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Do QC reports count for our post audit scores? - semi-newbie

Posted: Jan 27, 2015

Last week, I had a great QA score.  I only had a couple of reports sent to QC - none of which were problematic.

However, today, I had a horrible ESL report with multiple blanks.  I had to send it to QC.  They not only filled in the blanks, but graded me on it -- a whopping 96.2.  UGH!  Is that going to be counted among my post audit score for my pay rate??

Not unless QA picks it up and grades it too. - ali

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Hopefully, they won't do that, but it might get a different score anyway because the QA score also factors in how long the report was when they grade it.

The scores on QC reports do not mean a thing. You can ignore the score, - just the number of reports you SEND for

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...editing is all that matters. The QA scores are the only scores that matter as scores. These reports are pulled from reports you already sent to the client, as a measure of your quality. Just take whatever helpful feedback you can from the QC'd reports (many of these are incorrect) and move on, 'cuz no QC score is ever going to be reversed or really matters at all in this system.

Can anyone tell me why - there are QCs then?

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Used to be QA was someone you could contact when you have questions re a particular account or a general question about grammar, format, etc.

Now we cannot contact QA at all for questions, there is a middle man between them (our TSMs usually) and us, and they seem to exist now only to be enforcers.

What exactly is the point of all these extra QC personnel if you are just supposed to ignore their comments?

Hard to see why this position even exists when MT salaries have been picked to the bone if they seem to serve no purpose other than playing around.
I am a QC and wonder the same thing. sm - NTS QC
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I don't know why they don't just utilize QA more effectively instead of having these different, unnecessary levels. QA should be able to complete a document and have it customer ready AND audit the rest of the job (other than what the MLS had for a reason for not sending to the customer) and be done with it all at once.

I would guess someone higher up has already thought about this and eventually will move toward that. However, with the new pay plan, they are going to need many, many, MANY more QA people and most of them, I believe, are not going to be domestic.

I think it is just a matter of time before the QC position is as obsolete as the TLs, just my opinion though, but it makes the most financial sense. QCs do not make the company money, so they are expendable.
Thank you - for your candor
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I hope (if you want to) you are able to become QA which (might) be more secure than QC.

So basically QC function (other than the "educational" audits we see that apparently do not count but are incredibly irritating) is they are the ones who get sent the reports with excess blanks to complete?

That must be worse than our job. I don't send much to QC, but when I do it is really terrible.

Good luck to you.
Yes, we are supposed to be the last stop sm - NTS QC
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before the job goes to the customer. The report we send should be as complete as possible. Obviously, I am not able to fill in all the blanks and/or catch every little thing in a job. The reason why the QC jobs are picked apart for every little thing is because the QA people audit the QC people as well and if something isn't changed or corrected or whatever, just like MLS, we get charged. QA nitpicks QC just as much as MLS. I find errors all the time in what the QA people change. I feel good in the knowledge that they don't send QA'd reports to the customers, unless it's something huge that changes patient care. I argue every one of my charged errors. When QA/QC people have errors reversed, it counts against them, so everyone that isn't taking the time to try to reverse errors is really doing a disservice. That is the best way for the supervisors of QA/QC to track who is doing what and if those people are being accurate.

I don't want to be a QA person; I don't think I live in the right country for that to happen. ;) I do think eventually all the QA and/or QC positions will be offshore; it makes the most financial sense.
Yes, that's it exactly - Another NTS QC
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When a file is sent to QC either for more than the allowed number of blanks, or when an MT does not have DSP, we listen to the entire report. We fill in the blanks when we can, but we also "fix" anything else we come across. I know that the skilled MT doesn't like that, but remember, the QCd reports are post audited, too. We want to avoid the postaudit folks finding something to count off for, too, since we're paid production as well. The way I was told was to QC a file as if I had been the transcriptionist. On the one hand I know it's not a very nice feeling having someone plodding through your jobs, but on the other hand, we QC folks want to stay above 99% on that grid, too.
The entire system is so flawed and inefficient - WHO thought this thing up?
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And another - AnonQC
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IMO having us (U.S.) QC a job before it's sent to the client makes much more sense. What good does a QA "correction" do AFTER it has been uploaded into the patient's record? They don't even change it.

Offshore QC is the money pit, especially when it takes 4 of them to review one job, and since most of the QA people are offshore and have absolutely no concept of grammar let alone English slang, 99% of the post-audit "corrections" are completely wrong.

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