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Anybody with the incentive this weekend get screwed over? - No jobs available

Posted: Oct 07, 2013

Our region had an incentive where if you worked a minimum of 3 hours overtime you would get an extra $10 an hour on top of OT pay.  Well, I put in an extra 3 hours  Friday morning.  Predictably there was NJA on Saturday during my shift, only for about an hour or so and since it was Saturday and my shift ends at midnight, I had to take PTO.  Per my manager, that PTO canceled out an hour of my 3 hours of OT, meaning I didn't get the inventive.  What a scam.  Let's see if I put in overtime for them again.

unbelievable... I am asked to put in extra all the time and - never offered a bonus!

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I don't think I will help anymore unless ther is some incentive!!!

This was an "emergency situation." - Never happens otherwise

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Clients were complaining like crazy and Shaw had to actually make the offer to get the insane backlog down. Otherwise, I don't think anyone would care enough. Usually it's begging the PT MTs to put in hours so they don't have to pay OT.

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