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Nuance Bought OSI - OMG

Posted: Sep 23, 2010

Just found out Nuance bought OSI.  Can anyone with experience with this tell me what to expect. Should I be worried about major changes coming?

When one company buys another, it is never good - for the MT, especially the BUYEE!

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I wouldn't jump ship just yet, but would definitely start looking for another place to work. My own experience (and that of others here, as well) is that things go okay for the first few months. Then, they gradually begin to eliminate the MTs that came with the company they bought. (They only wanted the accounts in that company, NOT the MTs that came with it). They probably won't just lay MTs off, (though some have in the past). Instead, you may get a paycut, especially if your current company paid more than the buying company does. Or, the work pipeline will just start to dry up, forcing you to quit.

If you need every cent you earn, and can't afford to play little corporte buyout games, my advice would be to keep one foot in the door for now, but to start looking for something better.

The most usual scenario in any buyout in any industryis - Pragmatist

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to promise no changes, than make them. But, hey, maybe this time everyone'll be needed. It happens. Both feet on the floor as usual at work, just with the old resume located and ready to freshen up so you can sleep well.

So that is Focus Infomatics right? - Focus/Nuance same company

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I think so - OMG

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I would guess it is. I think they are buying a lot of companies.

Focus is owned by Nuance. nm - Happy MT Robin

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Can you confirm? (sm) - Interviewing with OSI tomorrow.

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Can you confirm where you found this out, as there is nothing I have been able to find on the internet. I have an interview with OSI tomorrow and I'd really like to know ahead of time.

I work there - OMG

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We were just informed via email today. I don't want to discourage you from working there. It's a great company from my experience so far. But I'm just a little concerned about this. All I have heard about Nuance is that they are India based and I've seen a lot of negative posts about them. Hopefully, I'm just being paranoid.

Nuance = Dragon speech rec software - travelinMT

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Nuance is the company that developed Dragon Speech recognition software. They are based out of Burlington, MA. not India.
Good - Maybe I just got some wrong info and don't need to worry - OMG
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I've just never gone through a merger and am worried about potential changes
Nuance owns Focus, Focus = India - New Nuancer too
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I'm with Encompass, and we were just recently bought by Nuance as well. They seem to be in a very 'acquistional' mode recently, don't they?

Don't know what to tell you, still on pins & needles myself. We were assured that they wanted to make as few changes as possible, and all production employees seemed to be safe. Recently found out that practically all managerial types have stayed in their same positions as well, so I am hopeful that they really are trying to keep things as status quo as possible. Might even work out to be an improvement in terms of health insurance eventually, according to my supe. No idea what might eventually happen to pay/incentives/etc., though.
Oh, and fwiw, one of the reasons I chose Encompass... - New Nuancer
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is because they were U.S.-based-only, no offshoring, so that aspect of the acquisition was quite disappointing to me.

I'm now pretty much resigned to the fact that wherever you go, the likelihood of having your company be bought up by an offshoring entity or just start offshoring on their own is just a very ugly part of the nature of the beast of this profession now that I can't afford to make a special effort to avoid anymore. Frying pan/fire, yadda-yadda. :(
Encompass is Focus/Nuance owned - nan
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yes it is so.
A-yep, that's just what I said above. - New Nuancer
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That my company, Encompass, was just recently bought out by Nuance too.
If you continue to say OMG about everything, you may make a poor impression - Just my own opinion
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It sounds 'Valley Girl' in a very bad way. Another way to put it is, it makes all your messages sound like you are in a 'deer-in-headlights' panic.

I know, I don't have to read your messages. You are right about that.
I wasn't saying OMG about every message - - OMG
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I just kept using that because I had identified myself that way initially - I really can't believe you took the time to comment about that - I just wanted some information about my situation - Sheesh!
Hey OMG! Looks like she could use some Midol! OMG! :) sm - OMG2
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I think your OMG is very positive and upbeat! Just my peanuts' worth.
Not everyone is offended by it spiritually speaking, but Valley Girlism went out of style years ago - It is a little outdated and immature
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It's outdated, immature, and offensive, but it also let us know a little about the person who uses it constantly, so I'm okay with it.
Actually, if you know any teenagers or 20-somethings, - "OMG" is not outdated; used constantly!
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Why is there always someone picking a fight on here - RE: OSI
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Someone posts wanting some input and someone else always has to find something to bicker about. It's unnecessary and completely off topic.
Burlington is their US office - Make no mistake, this is an Indian company
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According to their own website, over half of the company resides outside of the US.
Burlington is their main office - travelinMT
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"According to their own website, over half of the company resides outside of the US."

Since you read their website, did you happen to notice they have offices in 70 countries? I would be surprised if over 50% of their workforce did not live outside the US. Yes they have two offices in India but that leaves 69 other countries that they have offices in. Their two corporate headquarter offices are in the US and Belgium. I don't think that qualifies them as an Indian company. When I qualify a company as an Indian company they are based in India not in 69 other countries. Nuance may have some transcription interests but that is not surprising considering their main claim to fame is their speech rec. software platform.
OSI - Anonymous
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I think OSI was Indian owned to begin with. I applied with them once and remember that their testing was a nightmare, being owned by Nuance may be an improvement(?). Nuance owns Focus Infomatics and I think they might own Amphion although I'm unsure about that one. Owning all these companies is the perfect way to get everyone to use Dragon Speak, IMO.
OSi - anon
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OSi wasn't Indian owned. They did/do outsource some work, but not huge amounts. They are currently a great company to work for, but I just wonder how that will change now. Haven't heard from anyone who currently works for Nuance/Focus, so I'm thinking that might be a bad sign. Nuance says they want to migrate the "brands" together, so everyone is still very unsure right now I think.

I'm freaking out! - anon

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I too work for OSi and am scared to death as to what this means for our jobs. I have read a lot about most operations being in India, but those were in things from 2007, so I don't know what the story is now. I guess I'll just stay in wait and see mode for now, but I really don't see it being a good thing, as management keeps trying to spin it.

How Things Transition with Nuance? - anon

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So, can anyone who has gone throught a buyout from Nuance tell their experience of how things went...such as any changes in pay, quotas, accounts, etc?

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