A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I just tested with MModal, how long should I wait for a response or can I call them for the scores a - quietlydisquiet
Posted: Dec 12, 2013
Thank you, I really need a job soon!
WOW - anon
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Can't imagine ever reaching the point of desperation where I would chase MModal down for a job.
Are they that bad? - quietlydisquiet
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I have been putting out resumes and testing everywhere since Monday and no one has gotten back to me. I hate the holidays, all my freelance clients are on vacation and not giving me any work ATM. So frustrating. Just a phone interview or something with any company would be nice...
LOL ... you should read down this list of threads - for an answer to your question
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You're probably not going to get a lot of positive responses to your question so it's best to read up on MModal for yourself by scanning down the list of threads. Most of us have never heard of anyone actually "eager" to work for this company - it's actually kind of humorous. It's like someone ASKING to be booked into a prison cell.
I see them advertise everywhere. - quietlydisquiet
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Oh well, on to the next... so many tests I wish I was getting paid for all these lines but hopefully I will get something that will keep me busy soon. I've been freelancing for a local doctor who is old school since I lost my hospital job. Not sure how much longer he will be around, he is always out of the office lately so I really need to find a good MTSO. This is my first time on the site, there is so much going on here. I will go look around more for sure.
You would be much better off ... - anon
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Finding the "Company Board" option on the list of topics in the menu on the left and doing a search on some of your companies for some honest feedback from people who have worked there before testing, etc ... that will save you a ton of time and aggravation. The truth is, there are very few (if any) good MTSOs out there anymore.
Working for MM - TiredMT
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Yes MM can be frustrating and aggravating with pay, work availability, etc., etc., but if you need insurance it is worth the aggravation. The insurance, premiums, and deductibles are hard to beat compared to other companies. I have been with MM for 10 years and get discouraged and disgusted but the insurance keeps me going. There is good and bad with any of the companies, everyone has their own opinion so make your own choices and form your own opinions. Good luck!
Are they that bad? - Beyond bad!
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This company is beyond the worst of the worst. Do you really think you will make money with MM? I highly doubt it. If you have a job and are in limbo, do something temporary, or if you can find an MT job other than MM, go for it, but STAY AWAY and I mean STAY AWAY from this spawn of the devil!
They require - old and burned out
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99.6% accuracy so just a few inconsequential words (like "and" or "the") left out and you fail, could be put on 100% QA at 3 cpl less than you were hired for. Don't do it.
MMOdal - anon
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Started with MModal years ago when they were Healthscribe (they were wonderful back than, lots of money made) After about two years or so, company changed names to Avicis (I think) and then merged with Medquist a year or so later.....that was the beginning of the end for me....Stuck with it for about a year after the merger and just could not survive on 4.5 cents a line. The program they were using did not "learn" like it was "supposed to" and I ended up having to pretty much completely retype all of the voice rec crap. Not worth it. I was working 12 to 13 hours a day just to make ends meet so when the opportunity came for me to get away from Medquist (aka MModal) I ran as fast as I could and took a couple of girls with me. FYI
MM just stinks and now you don't even need them for insurance. Nm - Dead and dying
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If you work part-time, you don't qualify for insurance though or did they change it? Used to get partial PTO, but don't know if that is still around or not either.
Working at MM - Been There
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I was in the same situation are you are and I took a job at, then, Medquist before the buyout. Anyway, started off okay and in two months I was without out work, berated beyond belief, horrible accounts, horrible VR and so on. I had to get out and it took me a long time to find another job. Had I now taken that position with MQ, I could have found something decent and not wasted my time with them, not to mention the money I lost in the process. Take heed of what is written here about MM and run away! In fact, I would tell them you are not going to work for them, based on what you have read about them. Of course, they will deny it. I applied at Nuance and after reading the posts, decided to stay clear and told them what I read and how that made me decide not to work for them. They had some pat answer as I am sure they have heard it before; plenty of happy MTs, can't please everyone, blah, blah, blah. MM will probably do the same thing, but at least you can have your say and let them know how despicable they are. Also, they will lie to you like crazy! Again, run!
I was with company for 25 years. Worked - part time and was let go in July.
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All I can say is GOOD LUCK! It was the best thing that ever happened to me was to be let go. I saw the writing on the wall and went back to school 2-1/2 years before I was let go. Why was I let go? No one can tell me why, just that I was an excellent employee and eligible for rehire, but NO WAY will I ever work as an MT. I have a new job after school and I can say, I LOVE MY JOB. I even am getting paid for 7 days off during the coming holidays.
see this proves they are hiring - after laying off
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so what's up with that? why did they lay people off only to hire more? Does anyone have an answer?
Looking for cheaper labor and no computers - just saying
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All new hires get paid 8 and 4 and have to provide their own computer. Obviously this is a strategy coming from Shaw to lay off tenured employees who make more than 4 and have company computers in order to save money. Of course they will tell the new hires 8 and 4 but little do they know that 99% of the work is ASR, there is no typing and at 4 cpl at the required 150 per hour they will make $6 an hour. And when their computer cannot handle all the upgrades the company throws at them they are out of luck. Only at this company do they think we deserve to be paid less than minimum wage.
The pay sucks! - Daisy
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Not only does the pay suck, but God forbid you make one small error and you will certainly be told about it. Nevermind all the corrections you make because the ASR is so bad or the dictator has extremely poor grammar or you have fixed his/her errors when dictating the sex of the patient (dictates "he" when it should be "she"). For every 5,000 things you correct, you will never hear a word. If only the doctors could see the mess ASR makes of their dictations.
The Pay Sucks - Everything does
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at this company. Read these posts, they are for real. The only thing that I cannot understand is why we work for this company. I do feel MTs are leaving, but not fast enough and you are a testament to them hiring again, after laying off/firing so many good, qualified MTs, because they want to save 3 or 4 cents a line on them. The post about VR was right on the money or lack of it. You will not transcribe, despite what they say and they may start you out transcribing and you will feel that you are doing okay, and then the rug will be pulled out from underneath you and when you fall, no one will be there to help you up, least of all this company. It pains me that I spend the amount of time I do working for them and I am looking all the time. I have put a limit on my time with MM; if nothing by the end of the year, which is fast approaching, then in January, I look outside being an MT and take another job, no matter what it is to at least get away from here and move on. Don't waste a second of your time with MM; they will destroy you in the end and they could care less!
To answer your question - Anon2
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I tested with them a little over a year ago and passed the test but I didn't go to work for them. They didn't tell me my test scores and don't know if they share them, but they should get back to you within a day or two to let you know if you passed and advise you on the next step in the hiring process. I don't think it would do any good to call.
Did they ever reveal the results of the employee survey? Or did they just try to cover it up with the "3 suggestions to make your world better? survey? Anybody? ...
Is this legal? Just how much do these people want for free? With all the talk and threats of people turning them in to Department of Labor, I'd think they'd be a little more cautious about all the "FREE" time they expect us to spend. ...
How long do you wait after you apply and test before you email and/or contact the recruiter? The way I see it, I have spent at least a couple of hours on their tests and at the very least deserve an email within a few days either way. Maybe times have changed. Or maybe I should cc the HR dept asking for an update on my application status? ...
I lost my IC MT job in January. The MTSO lost the account I was working on. They are trying to obtain another account and when they do I will be called back to work. In the meantime I have been looking around and this past month I have been applying for part-time IC work. I could use the paycheck! I contacted my previous MTSO and they have nothing yet. I am not finding any work at all. I'm feeling anxious. So, I think I need to be more flexibl ...
about wage disputes? I emailed two days ago about a payment I was supposed to receive the 15th (and still have not), and have not heard about any kind of resolution or anything and of course no pay still and no check in the mail. ...
4 hours into a shift and no work, not one lousy job, and no explanation. As an IC, I am not inclined to sit around and wait for hours on end. What do you all do when there is no work? ...
starting to make some noise? I started with this small services a few weeks ago. I had some problems with my bank, so I closed out the old account and opened a new one. Well I got an email from the MTSO wanting to confirm they had no DD info for me. I said I sent it when I changed accounts (had old account info when I started). I sent the email back to them that proved it. Anyway, she said since "we" missed the deadline, she was going to send a live chec ...
CCM says she will approve but so far has not. Pto is in 3 days and just need to have 1 day off. I have sent several emails to remind I needed this day off. Do I just call her the day I am supposed to have off if it still is not approved and let her know I really need to have it off? I really hate to go over her head on this but may have to. ...
from a company you applied to?
also, what does it mean when they call you back when you are out and never call again. I know I can call them, but I get a bad feeling when a company would do that. Or is it just me? ...
When you are logged in and you have NJA, how long is a reasonable amount of time to stay logged in to wait for work to meet your quota? I've been giving myself a 12-hour window, but think that's kind of too long. I was thinking of reducing it just 8 hours and if I don't end up with enough work to meet my quota, not my problem. ...
Hi! I was hoping for a little input. I have been with Mmodal/Medquist/Spheris since 2005. They have the new quality standards which seem to be out of reach for me. They want us to be at an unreasonable 99.7. Even today, received last week's audit scores and one was 100% the other at 98.75. I am on my 3rd corrective action for this and know I am at close to the end of my rope. I actually would like to go back to school. Has anyone been unintentionall ...
I am on a troublesome account that is fairly new to the company and is a mix of VR and straight transcripiton. When it first started, there was plenty of work. All that work has now dried up. I am lucky if I get a total of 400 lines per day. Most of my day (approximately 12 hours a day) I sit and keep clicking for the next job to download from EditScript and most of the time anymore nothing comes. My question for anyone who would care to answer is how long would you ...
For the first time in 6 years, I am job hunting. Sadly, things seem to be going downhill fast with the employer I have been with for just over 6 years now and I have a strong feeling that it's time for me to start exploring other options. I just dusted off and updated my resume and sent it to a couple of companies who have ads posted. It has been so long since I have had to apply for jobs. My question is how long to you wait after sending your resume before follo ...
I want to print out just in case I need proof. Anyone have a website or anywhere on the internet where it states that what their audit scores are for employment? ...
My HDSM said the order was approved for my new PC but that's all she knows. Does anybody know about how long it takes? I don't have that much PTO left. ...
Anyone know what number to call at MModal or where to email to tell them to send boxes for their equipment? I told my CCM, but have not received anything and I threw everything else away that vaguely reminded me of MModal! ...
eliminate the third biggest so now they have a bigger carrot to dangle. Face it, Nuance's healthcare is just a drop in the bucket of all their endeavors. ...
I am working 2 jobs right now. I am making a lot more with my second job and would like to just be able to concentrate on that one but the problem is that it is an IC position. My new job has advised me that they will always have plenty of work to keep me busy and we are actually about 4 days behind on dictation so I'm not worried about that. I'm also next in line for when a position opens up within the hospital to be hired in. I need to be able to plan accordingly as far as findin ...
are T-scors for bone density with a "minus" number written T-score of -0.9 or minus 0.9. I have never had these before and just want to make sure. I would assume it is -0.9, but really want to make sure. Thanks so much. ...
how very funny ... have 5 jobs audited. the only ones with 100% are QC1 scores that DO NOT count toward the pay grid. a constant struggle for them to find a way to rip us off from the "great pay program". ...
I am tired and frustrated from applying and sending out resumes only to be ignored. It is like a game with them, I think. MedGarde even has an interview which has absolutely nothing to do with your skills or qualifications. In fact it seems like psychological testing to see if you are mentally competent or something like that. I swear I feel like a mouse that is being tested and run through a maze to see how well you perform, but even mice will get the prize or food event ...
I am considering requesting this pay which (depending on the state) considers us to be on-call and must be paid for part of our shift if no work.
I have had it up to here with Nuance and running out of work, adding more and more accounts and STILL no work. Got a second job and STILL being screwed by Nuance in the sense that I cannot rely on my first job (income wise), because when there is enough work they manage to screw my cpl with their lovely FIESA, then as soon as I have no errors the work ...
I am a medical transcriptionist with over 15 years of experience, and I was fired today for low audit scores. I don't know why I am happy about this. I guess I am just relieved to get away from a company that picks apart their employees. What are they going to do when there is no one left? Ironically, I have worked in many big hospitals and while our reports were reviewed, this would have never happened working in a hospital. Does anyone know what is happening ...