A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Fox Transcribe and not paying after termination - anony

Posted: Jul 16, 2012

GRRRRR!!!! Just venting about this company and their lack of communication and not paying in a timely manner.  Last week, I did approximately 4-5 jobs for them.  One was EXTREMELY difficult and probably the job that got me termated.   Pay was supposed to be in today via Paypal.  Called the office and spoke to "M," whom of course, gave me the same "song and dance" that he pretty much just handled clients.  Sent an email to tech support, trying to get answers to no avail and just within the last 15 minutes, sent an email to "D" asking about the pay for the work I did last week and of course, have heard nothing back. 

Believe me, if their clients weren't paying them, they would be on the phone screaming bloody murder and this is money that I NEED.  At least be courteous enough to say to me that "yes we terminated you, and you won't get paid or whatever," but to be totally ignored is ridiculous.

Sorry for the typos and letting me vent.  At least,  I am on to better opportunities now.


Update with Payment Fox Transcribe - anony

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I finally got an email from tech support and found out that payment would be late due to issues with their system. At least now I know I will be getting paid. :)

Pay is on Monday, but not first thing - New @ KS

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I've never had a problem getting paid by Fox, but I did find that, while it was there the day they said it would be, it was later in the afternoon around 2 or 3 pm, not first thing when I opened my eyes in the morning. (I was initially pissed when I looked that first Mnoday and didn't see the money, but decided I'd give them the benefit of the doubt, end of the day before "screaming bloody murder").

Fox transcribe - wannabe

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How long did it take to get hired?
wannabe-reply to your post - anony
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I took their test and was instantly hired. What type of transcription are you looking for? This is not medical transcription, but general, and I have been transcribing for over 30 years and there are BIG differences between the two types. With general transcription, there are be MULTIPLE speakers, sitting around a table in a conference room with the casette recorder on the middle of the table. You have to identify every speaker and try to discern whom is whom. It's almost like typing a script, but you are actually dealing with live transcription as well as typing transcripts for You Tube, etc. Fox pays by the report, but if you are halfway in and decided for some reason not to do the job, you will not get paid for it.

Pay -- reply to your message - Anony

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I understand that it is not "in first thing in the morning." However, when it was not in by 5:00 p.m. EST (2:00 p.m. their time), I began to wonder. Then to send an email to tech support, no response, calling M and he is more concerned with clients, and finally getting a response at about 7 EST you do tend to wonder. Again, I was terminated last week, and wondered if they were even going to pay me for the work which was done. I just feel that if they are having "issues," they could send out a blanket email to that effect.
ah - New @ KS
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Ah, OK. Well, glad you're getting paid.

According to their forum - FTS

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they are on the west coast, so it's by the end of the day their time. They did have some kind of tech problem this week but mine was still there by around 9 p.m. EST.

Why did they terminate you? - Foxwannabe

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