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we were just told we lost a client. So I guess 99.6% isnt good enough - heres a little secret MModal

Posted: Jan 16, 2014

If you paid your workers a LIVING WAGE they might actually give a flying flip about what they are doing instead of rushing through to the next report so they can grab all the pennies they can. 



I've found over the years - old and burned out

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that clients are rarely lost because of quality. It's usually because they found something cheaper.

Lost Account - Just a thought!

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Probably just sent the whole thing to India and lied to you. Wouldn't put it past them.

No when we were bought out our clients agreed to go to Fluency - but not offshore.

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We stay out of TAT so i'm sure there is no offshoring going on.
That does not mean it is not happening - sm
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In my personal experience, no one seems to care if offshoring is occurring, even when it is a breach of the contract and even when it violates the law. When told about this, clients and government officials have either not understood that an MTSO was offshoring or they just did not care.

As a taxpayer, I am outraged that my money is going to an MTSO that illegally offshores transcription work and authorities are looking the other way. Theoretically, I am paying someone to take work away from me while they violate the terms of their contract, break the law, drive down the pay rates in this country, and enjoy an unfair advantage over other MTSOs when bidding on contracts.
Mmodal (medsquist) used to type VA reports - sm
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And for VA there is ABSOLUTELY no off shoring allowed, I worked for a company that typed them and I needed a security clearance..So yea Mmodal lies and sends the crap wherever..I wonder if they still type them?
VA accounts and offshoring - sm
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Not having ever seen any of the contracts some of these MTSOs have with the VA, I was never able to verify that offshoring of that transcription is prohibited. Do you know this because you have seen the contracts yourself or do you know of the actual law? I even spoke with a federal watchdog group that could not tell me for sure if there was a law prohibiting the offshoring of VA contracts. I would appreciate any information you could give me because I am in the process of gathering facts and evidence about a particular MTSO. Thanks.
It is a POLICY, not a "law." - sm
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It is a policy, not a law. It became policy after Medquist was investigated and found to have offshored work in violation of contractual requirements. A MQ employee blew the whistle on them. If you are interested in the details, google it. It occurred shortly before they changed the name to MM.

The policy applies to all federal agencies, not just the VA. Their contracts must include language prohibiting use of workers located outside the US or companies owned outside the US. It is because the records contain information pertaining to military operations and servicemember's details that presents an ongoing concern to national security and the servicemember's personal safety.

You do not need to see the contracts or the policies. All you have to do is report it to the VA OIG and let them do their job. It is not necessary to do the investigating for them.
The MTSO I was researching - sm
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is not MModal. It is an MTSO that has a contract with my state, which actually does have a no-offshoring law for state contracts. I was able to gather lots of information about them and file a complaint with my state's Treasury Department. After 2 "audits," though, the state claims they have found nothing to indicate the MTSO is offshoring. Their findings, however, are not congruent with other facts about the MTSO. The Treasury Department claims these other facts, easily verified by anyone, are outside the scope of their investigation, but those facts make their findings impossible. It is apparent to me that no one at the state is interested in whether or not the work is being offshored. If they were, they could have easily examined the books in terms of employee payroll and/or payments to subcontractors (which is within their authority to do), but they did not do that. Interestingly, I know this MTSO also had several federal contracts, too, which is why I wanted to know what the rules were for those contracts.
Should not be typing them - They were banned
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So very - true.

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4cpl for speech recognition? - mscuedawg

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Is this the "norm"??? I haven't typed in three years and made 8cpl doing straight typing...$6 an hour for 99% accuracy...when minimum wage here as been raised to $8...?!?!?!

yes it is 4 cpl but I average 300 lph - more if I try

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but honestly I just shoot for 300 and try not to work myself to death.

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