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At the bottom of an e-mail from CCM, you should find these numbers.
They are night shift and weekend people that assign work when your accounts are out.
Are you saying work is routed to us by people? sm - Tina Tuna
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At Edix/Spheris, we were told the work we get is what just happens to be next on the system for TAT.
Can I tell RTL I would like easier work sent?
The RTL routes work when your region is out - is what I am told
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They can not determine what is easy or hard.
If there is an account with a whole bunch of work in a different region and your region is out of work, they can add that account to your work pool temporairly and then switch you back when the work gets caught up.
That is all I know.
um okay sure - NJA Queen
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From what I see the RTLs just send out emails warning of high backlog or late backlog and begging for OT help on the weekends. When the work runs out we are abandoned. When the work in my BOB is out, we get NJA. At least weekly. We are told to take PTO or make up hours later. I have never seen work roll in from a different region or any attempt to find us work. Maybe I just need a new RTL.
I don't know who does it, but in my region - Helper pools
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we get outside accounts whenever ours are out of work, but it does not happen very often that we run out of work.
Not hardly. Nothing "random" about it. - no name
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You can be given certain accounts, certain reports from certain accounts, certain doctors . . . . .
Yep, Monday morning. NJA. How 'bout that - incentive now?
Same old yada, yada, yada. It seems like they set my minimum at too many lines for me to ever achieve it so I don't even try.
BUT did you read the towards the bottom of the email where it says that the payout is Nov 25 EXCEPT for former spheris employees who will get their incentive $$ ON OR BEFORE NOV 5!!???
This is not fair. But then, when is this company ever fair. ...
Here we go again, incentives offered for weekend and having to meet minimum lines to earn the incentive, but work is popping up so slow it isn't even funny. My time card looks like I just clock in and out for the fun of it. Come on! Where is the work to even make the incentive pay? ...
Our region had an incentive where if you worked a minimum of 3 hours overtime you would get an extra $10 an hour on top of OT pay. Well, I put in an extra 3 hours Friday morning. Predictably there was NJA on Saturday during my shift, only for about an hour or so and since it was Saturday and my shift ends at midnight, I had to take PTO. Per my manager, that PTO canceled out an hour of my 3 hours of OT, meaning I didn't get the inventive. What a scam. Let& ...
My lph doing ASR is the same as my lph for straight typing!! - I'm not a fast typist anymore - hands a bit stiff at my old age. I've tried everything, including only using the keyboard and no mouse. Just too much stopping and starting - at least 3 times a line. And if it's a correction, extra time needed to highlight and type over. It felt so good to get a couple typing jobs as I had some continuity going - none of this herky jerky of stop-start-stop....... I've got my res ...
Just wondering if there are ANY MTSOs out there that don't overstaff their accounts. Read the boards here; it's fairly obvious that ALL if not MOST of them have overstaffed their accounts.
And to the Keystrokes Damage Control team, don't even bother with your spin. Keystrokes accounts are grossly overstaffed! And even IF some of them weren't, as a few on here repeatedly proclaim, then that is an INDICTMENT of the "PRODUCTION COORDINATORS ...
I gave notice to my employer last week that I had to quit. I sent her a very nice email thanking her for the opportunity, but it just wasn't going to work out for me. I was very pleasant and upbeat, but I have yet to receive an acknowledgement. I was even able to log in with my password still. It's been 5 days now. You'd think she would have read her email by now, right? ...
Last year I left the moderate-sized MTSO I worked for to work for a smaller company. My former employer had overstaffed the accounts to the point that I was borderline homeless, so I had no choice but to leave.
At first, things were better at the new company. The CPL is slightly better (9 versus 8 at the other gig), and I was making about $1200 every 2 weeks. That isn't great but at least I can live on it, and I work less than 30 hours per week.
About a ...
Just reminscing, lol. Five years ago I used to get a 1 cpl CMT differential and that was not uncommon or hard to find. Through a buyout by Transcend that differential was taken away and now with another buyout Nuance not only has no differential also, but wants to pay those of us with a CMT the same rate as a new hire with no credential. I love the ads that say "CMT or RMT preferred" but the hidden ending to that sentence is "but we don't want to pay you for it." W ...
What do you think of this? Is this a normal inclusion on a contract? Personally, I think this is a load of B.S. (P.S., they only pay 5.75 cents/per line to begin with, for straight transcription.)
Any errors requiring extra processing (blanks/questions) or reprocessing (resends) created by the Subcontractor will incur a charge that will be billed to the Subcontractor by the Contractor.
Charges will be made on a per-line basis of the entire (re)processed document with said line being 65 charact ...
I have been with my company for many years and have liked the account I am on until the past 3 months. Three months ago, they hired on 3 new MTs and now suddenly all the easy doctors disappear from the queue first, even if there are other reports out of TAT. Warnings have been given by account manager, but only 2 days later, the cherrypickers are back at it. I am now getting stuck with a majority of the harder docs that no one wants to do and have watched my pay ...
long does this usually last? I am in the process to applying for other jobs to places in my area, non-MT and even got a couple resumes out for some Part Time IC positions.
Wondering if I should apply for partial unemployment? Is this a yearly thing this time of the year? No work for the past two days and looking at the statistics, there is only just over 12,000 jobs out there company wide and for each job out there, there is probbly 5 MTs waiting and hoping to snag it. ...
Just getting a chance to finally get hired!!! A requirement is to electronically sign documents swearing to confidentiality and another stating that "Additionally, as part of our contract with the Florida Department of Children and Families, we must ensure that each of our Independent Contractors meets the department's internal security and HIPAA confidentiality requirements. Are these normal to be signed by companies? ...
Just wondering what the rule of thumb is as far as what the company gets paid per line versus what they pay the MT per line. Is "half" the norm or considered "fair?" ...
NJA on a weekend with a bonus going on!!!! What an exercise in frustration. And to make matters even worse, I received a recruiting e-mail from the boss....looking for new transcriptionists. I have been NJA 3 days this week and then a bonus going on on the weekend and cannot even get my scheduled weekend time in!! ...
How do you guys feel about the weekend incentives that MQ sometimes offers? You know, the 3 cents per line more for exceeding a line count that they calculate from the past for you. Do you actually make more money or is it eaten away by taxes, and is it worth busting your butt for? ...
to even make minimum wage. I am an employee with a set schedule. Does anybody know where I can find info regarding minimum wage payments when production work is not available. ...
I have 15 years experience, but can't seem to find any steady work that includes weekends (like Fri - Mon, Thurs - Sun). If anyone knows of anything or has a suggestion, feel free to e-mail me. ...
and yet my CCM sent out a message requesting assistance on one of my accounts for this coming weekend. What the blazes! I have had NJA on all but one of those days she is requesting help for the last couple months. What is she thinking? It is quite obvious that the account is over staffed on a couple of those days and we will not need the help this week. Its frustrating as I am barely making enough to live on as it is due to constant NJA and now she is asking for he ...
I just listened to the monthly meeting and she said ALL employees are now required to work at least 1 weekend day?
Has anyone who is M-F been forced to change their schedule yet? ...