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Are they only using test scores as criteria to enter the program? - Eyez

Posted: Mar 20, 2014


Who knows at this point. Maybe the color of your - eyes LOL

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Is it possible acceptance letters have already been sent out - Anon

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I thought about that also. If offer letters, I - imagine not allowed to discussed details.

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Good luck to all accepted. I hope this is truly everything you imagined (seriously).

Sure it is. It is entirely possible none of them - use this board or do and are

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staying quiet.

Who knows. It all seems very cluster fluffy to me on getting the rejection letters out though.
that or the supervisor is yay or nay on each person - and that is why they are doing it individually
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My supervisor did say she was going to be on phone calls today...right before she said we should know something very soon
Okay, based on that rumor, what did you guys - with a 92 and 94 do to anger your TSM
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Just kidding. I think a lot of people scored higher than we speculated.

The rejection letters clearly are just not going out in an orderly fashion.
well a score of 94 does not mean that you adhere to your schedule - or call in a lot
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i am sure that is a very important point. they want dependable people who will stay the course.
Rejected at 94. Work schedule always, no sick - time. OT when requested. Audits good
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Then maybe your TSM doesn't want to lose you..? - nm
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That would be grossly unfair, if that is the case. - Who would even do that?
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I am sure her TSM doesn't want to lose a good employee, but I cannot imagine "black balling" someone for that reason.
This is MModal. I don't know that fair has any - meaning here.
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Unless they possibly - Know
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Its not a good deal and looking out for you.
I rarely score below 100% on audits so if they go by that too I should get in. - Anon
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