere

Posted: Sep 13, 2013

Just curious about what type of Fiesa scores people are getting?  Anyone received any type of formal warning for their scores?  Just trying to figure out how important Fiesa really is to the whole sceme of things.

My scores - new but old

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My scores used to be always very close to 100% or right below and THEN they started taking off if you leave over 2 blanks (which I very rarely do but when I don't know I refuse to guess) and my score started dropping to where I was put on non DSP because they said they had been too low and it was 98.5 or so. I was put on this for a very short time and then was taken off but have heard very little since. Their new system makes it almost impossible to get 100% as often. I am now getting dinged if I don't have "a" in the sentence or I don't hear "the" at the beginning of some of the VR ones - it is way over done and kills any chance I ever have of getting a bonus again

Very true. Dinged for the darndest things. - curiousMT

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Dinged for things that bear no significance to the integrity of the document or patient info. That's because it's not about the patient info as much as it is about perfecting the machine that is replacing us.

What I see is this.... - Just me

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They work hard to make sure no one has a 99% or higher overall quality score. Everything is a critical error to them. For example this week I received a "critical error" alert for transcribing the page was 24 instead of 23 - oh sure that is REALLY going to make a difference. Any other company would call it a typo and minimize the deductions.
totally agree - new but old
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I do take the time to always check it so they cannot come back and say that I never checked FIESA; It really doesn't take that long and if I see something that I think is completely over the top I send it in and get it reversed. This valid and invalid blank crap is for the birds. I look at it and let it roll. I know that I am a good transcriptionist and I know that I do the best I can. If this makes them feel better - then go for it. I am also a firm believer in karma

Right there with you, but....sm - LoveMT

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My score dropped to 98.6% just before they gave out the quarterly bonus... Imagine that! I was audited to death until my score plummetted enough to keep me from getting incentive bonus for the next quarter and to eliminate me from getting the quarterly bonus at that point.

Now, my score is sitting at 99.6%, probably because very few of my reports are being pulled for post audit and the ones that have been were either 100% or I disputed and got reversed the totally ignorant "corrections" that were made and I was marked off for.

I figure within the next 2 to 3 weeks, my reports will begin to load up in FIESA like hotcakes on a plate and every one of them will have oodles of "errors" so that 99.7% score will drop just low enough to disqualify me yet again for anything "bonus" related.

And to that I say, "Whatever Nuance!! Karma is a beautiful thing and you will get yours one day!"

same hereev - new but old

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Everything I typed was being pulled for an audit and this past week I have had only one report pulled and it is almost 100%. Don't tell me it is just coincidence that you go from pulling 10 to 15 reports a day to ONE in a week's time. Whatever. Not worth my breath. Just keep working and doing the best I can. I know I do my best and I just can't stoop to their level

Nuance bonus - PasMT

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OMG - I have been saying the same thing - my QC bonus plummets until its too late to qualify for a bonus, and then editing is minimal - I knew it was all a scam to keep from getting paid the bonuses they brag about... I so hate this job.

FIESA - Pollyanna

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I think it's pure bull shit! I've typed the same account for 7 years without a complaint and now according to FIESA I can't do anything right !

FIESA - sickmt

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Same happens here. I will get audited to death until my score is under 99%. Then Nothing! No more audits. Right now I'm sitting at just above 99% and I am audited at least twice a week. I can bet as soon as I drop below 99 I will no longer be audited. Heaven forbid I would get 100% on a report and my percentage go up above 99!

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