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Post-Audit scores are the only ones that matter - Millie

Posted: Mar 23, 2013

The only scores that matter for your QA are the ones marked "Post-Audit."  I don't sign or even look at the others.

Yeah, we're still supposed to "Review/xx" the QC ones too - if under whatever percent it is.

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I so love when I get critical/major error notices on reports I've submitted to QC that include blanks/errors due to audibility problems, etc. I just try to hold my nose when I go into Fiesa and mark those "Reviewed" and simply move on. To me, it's not worth me getting on my TSM's "noncompliant/uncooperative" list, if she happens to have one, by ignoring them. Brownie points can be worth their weight in gold when you're playing a rigged game. But I do admire those of you courageous enough to say eff it all.

Review of FIESA - anon

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I stopped looking at FIESA because of major errors that have to do with a/an and other BOGUS grading that has NOTHING to do with patient care.

Why have a comment section if they will not let us comment. I had a major error for followup/follow up and the QA was wrong, so i had a snide comment and was told not to do that. If they can comment so can I.

I refuse to look at or acknowledge QA scores.

Makes life much nicer.

Besides I don't like playing "rigged games." I dont like playing games. I just want to work and do my job as well as possible. Keep your silly games Nuance, they are for people you can intimidate.

Same thing here.... - mt2

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I made a snotty remark once. I haven't looked at FIESA for a year. I just log in, work, log out. No more, no less.

Not everyone is having post audits.... - melady

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I found out that they're only focusing these post audits on large accounts and those on the small accounts aren't getting them. I wonder how they're going to justify to the board of directors and higher powers continuing the bonuses if they don't do audits on everyone or how they can justify taking away the bonus money if they don't audit you? It's about to get interesting folks!

One post-audit in 2 months? - CrankyMT

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I used to get the "average" amount of post-audit reviews. In this quarter, I think I had about 5... 1 in the last month.

With those low numbers, it wouldn't take much to throw you out of bonus!

CrankyMT: Are you saying that the less you - are audited the SM

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the more likely you will not get bonus? Why is this? I still don't understand the scoring. It seems so unfair if I understand correctly. Basically, a short report being audited is worse than a long report. One small report with a so-called major error can prevent a bonus for 3 months? How can they justify this?
Because it's an average of scores - Sm
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If you have only 1 audit at 92%, boom, there goes your bonus. If you have 20 audits, 1 at 92% and the rest 100%, well, you get the idea.
Luckily, that's not true (though it is some places, but not at Nuance). - sm
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[Reposting my old post]:

Speaking of errors and shorter reports, though, the length of the report is actually really moot, since the overall QA score is based on deductions from *total lines* for the quarter, I was informed by my TSM. Example: You have 4000 lines audited and 20 error points in the quarter, dividing the 3980 result by the 4000 total equals a 99.5% QA score.  [I have double-checked this against my own scores, and it's true.]

So this having to mark "Reviewed" on any report under a certain percentage is basically bogus since the actual overall QA score is not based on an average of percentages. I am least thankful to find out that they use total quarterly lines, if nothing else. 

Fiesa - me
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Before Fiesa, feedback had to be done via email and extremely time consuming, and to do QC scores required getting the old voice and bringing up old reports, again time consuming. Fiesa is meant to provide immediate feedback and as a learning tool. If you know your grammar, follow the account specifics and BOS 3, and most importantly spell check, you aren't going to have a problem. The grading is done according to strict guidelines and QA is double checked as well. If you disagree with a score, you can email your manager to discuss it or the person who gave you the score. The comment section is for QA to give you information on why they graded you a certain way or just information in general, even if an error has been counted. For example, BOS3 says to not use periods for Dr, etc, so if an MT does use them, the comments section is to remind them to refer back to BOS3. We have to know these changes and so do you. An online subscription to BOS3 is available to quickly look up something. We are not here to make anybody's life difficult, we're here to help.
We "aren't going to have a problem" is baloney. - sm
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QA can be incredibly subjective and not as objective as you make it out to be.  Perhaps you can tell me why something as inconsequential as "as best I can tell" vs. "as best as I can tell" would need to receive an Omission/Addition Minor 0.25 deduction versus simply a Comment NonError?  After all, the definition of a Comment NonError is "Educational. Used to grade anything that is really inconsequential; not impacting the integrity of the document as well as grammar. Anything that reads just fine."

So how, pray tell, does the loss of the second "as" in the above impact "the integrity of the document"?  Not only does the first one read just fine, it's actually the preferred way to say it, with about 3 times the number of hits on Google.  And these kinds of meaningless/useless corrections are constant.  Also, some of us have intractable TSMs who won't pass on all of our disputes, making the decision themselves as to whether or not it is "justified" before ever allowing it to proceed on to QA for a decision.

This is my main beef. These kinds of little errors that have absolutely no effect on patient care are given these seemingly minor deductions, but those add up.  Everywhere else I've worked, such as the above example would definitely have been marked as a non-error/FYI, so it is often very subjective what Nuance QA are doing to us when you choose to mark something very minor with a point deduction that could simply have been given an "educational" NonError.  

The resulting loss of my bonus for 3 quarters (though I managed to maintain it for over 2 years prior) and all the nonpaid time I've spent disputing and dealing with my TSM over my correction disputes has made my life very difficult indeed.  THINK some more about what you're doing when you give a deduction to what really qualifies as a NonError. Once again: "Educational.  Used to grade anything that is really inconsequential; not impacting the integrity of the document as well as grammar. Anything that reads just fine."  Which includes "the," "a," and "an" issues. 

Example is:  

follow up with her primary care physician, Dr. Smith in future

follow up with her primary care physician, Dr. Smith in the future 

["sic" as regards the missing second comma behind Dr. Smith from my older copy of the Accountwise Error Categories, maybe corrected by now]

there should be a remedy for this - sm
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You are kind to call this subjective. I prefer to call it just plain stupid.

The fact that these arbitrary deductions have cost you your bonus is so wrong, I would like to apply the word "illegal".

Is there recourse you can pursue, or are you essentially just stuck with an arbitrary ruling?

They are docking your pay illegally - per their own rule book - and thus engaging in the very real crime of wage theft. Perhaps you can take it to the Dept of Labor?
I'd say essentially stuck. It's very arbitrary indeed. - sm
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And the arbitrary effects are potentiated by having a TSM who won't submit some disputes. I don't even understand the point of that ... just let QA decide whether it's a legitimate dispute or not. I never had a gatekeeper in that regard until my most recent TSM, first one I've ever felt to not have my back at all (in other regards too).
I would contact the labor dept - sm
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This has got to be the best racket in the world. They can dock your pay without providing documentation, and without providing a mechanism for recourse. I can think of no other industry that is allowed to operate this way.

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