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i got in trouble for not changing 1st, 2nd etc - in ASR

Posted: Oct 23, 2009

I always thought it was optional to spell out 1st, 2nd, or 3rd per AAMT BOS so now I will go look for it.  I am so frustrated though because not only do I get paid less on ASR but it takes longer to do it!  My accounts have to be put into standards and the dictators sure as heck do NOT dictate it that way!  On the physical exam in one of my accounts we have to do headings caps on the left margin, which isn't so bad, but I said they sure as heck don't dictate that way and it takes SOOOO long!  I guess this is a mini-vent. Sorry guys!

You are preaching to the choir. - NM

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ASR and numbers - Time wasting

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Yeah, that and every type ASR types out a number, we have to go and change it to the actual number and not the spelling of the. Talk about a time waster!!!!

on page 282 BOS2 says - WhosTheBOS

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that ordinals can be done either way, but recommends using the numbers.

I would fight that one because unless it is in MQ style guide (which it is not), then use can use either!!!!

Tell your QA that you are not wrong, the BOS can't make up its mind what it wants!

style - sistah

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I've brought similar issues up with my super and others. QA doesn't always go by MQ style guide, but their own personal preference. (yes indeed) My super says she's gonna speak to the QA, but nothing has changed.

I'm old school - Viking Fan

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Way back when I started doing MT, there was no such animal as the BOS, which I do feel helps at times but I also feel it is a hinderance at times.

20 years ago, we were actually given enough credit that yes, we truly were intelligent enough human beings and not just drones, and that our judgment was good enough to know when to spell out things, how to correct grammar, etc.

I've been told to type words like 4th and 5th as fourth and fifth. This is correct, am I right? I did the same thing - 4th, 5th, and got corrected. I mean, honestly - it does not change patient care, so why should it matter? That is what I was always told mattered most - patient care is the primary concern.

Heck, around 20 years ago, there was a medication named Losec. Anyone "old-timers" out there remember it? They developed a problem with that med with the doctors, nurses and patients. When doctors were writing it on the charts (sloppily, of course), the nurses were getting it mixed up with Lasix (if I recall, the doses are very similar), so patients who needed diuresis were getting some really nice stomach treatment and patients who had bad stomachs were peeing like crazy, so the drug company changed the name to Prilosec, as it is known today, though the pronunciation has gone from (Lowseck to Preelowseck to Prillosek). That is a perfect example of taking care of an issue that can truly endanger patient care. Typing something like "4th digit" instead of "fourth digit", IMO, is just nitpicky.

Heck, how many times have you heard a doctor say "Zantac 0.5 mg and Xanax 150 mg?"

We also used to have the liberty of changing things like this: Just recently, I had a victim of an assault and her left eye was injured. On PE, the doctor stated she had no subungual hematomas. 20 years ago, we were allowed to correct this to what it should have been - no subconjunctival hematomas. That is the correct way to state it unless she suddenly grew fingernails out of her eyeballs. I did correct it but left a marker and note and still got a critical error over it. Argh.

On a funnier note, years ago, I worked in a teaching hospital with lots of ESLs. One first year resident dictated that a pateint had cancer of the osso vagus. The what? Osso means bone. Vagus refers to (I believe) the 10th cranial nerve. Cancer of the bone and 10th cranial nerve? Huh? There were a few other MTs working the same shift, and we all listened to the dictation, and for the life of us, we could not figure out what this man was saying.

Turns out he was working, so we called the floor. When I spoke to him he said "The patient has cancer of the osso vagus - you know - the osso vagus -the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach." I thanked him and hung up as quickly as I could because I started rolling around on the floor laughing. When the rest of the staff found out what it was, we were all in hysterics. I miss those days.

Thank you for that walk down memory lane! - Another old school ancient

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Those were the good old days, too bad we could not possibly realize it then. Blanks were never an issue back then when you could just call the floor and get an answer, when we were RESPECTED members of the health care field and treated as professionals. Oh well, another life ago. We should be respected for our adaptability if nothing else, LOL.

I remember the "good old days", too--- - Old and Tired MT

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I used to love being an MT-- we were actually allowed to do our job without somebody nit-picking everything to death because they thought we put a comma in the wrong place. We actually made a great hourly salary and were respected employees with good benefits, great PTO, etc. How times have changed-- and certainly not for the better! I don't even want to do MT any more. It has turned into a sweatshop where we are paid just like the Indians. The only thing is that the cost of living in India is a lot less, so what they make goes a lot farther than what they pay us, so who comes out the losers here? The other thing I really loved about doing MT back then is that it was before the BOS came out, which was made up by a bunch of old biddies who thought they knew everything there is to know about doing transcription and I always wondered who died and left them in charge. Now the companies all think the BOS compares to the Bible. Well, I think the BOS is a crock. It was only made up so the AAMT or whatever they call themselves now could make a ton of money. As soon as you pay for one version, they come out with a "new and improved one", so you have to shell out for that one, too. What is supposedly "correct" in one version is now "incorrect in the "new and improved version", so the MTs get marked off for that. It's nothing more than a money-making scheme and these companies fall for it hook, line and sinker.
another oldie - L&L
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I started in a urology department in 1972 with 32 residents and 7 staff Drs. The jokes they played were incredible. We used to make rounds to pick the old blue rings that went in the Panasonic machines. One time they left me a kidney specimen in a bag. They were always putting goldfish in Foley drainage bags. One of my very first op reports was a removal of foreign object from the bladder (one of those ink tubes from the old BIC pens); I just couldn't figure it out what it was and how it got there so I asked one of the residents. Throughout the next day I had at least 20 of the residents stop by my desk to offer to explain it to me.

These 20-something corporate idiots at MQ can go you-know-what themselves. I will still fix things I know are wrong. If they don't like it, they can fire me and and hire some 2-digit-IQ to take my place.

As far as BOS, I also did papers and books. The AMA has its own book of style. All refereed journals have their own style guidelines. If you do PhD these, Turabian is your Bible. BOS is completely simple minded compared to these.

Oh well, back to the NaCl mine.

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