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Kaspersky - problem with keyboard functions and audio being slow and stuttering - old and burned out

Posted: Jan 23, 2010

I would still like to hear from anyone having a problem with keyboard functions and audio being slow and stuttering.  I have spent a great deal of time with support in the last couple of weeks and each person I speak to has a different suggestion.  A few weeks ago they installed Kaspersky because that is all that is available to us now and for the first few days, things were okay, now slow and stuttering again.  Now they are telling me my ISP service is too slow even though it is now several times faster than it was a few years ago when they told me it was plenty fast enough.  Do the MTs with DSL service have more problems than those with cable?  Anyone?

Kaspersky! - ORMT

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I was having plenty of problems after installing this program and I have Verizon FiOS. Support told me MQ is aware of the problem and working with Kaspersky on it. Support told me to turn Kaspersky off while I am working (got that in writing). Support told me Kaspersky is an antivirus program only and does not detect spyware, etc., and they spend a lot of time fixing computers with spyware and such since Kaspersky. Why would MQ dump one program that does it all and go to a program that does not...nevermind.


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I have DSL and love it. I have had it for close to a year now and have not had ANY problems with it. My computer runs fast, and I have no audio problems.

I just turn it off while I'm working...it's the only way I can work... - Kiki

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I too called support and they had me set it to only update at a certain time when I wasn't working. Well did that but it didn't fix the problem, and I have the highest speed available cable internet....If anything it's their OLD slow computers w/o enough memory.

I gave up and just turn it off as soon as it starts stuttering/slowing down, which is usually within 30 minutes of starting to work.

I don't work for MQ, but I have had - problems as well s/m

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When I first downloaded it about 18 months ago (good for a year) it worked well. When I had to renew a few months ago, I started having problems with it slowing me down. When I would type, it would hesitate and I would have to wait for it to catch up. It also seemed to be running constantly. When I went into the program, for the life of me, I could not find settings to get it to scan and do things when I wasn't working. It seemed to be scanning 24/7. I am using a different computer at the moment because that one stopped working on Christmas Eve (router problems as well) but I am convinced this had something to do with my problems.

Norton - sm

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Since MQ stopped using McAfee, I now use Norton. It is worth the money, as I have 2 other computers on my home network and for 1 subscription price I can install Norton on all of them. No conflicts whatsoever with DocQscribe

I have DSL at 7.5 meg. Recently upgraded to this intermediate speed from 5 meg and I notice it is faster. ADT is still slow to populate, but that is an issue on the MQ side.

Avast is great - jaybee

[ In Reply To ..]
I have used Avast for at least 5-6 years, and it is free for home use. I have never had a problem with viruses. I use my own computer for work, so I can't comment on the MQ supplied computers.

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