A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Jun 21, 2011

God help us all.

OMG - eb

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I am so glad I left WMX a few months ago. Unbelieveable that Nuance has bought WMX. WMX never cared about its workers and this proves it. If you think WMX is bad now, wait until Nuance takes over. I wonder what will happen to the managers and the CEO of WMX.

Nuance - Happy to be employed!

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Hey I also read lots of lots of negative "what if's" on this site. I was with OSI for 5 years, now nuance and have 0 complaints. My managers stayed the same, even the call center people stayed the exact same!!?? It's all good here at nuance, yes line count pay went down but there are incentives and it has made me a better MT! I've never made a ton of $ doing this but that is not why I do it! I do it not to have to commute anywhere. BTW, Nuance stated that hospitals are requesting that the work stay in the USA and they would not fire ANY US based MTs and they didn't!

Amen to that - sm

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I am so glad I got out when I did. Wonder who is next.

Webmedx nuance - Good1

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Webmedx - sm

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Glad Webmedx has at least one loyal employee, as they have been so good to you I bet!!!!

Webmedx - good1

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Webmedx - sm
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All I am saying is you better read you new contract with a magnifying glass, watch for your benefits and pay to go down down down.
webmedx - good1
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Get a grip. Who do you think you are?? - You are insulting
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Stop assuming that you know what anyone else is going through. Happy for you that you are management and don't have to worry like the rest of us. Keep it to yourself. This is neither the time nor the place for condescending statements.
good1 - Nick
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And why don't you stay away if you don't like this site? And are you
"producing" during the time you are telling everyone else what to do? I think you should look in the mirror and take your own advice.
Facts.... - hmmm
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When Nuance bought Encompass, the VR pay scale dropped from 5 cpl to 4 cpl - a 20% cut. The evening differential (after 5:00 p.m.) was taken away, so instead of earning 6 cpl, you get 4 cpl - a 33% decrease. Now if you want an extra 0.5 cpl (or 4.5 cpl) you have to work after 10:00 p.m. The weekend differential was removed entirely, so you get 4 cpl for weekend work, instead of 7 cpl - a 43% decrease.

In this model, a person typing/editing the minimum for the bonus (220 weighted lines an hour) would have gone from making $15.40 per hour on the weekend, to $8.80 per hour. A person working weekdays would have gone from $11 an hour to $8.80 per hour - a loss of $2.20.

The incentive bonus lets you earn back at most 15% of what your gross pay was for the quarter - assuming you get the highest scores on quality, the lowest QA percentage, and have been with the company for at least 60 months.

Let's assume you work 40 hours a week at 220 lines an hour, only on the weekdays, doing all speech rec. Your gross would be $704 per check (80 hours x 220 lph x 4 cpl). You would have 6 checks in a quarter at that rate - so, $4224 gross for 3 months. Multiply that times 15% max incentive, and you get a total of $949. That works out to $1.97 per hour if you divide it by the number of hours worked in a quarter.

So, if you lost at minimum $2.20 per hour for the cpl pay cut, and earned back the maximum bonus, you are still $0.23 per hour in the hole.

To even get the highest percentage of the bonus, you have to have 100% quality for the entire quarter, 0-3% of your jobs sent to QA, and have worked for the company (or one of its acquisitions) for 5 years.

Obviously, one could argue that you can up your pay by upping your production, but how do you do that and still maintain 100% quality?

Also, there is the Fiesa system to deal with. You have to review your QA data, and respond to critical errors regularly, and you don't get paid for that.

Hope this helps.
You've obviously never suffered through a merger before. - Its a lose-lose situation for most MTs. (nm)
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wbemedx and sour grapes - yawemas
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Try working for someone before you make conclusions, IMHO. My pay has not gone down. Then too, I work my agreed-upon schedule and don't take off whenever the whim hits me and not bother to call in or send an email. Vinegar and honey. If someone does what they sign on for, no problems. Flame away!

Its funny, if you are happy and do your job, you get flamed and called names. Where did persoanl responsibility go? IN MY OPINION.
I have yet to hear of any MTs of bought-out MTSOs - having it better, or even as good, as before.
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And it sure wasn't that way when my MTSO got bought out, either. It doesn't happen right away. But, over the ensuing months, and years, things DO get worse. They want more and more work done. Yet less and less is available. You get a pay cut. Your insurance (if you have any at all) gets worse and worse, and costs more and more. You start to notice little things happening to your pay, and your accounts, that let you know that they would just as soon you quit, because they didn't want the MTs from the bought-out company, anyway. All they wanted was the accounts.
That describes Wmx to a tee already - so its more of the same 4 us
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We've been on a steady decline for the last 2-3 years, and you've described it exactly. At least they've taught us how to take abuse and we're seasoned at it now.
Hate to point out the obvious (well, not really), - MT
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but you're participating in this thread. So you're "involved in the gossip," as you call it. Just thought I'd mention it in case you somehow didn't realize you're posting.
LOL! Right on. - The pot calling the kettle...
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Posting - toxictypist
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Are YOU also posting? I see more than one by you.....??? Production is down because there is NO WORK. Where have you been?
Maybe you are just management...and these decisions do not matter to you? - More like it.
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NOBODY in the MT end of this can be unaffected. Period. Must mean that you wear a suit to work every day. Probably even had a hand in the backstabbing. Webmedx might as well get out of the transcription business as they've shot themselves in the foot with any MT worth their salt.
I think you missed something. They DID get out of the MT business; they sold out. sm - Tired and Old
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I am sure that the CEO is not too concerned as he and the other were the owners and will make a boatload of money. MTSOs sell for 80 to 125% of their revenues depending on their size, with the larger ones getting the most money. You can bet that they walked away with between $35 and $50 million. Not chump change by any means.
clueless - nm
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Not true. The company has been owned by an equirty holding company, not managemen.


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No, I didn't stick around for the end. Was having a hard time controlling the urge to vomit listening to our CEO prancing about, spouting about how excited he is. Bet he'll be excited in the unemployment line, too. Yep, I am so grateful. Betcha you will be too when our pay is cut yet again.

Heck, he's probably retiring and couldn't care less. nm - MT

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Heck... - Agree
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Your original comment, in its entirety, before moderator editing, was totally hilarious and who knows...you could be right!
heck - anon
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I missed the original! shoot! but my imagination is pretty active right now and I could say a lot bit will bite my tongue!
Huh? It's as I wrote it. nm - MT
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They don't care enough about their workers to - sm

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bother not selling to an Indian company who offshores a ton of work, so who cares if they mention the sale on a message board...

Good1 - Nick

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Spoken like a true suit. Did you forget that we have that little thing called the freedom of speech in this country?

This kind of comment is so unhelpful. Can you please share details - with why Nuance will be a bad employer? nm

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Nuance not bad - good1

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Nuance will not be bad, just gossip people on here as usual.

You sure are wasting a lot of time gossiping here, and the only one - who thinks theyre great

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Oh goodness, offshoring comes to mind. - Not gossip, stated by management

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The prospect of a POSSIBLE (nothing specific would be verified) loss/change of job/responsibilities/hours, loss of pay, loss of benefits, loss of 401k. I started with Webmedx many years ago, it was a great company - we knew each other, knew our managers, knew our accounts, did a good job and were paid and treated decently. The last year or so, it is turning into just another MTSO nightmare. Hopefully none of these possibles will happen to any of us. Hope for the best!

Indian-owned. Search the boards... - nm

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Not Indian owned, but they have offshore MTs. - nm

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Nuance has branches in India..google it - ee
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There are Nuance branches in India, so I guess it is like what has happened to Medquist..they are now owned more than 50% by CBay in India.
Nuance joined with Focus. They're like CBay in that - sm
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they have operations in India and the "store front" in the US.

So is Nuance now bigger than Medquist? Seems like they are taking over the MT world - nm

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I believe they said - #2 now

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No pun intended

It really sucks that offshoring co's are monopolizing our - industry!!!

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If things continue in the U.S. as they are now, - eventually everything, Nuance & MQ included,
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owned by CHINA.
USA - Sam
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write to your congressmen and congresswomen. Get off your butts and make some noise to keep jobs here in the USA. I'm tired of reading these comments of doom and gloom without efforts to make a difference.
You must be new here. Lots of MTs on this board - have already done just that. nm
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Guess if you can whose next. I bet I know. - Not saying.

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Seems kind of obvious, after all the talk last week. Sort of off topic, but those of us at that other company should be able to see the writing on the wall, as the WMXers should have, with the huge cuts and all. Sorry for you, I know we're next.

Would this company being with a 'T'? - nm

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My post refers to company beginning with T, yes - the one that says Not by Nuance

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Yes, the company I work begins with a T and, yes, I do think something is going on behind the scenes...but not with Nuance. JMHO, no proof or anything, just a hunch that I hope is terribly off target.

Hate when I do that. S/B - who's next. Ugh - Bad speller

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If youre referring to whom I think youre referring I agree but - not by Nuance, I think by Transcend

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The sudden and consistent lack of work is a red flag to me and while I won't name the company here it has been discussed extensively here within the past week. However, I don't believe it's Nuance that's going to buy them...my hunch is Transcend is going to snatch them up.

And I've never hoped I'm wrong so much in my life.

Escription - Yowza

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Doesn't Transcend use the Escription platform? I read that Nuance owns Escription. I'm really confused...lol

Where's the documentation??? - NCMT

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I don't see a thing about this online.

documentation - tank

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I don't believe the announcement to the press has been released yet. If that's true Yowza is in big trouble.

Big trouble - Yowza

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Well, surely they wouldn't be stupid enough to try to sue me since I work for them, and they are well aware of how much money I DO NOT have. The announcement was made via a recording (so we can't copy and paste anything in written format) for those of us lucky enough to be employed by Web/Nuance, whoever we work for now.
How can they expect us not to talk about it? - ashamed of themselves or what?
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Its in print in the FAQ section on the Community Board for all their current employees to read. If outsiders don't believe it until they see it in the newspaper, why should WE give a hoot? WE were told, WE have a right to be upset and talk about it amongst ourselves. And our company is very, very good at keeping us in the dark, so obviously if they didn't want it known, they would not have just announced it company-wide in this manner.
I agree. If companies don't want to be talked about - in a negative way, they shouldnt do - sm
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negative things to their employees.
LOL! - work for a penny
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Too funny! I think I'll go back to waitressing.

Such an I toldya so moment - took longer than expected

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I knew when they were getting all itchy scratchy in the winter something was up! This is a pretty BIG acquisition.

Nuance - me

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Pay cut, hoops to jump through to get the incentive that is impossible to get, and if you do get it ITS NOTHING, Im not even making minimum wage now at Nuance since they took over OSI. Plus ridicilous audits you have to check, and then have reversed because QA is wrong, etc.......

I work for a different company, but come to think - of it, they, too, have been - s/m

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"all itchy scratchy" all winter, as well. Makes me nervous.

Does it begin with a T, if so Ive had same feeling - since around fall or winter too

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No message, just curious as to whether there are more of us at "T" that feel something is going on behind the scenes.
no, it begins with an A. - n/msg
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