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Incentive for weekend - Shorty

Posted: Jul 12, 2012

Here we go again, incentives offered for weekend and having to meet minimum lines to earn the incentive, but work is popping up so slow it isn't even funny.  My time card looks like I just clock in and out for the fun of it.  Come on!  Where is the work to even make the incentive pay?

Fuzzy math to avoid paying any sort of real bonus - work only on a few accounts

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Our accounts are on DocQscribe 7 and since that has crashed in the last few days we are back to DocQscribe 6 and there is an incentive in place for us too. Yahoo. By the time I kill myself to reach the threshold where I actually get a few more cents per line either the work will be gone or I will be dead. It is just another way for them to get the work done without having to pay out any sort of money. Fool me once...

Any incentive should be - Ninner

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calculated as ANY lines achieved over the MTs minimum, i.e. minimum 12,000 for the week, incentive given for ANY lines over that for the entire incentive period. They may as well save themselves the time and effort of sending out incentive emails because we all know by now this is NOT an incentive in any way, shape or kind!!! Then, of course, there's always the NJA...an incentive in a region where jobs are scarce really baffles me...who gets paid to figure this out?!? :)

Their method of calculating this incentive is - hopeless

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like the ever-moving carrot. The better you do during your "regular" weeks, the more unobtainable incentive is (without OT).

They should bring back the incentive program they took away from us.

Also, I have come to the end of my rope regarding what we don't get paid for - the time spent filling in and/or checking ADT. They say they their software can't count the headers/footers, well they could fix that. After all, Sylcount can do it, so a big company like this with their IT department should be capable of doing this - although we all see how capable they are (not) when it comes to day-to-day tasks, especially when it comes to ASR.

Also, I am really tired of the scheduling of downtime during my shift and being expected to change my hours to suit them every couple weeks.
Best to just work OT and not worry about their carrot - extended the incentive now
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Our incentive was supposed for 3 days, now we get an email they extended for a few more days. Why would that be? Because no one cares to work extra no matter how much they offer per line? Because we are all sick of carrots? Just give us the stick and lay us off already. Of course, the final goal number is triple the original number from the first email. Some incentive. I just figure I have unlimited OT from now until the end of the incentive so if I hit my number (which I won't) fine and if not the OT will come in handy on the next check right before time to go school shopping. I can play their game too.
Unfortunately, incentive doesn't automatically mean OT. - dnr
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Plus, we don't even have enough work for our regular scheulde right now.
Just got a 5th email from regarding this incentive. No FTR for them? Geez. - sm
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2 regarding rate - although 1 was raising it which is good.
2 trying to get my baseline number correct.
Improved communication? - quantity not quality
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I got the same ones by the way so I know exactly what you mean. Perhaps this is what Vern meant by improved communication, we would get 5 emails instead of 1 for the same thing. In his world maybe, but in mine the company still gets a Strongly Disagree on my survey for communication no matter how many times they revise and send the same email.

Thank goodness though they lowered the final line count. Somebody actually realized that the math was wrong and calculated by the wrong number of days. Still does not mean that MTs are going to reach their target, but at least it is a start.

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